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Timing a TrackCar - Moogs Mootahs

The Moog

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Guest Breadvan72

By the way, are you aware of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002?  This establishes a fairly robust regime to deprive criminals who do have assets of the fruits of criminal lifestyle and activity.  If Jim the Crim has a house or some other stash, he can and often does have it taken off him by the State.

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Suppose Scrote steals a 10K car.  You catch Scrote and want to grab his stuff to pay for the 10K car.  Scrote has a big telly, a phone, a sofa etc.  All worth 10p on the second hand market, and some of it may be on finance anyway.    Take it off Scrote anyway.  He then goes and nicks a telly and a phone and so on. 


PS: Scrote fenced the 10K car for, say, 5K.  He has already spaffed the 5K up on booze, drugs, gambling, Ibiza, etc.

So because the scrote may continue to be a scrote we should let them have the proceeds of crime without redress?



No wonder we are in such a state............

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Guest Breadvan72

So because the scrote may continue to be a scrote we should let them have the proceeds of crime without redress?



No wonder we are in such a state............



No - if Scrote has assets worth seizing, they get seized under POCA.  See above.  A big telly worth a few quid on eBay is not worth the cost and hassle of seizing.  A house is worth seizing, and houses do get seized.


We are not actually in such a state.  The Daily Mail wants people to believe that we are, but in reality society is, for all its many problems, in better nick on many metrics than it was in any so called Golden Age (no such age ever having existed).  

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By the way, are you aware of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002? This establishes a fairly robust regime to deprive criminals who do have assets of the fruits of criminal lifestyle and activity. If Jim the Crim has a house or some other stash, he can and often does have it taken off him by the State.

Very aware, and how many times has it ever been used to recover funds for someone like Moog who has a car stolen worth a few hundred quid? Never would be my estimate. None of this pie in the sky stuff helps ordinary people when they become victims.


If, and it may be a big If, they catch the scumbags then I think it's only reasonable that they pay for what they have done. Hopefully the car will be found intact and returned without damage, but if not then Moog is entitled to recompense imho.


No - if Scrote has assets worth seizing, they get seized under POCA. See above. A big telly worth a few quid on eBay is not worth the cost and hassle of seizing. A house is worth seizing, and houses do get seized.


We are not actually in such a state. The Daily Mail wants people to believe that we are, but in reality society is, for all its many problems, in better nick on many metrics than it was in any so called Golden Age (no such age ever having existed).


I hate the daily fail with a passion but what they say is Irrelevant to anyone with a brain.


Society may be nice for you but I guess you don't live in a house on a sink estate. I work on one and I see the effects these scrote have on the silent majority everyday and it's not pleasant. If you don't think we are in a state then you are sadly misguided or lack the knowledge of the challenges many people face on a daily basis where a tiny minority make the lives of the decent people a misery and are untouched by the criminal justice system. The police must feel like, they are banging their heads against a wall as when they finally get something on these scrotes they get a full on violin treatment is given in court and they get yet another finger wave from the judge and told not to be a naughty boy. You may have a lot of experience of what goes on in court but I see the results of it on a daily basis. If you think it's not broken, come and talk to some of the families I deal with day in day out and see if you think the same after.

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Guest Breadvan72

POCA is not used to get a Scrote who stole a car worth only a few hundred quid, because of the benefit-reward ratio and the disproportionate cost involved.  Every public sector system has to be run on penny-pinching utilitarian lines.  


How are you going to get a low level Scrote who has no substantial assets to pay up?   How much public resource will you dedicate to getting him to pay up?  I suggest that it is your thinking that is pie in the sky.  You don't seem to be addressing the blunt practicalities of scrotery.


Think of it in private dispute terms.  If you owe me a million quid and don't pay up, I will probably sue you, but only if I think you have a million quid available.  if you owe me 500 quid and don't pay up, I will likely say I CBA.

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See original post of mine for how to deal with exactly that situation ;-)


But it's not fair to hijack Moogs thread any further.


