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Wheeler dealers.

Mr A Lawrence

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That is a shame, it's a great show which I can watch endless repeats of, especially Edd's workshop stuff.  Brewer is a bit glib but the pairing seems to work, and sometimes there's some nice subtle banter between them that looks completely unstaged.  With thirteen series already made though there should be plenty of stuff to keep watching.

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it lost its appeal to me a little bit as the budgets got bigger and standards got higher.  Ed seemed to do less himself and everything got farmed out to bodyshops, upholsterers, reconditioners, replace rather than repair etc.


In the early days when it was a £1000 budget everything was mackled up in Ed's workshop, I remember an episode with an old Capri, Ed had fitted some new front wings and rattle canned them and they looked absolute shit, he said he's really disappointed with the finish so he spent ages t-cutting and polishing them by hand.  


At this point i'm thinking "i've been here, and I know for a fact that no amount of polishing by hand makes a difference, so if these end up looking great then i'm calling 'magic of television' bullshit" sure enough, they still looked crap and Ed admitted it was a bit of a fail but there wasn't a lot he could do about it now - Thats when I thought actually, this program is pretty genuine.

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I still wish I could undo bolts as easy as him though.

ah thats what makes the ORANGE GLOVES so special

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But that ant guy who's replacing him is alright though, "im fromt that love of cars program lad"


Is he the fella that used to run a BMW tuning/servicing outfit somewhere near Maidstone many moons ago?

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Yeah the new guy looks good he was good with Phillip glenister he new what he was talking about

Quite the opposite of Glenister himself then.

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FTLOC I found utterly shite tbh, Glenister knows the square root of sweet FA about cars, and it clearly showed. I have a feeling Ant will get pigged off very quickly, as he will get sod all screen time between the Mockney and cheesy product placement for some crappy part co or tool company. Budgets cut due to too many production staff, that's the problem, but moronic TV executives cannot grasp this

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Is he the fella that used to run a BMW tuning/servicing outfit somewhere near Maidstone many moons ago?

I believe he also has a tie in with a company renowned for its huge blingy Range Rover makeovers

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I think we need a show where we just watch James May, Edd China, Aaron Kaufman and Fuzz Townsend fix stuff. Where the biggest drama is Fuzz and James disagreeing on whether a half inch or three quarter inch socket set is the best all rounder, or Aaron and Edd discuss whether Aaron's beard is shitter than Edds hair or vice Versa.


No Brewer, no Shaw, no Rawlings. They can have their own show. Brewer buys something, Rawlings complains about the cost and Shaw has no idea what he's doing. Maybe they could have a comedy cockney wander on and start shouting "Bladdy 'Ell" from time to time....

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And the former will be on a channel funded by a licence fee (hence no breaks for shitty advertisements or daft sponsorship arrangements) and will count towards said channel's responsibilities in the areas of public information/education AND entertainment. It will also be excellent, raising the status of the presenters to that of God and it will run for the rest of my life.


The latter will be consigned to a commercial channel, so that it can regularly be interrupted with the lowest examples of infomercials that are longer than the actual program segments, resulting in rapid reductions in ratings and a massive drop in wages for Brewer and his bigmouth sales mates. Before it gets to Season 2, it's canned and Brewer finds himself in the unenviable position of having to fuck off and find a proper job.


Sorry, I think I might be ranting again

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I was surprised when I walked passed Brewer's car lot in Sheffield to see a huge hoarding with his mug on it, I couldn't get away fast enough but there were people actually looking at his wares.

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Those shows are all the same. Personable mechanic with enthusiasm and knowledge in the workshop. Utter Gobshite front man making a tit of himself and a mockery of the programme.


The exception being Bernie and Leepu.


I can take or leave Ant.

The new pairing will forever be known as Ant and Dick head.


Hope to see Ed pop up somewhere soon.

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I liked Edd's bits ... ooer.


Hopefully he'll do something else.


I quite liked that Spanish garage for ex-pats show. Can't remember the name, but it did seem to be a real thing even if Jock was a bit of a rocket.

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I think we need a show where we just watch James May, Edd China, Aaron Kaufman and Fuzz Townsend fix stuff. Where the biggest drama is Fuzz and James disagreeing on whether a half inch or three quarter inch socket set is the best all rounder, or Aaron and Edd discuss whether Aaron's beard is shitter than Edds hair or vice Versa.


No Brewer, no Shaw, no Rawlings. They can have their own show. Brewer buys something, Rawlings complains about the cost and Shaw has no idea what he's doing. Maybe they could have a comedy cockney wander on and start shouting "Bladdy 'Ell" from time to time....


Now that's what I call a good idea for a show! Brilliant. Don't think you'd drag Aaron out of Texas but may I suggest Guy Martin instead?



Overall with Edd's departure, WD will decline and fall IMO, Edd really is the show, he's a talented bloke and having met him twice (apologies for the name-dropping), I have to say he's one of the nicest and most genuine people I've met in the TV world. Also, I'm told by someone who has worked with him a good few times that Brewer is a pretty genuine and decent guy too who's intelligent and switched on enough to know he often comes across as a bit of a tit on TV but he doesn't mind this.


I like Ant Anstead too, the only problem I have with his TV shows is that twat Glennister who utterly ruins it for me, a bit like Tim Shaw does for Fuzz in Car SOS & Rawlings in F&L.

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I know we all take the piss out of Wheeler Dealers, but Eds obviously a very skilled mechanic, he does right to sack them off rather than cutting corners and devaluing his name.


Can't be doing with that other program Car SOS, I like the really technical stuff, can't be arsed with all this '11th hour fucking emotional reunion with a 1956 Morris Minor shit'.


Glenister, he was superb in Ashes to Ashes though.

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As soon as Mike was on the tools it was all over. They can't seem to make a TV program without about staged conflict, fake deadlines and of course the almighty dollar.


I actually learnt some stuff from the original ones. I particularly liked the one when Edd made an arse of rattle canning a capri wing. That's just what happens.

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English Mobile Mechanics   ....    http://www.englishmobilemechanics.com      "The Garage"     en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Garage_(TV_series)


I Thought Jock was an Arsehole & they all seemed to not have a clue what they were actually doing when diagnosing or fixing things,


for example, in one episode of this show, they had a BMW 3 series (e46 if i remember correctly) come in, that the engine had caught fire & their diagnosis was........."A lit cigarette got sucked up into the airbox & set it alight".......LMFAO!!!! Twats.


Don't start me on that Bernie & Leepu shite eithier...

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