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My 1973 Cadillac, Huggy Bear

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To be honest if it were my car I'd track down the wiring to the inhibitor switch and just bypass the damned thing given how much hassle it's caused you.


Glad to hear the driver's door is finally opening - sounds like your lock mechanism had gone the same way as my Subaru's bonnet catch. Just seized fast, gummed up, nothing doing.

It's not really all that hard to tell which is one is the 'before' pic, and which is 'after'...



Excellent to hear there are more Yank-fans in your area - it really does make such a difference to know people who are on your wavelength.

  • Like 4

It really does!  And I have to say, the locals have been very welcoming.  I'm particularly impressed with Jason and Ray, two people I've only met today.

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eddie take to foundry st,thiers a electrion he is wizard with dark arts off auto electrics and he not a rip off merchant.


That's the one I've been waiting for all this time!  It's looking like I might be able to sort it out myself now, we will soon find out!


Today Oi arv bin mostly crawling around under the dash, removing (and, you'll be pleased to know, subsequently refitting) the underdash trim panel.  For why, Keats, for why?*   Why, in order to lubricate the switch variously known as the Neutral Safety Switch or the Starter Inhibitor Switch.  With no guidance from my Cadillac service manual, I deduced that it was most likely attached to the steering column, as is the shifter; most likely in close proximity.  The shifter itself has been feeling a bit stiff lately, and after the successes of yesterday, I reckoned that dousing it in WD40 or similar could do no harm and very possibly a lot of good. 


So here's the view with the trim removed.  You can see the column coming in from the right of shot.  Over on the left edge, the reservoir-ish thing appears to control the parking-brake release.  So, I reasoned that the switch must be just by the collar that moves with the shifter, and gave it some liberal lubing.  I also lubed the parking-brake release, because that gets little use anyway.  I was joined by Tom, who has the red Polo breadvan I posted yesterday, and he helped me find the source of the power-steering leak which has been there from day one.  So, with the car suitably lubed-up and, crucially, starting, we went for a little cruise, stopping at Tony's ( @bicycle repairman ) but his curtains were closed (what, at nearly noon?), so we just turned round and went home.  Tomorrow I'll see about the mirror, and give starting another try, after the car's had a 24-hour rest.  The driver's door now works, at least!  And the window goes up and down so much better, it's really got yesterday what it needed.



*(c) The Italian Job, 1969


Nice work Eddy! Fingers crossed you’ve got it sorted.


Cheerful news!

Hopefully that's the remedy- and if not hopefully it's made a marked improvement.

Who knew, all you needed was two right arms, one to turn the key, one to wiggle the shifter...!


Your starter inhibitor switch is this complicated looking turd strapped to the column. It also does your reversing lights.

Go look up "DeOxit D100 Spray", is not cheap but it can be put into switches with old plastics and brass and such and really does help, even on high current contacts. It's a fair bit better than WD-40 at cleaning dirty contacts. It's good for fussy fuses too.



Aha!  So that's where it is!  Thank you Phil!  I might have another roll around under there tomorrow.

1 minute ago, eddyramrod said:

Aha!  So that's where it is!  Thank you Phil!  I might have another roll around under there tomorrow.

From what I can see it's meant to be indexed and held in position by a tang- first thing check it's not loose. I'm betting it'll be tight and the issue is just with poor contacts in the switch itself.

8 hours ago, eddyramrod said:

Today Oi arv bin mostly crawling around under the dash, removing (and, you'll be pleased to know, subsequently refitting) the underdash trim panel.  For why, Keats, for why?*   Why, in order to lubricate the switch variously known as the Neutral Safety Switch or the Starter Inhibitor Switch.  With no guidance from my Cadillac service manual, I deduced that it was most likely attached to the steering column, as is the shifter; most likely in close proximity.  The shifter itself has been feeling a bit stiff lately, and after the successes of yesterday, I reckoned that dousing it in WD40 or similar could do no harm and very possibly a lot of good. 


So here's the view with the trim removed.  You can see the column coming in from the right of shot.  Over on the left edge, the reservoir-ish thing appears to control the parking-brake release.  So, I reasoned that the switch must be just by the collar that moves with the shifter, and gave it some liberal lubing.  I also lubed the parking-brake release, because that gets little use anyway.  I was joined by Tom, who has the red Polo breadvan I posted yesterday, and he helped me find the source of the power-steering leak which has been there from day one.  So, with the car suitably lubed-up and, crucially, starting, we went for a little cruise, stopping at Tony's ( @bicycle repairman ) but his curtains were closed (what, at nearly noon?), so we just turned round and went home.  Tomorrow I'll see about the mirror, and give starting another try, after the car's had a 24-hour rest.  The driver's door now works, at least!  And the window goes up and down so much better, it's really got yesterday what it needed.



*(c) The Italian Job, 1969

out shopping 12 eddie curtains were open ,might be my grandaughter getting ready go out some unknown reason my daughter and grandaughter put thier war paint on with curtains shut lol,looks bit off a mess under thier rewiered my old mk1 escort had loom out 3 times till found out it was self tapping screw in the consul was to long shorting out,put smaller screw in and cable tied loom bit higher ripping my hair out nearly gave in,here pic off my old escort


11 hours ago, eddyramrod said:

For why, Keats, for why?

excellent film choice my good man


I got at the switch this morning and sprayed it.  After that I dug out the mounting block for the interior mirror, which had disappeared under the front seat; cleaned it off and stuck it to the windscreen with a blob of Gorilla Glue (following the destructions of course).  Tomorrow I'll mount the mirror to it and find out just how strong that glue is!  If it works I might even feel like remounting the outside mirror on the RH door, which has been wobbly since I brought the car home five years ago.