Hopefully it will have a happy ending and the Moog will be reunited with the car. If not, then I am sure the amazing place that is AS will help out in anyway they can.


Fingers crossed for you mate.

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But it's not PC to say that we should tackle crime in ways that actually work, as someone proud to be on the left of the political spectrum I find that aspect of all the main parties to be the most disgraceful as it sentences the vast majority of the poor who are decent and honest to a life of even more suffering due to the actions of the scumbag minority.


As someone firmly embedded on the south-western side of the political compass, and on the basis that a terrifyingly large proportion of theft-related crime (75-80% is a figure plucked partially from the air and partially from memory) is linked to drugs, a more radical overarching solution to the problem rather than a symptom of the problem would be to decriminalise drugs either entirely or some of the most theft-linked ones (i.e. heroin).


While I'd love to continue a discussion and would be genuinely interested to see what others have to say, I fear none of this will help Moog get reacquainted with the Beast from the East, nor be of any other help at all.


As someone  else said, that Starlet had Moogisms and character mainly from being thrown about Knock Hill by a number of people with startlingly little mechanical sympathy.


Even if it is unfortunately dead now, one could seek solace in knowing it lived out the last of its life being the perfect definition of a solid bomb-proof Toyota.

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Serious offer. If you need a temp back up car I'm currently not using the 75 I purchased the other week.

Not even started work on it yet so has minor issues, but seems reliable enough if you do need other transport.

Thanks for the offer Dave. If Vel Satis goes pop (it won't... I have sacrificed a cambert to the great Renault god) i may take you up on that.
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Guest Breadvan72

Very aware, and how many times has it ever been used to recover funds for someone like Moog who has a car stolen worth a few hundred quid? Never would be my estimate. None of this pie in the sky stuff helps ordinary people when they become victims.


If, and it may be a big If, they catch the scumbags then I think it's only reasonable that they pay for what they have done. Hopefully the car will be found intact and returned without damage, but if not then Moog is entitled to recompense imho.


I hate the daily fail with a passion but what they say is Irrelevant to anyone with a brain.


Society may be nice for you but I guess you don't live in a house on a sink estate. I work on one and I see the effects these scrote have on the silent majority everyday and it's not pleasant. If you don't think we are in a state then you are sadly misguided or lack the knowledge of the challenges many people face on a daily basis where a tiny minority make the lives of the decent people a misery and are untouched by the criminal justice system. The police must feel like, they are banging their heads against a wall as when they finally get something on these scrote s they ull on violin treatment is given in court and they get yet another finger wave from the judge and told not to be a naughty boy. You may have a lot of experience of what goes on in court but I see the results of it on a daily basis. If you think it's not broken, come and talk to some of the families I deal with day in day and see if you think the same after.



Your assumption that I spend all my time in some gilded tower remote from all trouble is incorrect, and rather unworthy.  I currently live in the country, but until not very long ago I lived in inner London very close to a large sink estate, and from both personal and professional life I have some experience of how very grotty things are for many people.  Much is broken, as a consequence of decades of bad policies by successive governments, and critical underfunding of public services, but I don't think that simplistic solutions to the brokenness are likely to work.  

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As someone else said, that Starlet had Moogisms and character mainly from being thrown about Knock Hill by a number of people with startlingly little mechanical sympathy.


Even if it is unfortunately dead now, one could seek solace in knowing it lived out the last of its life being the perfect definition of a solid bomb-proof Toyota.

That is very true. It puts up with being dragged all day at crail, scaring 100hp Pandas at Knockhill, doing 35mph round the back of a motorway services and still was ace to drive.


Maybe they will dump it when pez runs out.


Fingers crossed

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My memory of that Starlet is doing a 6,000rpm wheelspin off the line at Crail, while you were watching.


Afterwards, you said you didn't even notice and thought I just drove off normally.


Chasing it round Knockhill in the Alfa that PBK now owns was also fun.

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This thread has just made my piss boil, and not for the reasons it should have.


