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2001 Vectra SRi 150 Cortinadave's now:)


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I fucking hate Vectras and I've not entered a raffle in well over a year so I fully expect to be collecting this in short order.


Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

I will proppah LAWLZ if this happins

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Having been a passenger in this and knowing g how nice it went, I was quite looking forward to a win.


Ah well. It's not as if my luck has been too bad up to now.


Well done Corvectra Dave

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Itll be the second ex-RobT steed thats ended up in my care despite us living at opposite ends of the country.


I lusted after it last time it was for sale but it was too far away to make sense. This time its near enough free and an hours drive away. Brilliant :)

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Gutted too, I went on the meerkat website yesterday as the Volvo insurance is up and the last saved details for me were for this vectra! I took this as a sign that I was definitely going to win... Never mind, well done Dave

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this is now resident at chez cortinadave and I've been running about in it the last few days.


320touring like every shiter i've met so far is a properly nice bloke. The car is much tidier than I expected and drives really well. It even had petrol in it!


All that was apparently wrong was a fairly noticeable smell of oil, a broken door card and a window that likes to come off its runner.


Incredibly the oil smell has gone away courtesy of a tin of wynns engine stop leak. Possibly temporarily but that's good enough for me.


Its MOT'd until january but I stuck it in for its test today to see whether it was worth hanging on to, or if I should quickly rehome it before the test was out.


Failed, but not on much.. one broken coil spring and an anti roll bar bush. Ive been quoted 80 quid supply and fit.


There was a shedload of fairly trivial advisories though.


So far its costing me £16 in raffle tickets, £35 test fee, £6 for a tin of stop leak and £80 for the repairs.


Tidy winter beater with a years ticket for under 140 quid all in? Chuffed isnt the word.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, events with the MG/bus scenario mean I'm going to punt this rather than hang onto it to get the funds to sort out the MG.


Its pretty much as per previous ad except I've fixed the door card (but not the drivers window which likes to come off its runner) and it now has a years MoT.


I bunged it on gumtree at £450, but to a shiter its £350 which cant be too shabby for a half decent winter beater with a year's ticket should anyone be in the market:)


Its in Fife.

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Everything sounds really good,


...apart from the bit about Fife!

I can haz doo delivery assumings you can had doo insurance fuel and some way of gittin hame

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I can haz doo delivery assumings you can had doo insurance fuel and some way of gittin hame

Fuck off Sir, I'm a millionty fucking miles away and don't want the fucker.

I would of course, (if you'd have driven the unwanted bastard down),

have provided food, copious quantities of drink and a railway ticket home.

But no, fuck off, and stop up there in the Scotlands with the hatefull thing.

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  • 5 months later...

During my habitual early morning "cheap car perusing" session, what appeared into view?


That's right, this old tub.


It left me in Nov 2016, and I'd not seen it since.


If anyone is interested in it, the ad is below(I have no association with the seller)



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