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Cavcraft 2015: Vectra, because you're worthless.


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Aerodynamic screen is aerodynamic.


Akchewally, those goggles remind me the other day I saw a herd of Hardlies going past and one of them had a big fairing and a small dog lying on the dash, wearing goggles of course.

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I know what it is, Grommit lad, you're the wrong size dog!



























ollie sidecara.jpg

ollie sidecar.jpg

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If Barbara Cartland there is too big, what on earth sized dog was that thing made for?


You want it a lot bigger, so you can both go to the pub but the dog can pedal you home while you sleep it off in the sidecar.

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Barbara Cartland  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


We need an icon that indicates vomiting through laughing too much. 

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Right, the Corsa went last night, the scooter a few days ago and I'm working on finding a buyer for the Frontera.


Meanwhile...I've put a shite offer in for (another) shite car, which almost single handedly wins Autoshite bingo in one fell swoop. I'm awaiting news if my offer is successful*



Edit: Uh-oh, offer accepted. Unsmiley face, not lol.

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Nope, not the Thunderturd. I've even managed to negotiate delivery, despite a 40% discount on the asking price, anyhow. It should be arriving around 4.30pm.

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Is it the6 speed box on this? Looking like the elx trim level too. I think only sporting model with selespeed had 7 speed box's. Is the mpg computer working too? Be careful with electric roof,if it's anything like mine then it's very awkward and likes to act the bitch.

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6 speed? Are 4 of them reverse?

That bad eh?! Yep apparently the auto has 6 speed on the 16v elx and seven on the sporting. So yours must be a 16v elx. Should be quiet nippy but are an interference engine unlike the 8v lump
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A punto with an auto.


If the Oxford English Dictionary had a picture of the definition of "misery" it would be a punto auto.


This site continually never fails to impress.

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