Sorry to hear about the Mooglet being pinched. Is it possible to get a couple of bollards sunk in at the end of the driveway to prevent a repeat theft?


Try not to let it spoil a disproportionate amount of life. The alternative is we let the tea leafs win and don't have any stuff.

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Any chance that the car was taken as the easiest available bit of transport to cart off some other stuff? Has anyone nearby had anything taken that would be easier to transport by car? e.g. laptops

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Apparently not. Although may be used in that stylee in future


Rifled through about 5 other cars leaving booze in one, tools in another.

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I'm surprised this hasn't turned up yet. If it had been burnt out you'd have known about it by now so its almost certainly sat down a street somewhere upsetting the curtain twitchers, wondering who has parked on 'their bit' of public road.


Found my mates Chavalier SRi when it was stolen in 'Ull by just driving round Orchard Park for 20 minutes. TBH we got lucky as there were a fair few estates to choose from where it could've ended up those days.


Once, said curtain twitchers report the car to the police you will know its location. Problem is as they had the keys it won't even look stolen so may have a few extra days until they pick up the phone. 

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It sounds more like a opportunist theft that a planned job, if they are going to do something naughty like a ram raid or drug running or (insert any other crime) then they usually nick stuff that is either common as muck to blend in or blooming quick. And this cars racing history not withstanding it doesn't fit into either of those categories.

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Sorry to hear about this Moog. I know this has probably been said already, but is there anywhere near you, a place known for cars to be dumped/abandoned, Like an old bing, or dirt track, woods, fields etc? Might be worth getting a little crew together & go out for a look?


Also, if any of said crew members have a big dog or 2, take them with you....


I hope it you get it found/back. If you also manage find out who it was, chop off a finger for me as well. Thieving Cunts!

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Likely to have took the Starlet because it has Keys. They'll not fuck about trying to bypass the imobilliser for the Focus etc, too difficult. The other benefit to them are if they are stopped with the car they've got the keys so it looks a bit less incriminating than something with the wires hanging out the steering column.


I'd doubt it's gone for export, more likely it's been used to rag about round an estate or possibly use for burglaries etc. I'd make my first port of call the nearest estates, look round the garages etc. Either that or side roads off industrial estates. Hope it's turns up soon!

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Shitty news; I've had cars stolen, not like they were worth much, don't like people invading my space though, gives me the creeps.

Drugs- yeah, politicians need to get real and just legalise the lot, my lawnmower can live without fear then.

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I read a tip a little while ago that might prove useful; speak to your local taxi, bus and bin lorry firms and ask that an operations manager or the likes puts the word out. These people get all over the place and maybe the offer of some pocket money or some drinks will stick the car in their minds for a couple of days.

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Sorry to hear about this Moog. I know this has probably been said already, but is there anywhere near you, a place known for cars to be dumped/abandoned, Like an old bing, or dirt track, woods, fields etc? Might be worth getting a little crew together & go out for a look?


Also, if any of said crew members have a big dog or 2, take them with you....


I hope it you get it found/back. If you also manage find out who it was, chop off a finger for me as well. Thieving Cunts!

Moog himself has a couple of big wuffers from memory; not the scariest but enough to give the ungodly second thoughts face-to-face.  If you want scary you want my chihuahua... ;)

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Gutted for you Moog, some bastards need stringing up by the bollocks

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All doggies on the street slept through it. Pretty much every house down the street has one.


Thanks for all concern, here is hoping the little rally beast will be indestructable, found and tearing up drag strips soon.



Reason need to change focus is that if it is that easy to break into don't want work laptops or similar nicked.

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It's amazing what people and animals will sleep through. When my KR1S was targeted they smashed a car window, pushed it into another car, jemmied the garage door, sawed through one chain then carried the bike 100yds and were sawing off the abus granite when a police car happened to drive past and spot them. The first we knew of it was when we wondered who the hell was hammering on our door at 3am, it was the police thankfully with my bike. Scumbags got away and nicked an RD350 from around the corner a week later but binned it big time into a bus which was very very funny as they were both very seriously injured.

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