Definitely feels like more steps forward than you've recently taken backwards, so that's positive.

Might mean you actually get to enjoy the car a little bit more.

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Oh I certainly hope so!  I just need some consumables now (petrol, ATF) and some nice weather, especially for next Sunday as the breakfast meet in Morecambe is resuming.

This has been a particularly tough winter, what with FTP-ing, inhospitable weather, poverty, incessant Lockdowns and having nowhere to go anyway.  I reached some very deep depths that I don't want to see again.  I really need to get out and about with Huggy now in order to recover my mental balance a bit.  Also to compensate for the constant chant from MrsR of "get rid of it!"


Cars when they’re not working are a real drain on a person. They can have a really negative effect on mental health etc.

Cars when they’re working and you’re using them: a real boost to mental health and well-being. A real positive.

So here’s hoping that it gets working again and you can get out to the breakfast meets etc  so that Huggy can bring you the good vibes once more! 

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Absolutely right Alex.  I have been feeling very drained for some considerable time.  It hasn't helped that I now know (or at least believe) that the problems were things I should have been able to spot, and might have done a decade ago; and have so far been relatively easy fixes, which again I used to be able to do in my sleep.  I'm disappointed in myself, that I don't seem to be able to think clearly enough for even simple tasks, although I suppose that will add weight to the PIP application I've opened.

Life's a bitch.


Can't add anything helpful Eddy but I know the feeling of hopelessness and being utterly drained.

I'm signed off work at the moment, have been for three weeks but feel worse now than I did when I had a meltdown and just walked out.

Bad dreams every night, nothing to feel positive about, just want to stay in bed 24/7

I just hope things will improve, for everyone, Not so long ago I'd have been eager to help with Huggy's  problems but now I've realised I have nothing to offer practically or mechanically but at least I would have tried.

I don't see the point in trying anymore, 

Hope your PIP application goes well,  

Think I'll be filling one out soon.


I went to put the mirror on the windscreen this morning.  It pulled the plinth straight off the windscreen.  So I gave the plinth a good rubbing down and stuck it back up, using rather more Gorilla Glue this time, and used a strip of masking tape to hold it in place.  Try again tomorrow.

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1 minute ago, eddyramrod said:

I went to put the mirror on the windscreen this morning.  It pulled the plinth straight off the windscreen.  So I gave the plinth a good rubbing down and stuck it back up, using rather more Gorilla Glue this time, and used a strip of masking tape to hold it in place.  Try again tomorrow.

Join the ranks of people who have had a mirror fall off the window repeatedly.

The glue originally used was probably banned after 'Nam (and likely developed during it).

Modern consumer stuff is pretty insipid in comparison in case Little Timmy glues his fingers together and ends up in a lawsuit.


Yes,that's exactly what crossed my mind this morning!  Cheap rubbish we're left with nowadays!


Pay a visit to your local windscreen place - they may glue it on for you. I know people who did this and did'nt even get  charged - it may be the highlight of their day to see an old caddy.

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That sounds like a really good idea!  Thanks Bren!

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Well, without wishing to tempt fate... I think we might be up-and-running again. 

I did an early run to Halfords this morning for some ATF to fill up the power steering, then removed the tape from the mirror plinth and refitted the mirror.  Then filled the tank and went down the road to Grange-over-Sands to meet @flat4alfa who was having a little family holiday up this way.


...Using his family's little RV.  We passed a jolly couple of hours, being Shiters and therefore generally Good Eggs.  Nice to meet you at last, Jason!

I then headed for home, and when I last looked the mirror was still where it should be.  I think I'll leave the exterior one (passenger's door) for next week, because I want to be able to drive the car on Sunday.  But after all the fun* and games* of recent months, it was just lovely to be able to drive Huggy again.  I feel so much better.

On 26/05/2021 at 17:50, PhilA said:

This is why bench seats were invented.

park with pas side higher and use gravity!weeeeeeeeeee🤣


Glad to hear you're back on the road 😎

I'll have to be a cheeky fecker and steal a drive or ride, when I come pick that Grille up.

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I've had a look this morning and the mirror is still in the right place.  Wonder how long it will last?

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4 hours ago, eddyramrod said:

I've had a look this morning and the mirror is still in the right place.  Wonder how long it will last?

About 5 minutes longer than it takes you to stop worrying about it and checking it every few minutes. Once you are confident, it will fall off.


Huggy's been out today!  The Sunday meets at Morecambe have restarted, at long last.


On the way I met up with Mike and his 78 Lincoln, as arranged.  I then parked by the hotdog stand and set out my stall...


There were some really nice cars in attendance...





And then this arrived!



I mean, wow, right?  1928 Ford Model A five-window coupe.  The stuff of dreams for every Californian rodder, except we already had four glorious rods on site.  But wait...


As if that wasn't enough, we had a bunch of appropriately-dressed visitors from a local swing/jive dance class, who were strutting their stuff to 40s and 50s music supplied by their instructor.  Sunshine, cars, hotdogs, music... can it get any better?


missed a good day eddie am about recovered from my night off drinking let me know off next one cant waite,love cars good thing about your car,you dont need a table to sell your goods bonnet well big enougth  brill

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