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I'm Cortina trap! i can't walk out.....


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Fleet reduction has taken a turn for the worst.........


Picking it up tomorrow, i threw a cheeky bid on it last week and thought no more. Got the "Yay, you won shite" message from ebay this morning.

I'll chuck some piccis up tomorrow evening when i collect it, all in all it looks a good buy for a not unreasonable amount of money.



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I had a 2 litre mk5 in cosmos blue, with a vinyl roof in about 1992 with white wellers and a rear screen visor thingy



and of course a lightning strip

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Really i should spending the time/money putting this back together though....




And i've got the estate to really get into yet (i'm at the poke fingers through body a nd sulk stage at the minute).

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I'm suspicious, mind.  You can't go on like this.

Jesus Vulgalour, why can't you see what you doing to me...... when you don't believe a word i'm saying.

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We can't build our dreams, on suspicious shite


I do love a tina, I nearly bought a mk5 tincorner in Rio Brown until I saw my capri, I often wondered how different life would be if I would've had that instead

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We can't build our dreams, on suspicious shite


I do love a tina, I nearly bought a mk5 tincorner in Rio Brown until I saw my capri, I often wondered how different life would be if I would've had that instead

You'd spend every four months on your back changing void bushes. I'm a dab hand at it now, still shit to do though.

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Lovely. Sometimes I think a bit of motivation is required, and a dabble elsewhere is a fine way to do it. You aren't going to lose money on it are you? Enjoy it for a bit, flog it, then get back to beige.

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You'd spend every four months on your back changing void bushes. I'm a dab hand at it now, still sh@it to do though.

Haha void bush replacement is for winnarz, growing up I remember helping father fordperv with numerous void Bush replacement on different Tinas he had, he used to laugh and tell me they were a service item lol I wish I had his modified mk4 2.3 he had, he did a lot of work to the engine it was a quick motor, but every panel was a different colour and as a bit of humour he chose to fit the boot badge from a 1.6

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Here's the other shot i tried putting up instead of a double engine bay shot.




Pray tell, is that hearing aid beige?


I used to love seeing cars in that colour back in the day.

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Well i've collected the latest addition to the fleet today, i was meant to do it yesterday but Tiffx19's comment about the beige beast prompted me to pull me finger out and do a bit on her.......So did a bit of blacking up ( ZOMGRACIALISTBABYKILLA )yesterday.






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Pray tell, is that hearing aid beige?


I used to love seeing cars in that colour back in the day.


It looks like Coral Beige. Would be correct for the era anyway. 

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Well here's sundays update that was stalled by my 13 year old laptop having a shit fit (living the shite dream).

Here she is being loaded up by me onto the trusty works transit, for trusty read fucked ie clutch slip with anything heavier than a phone book on the back and a rear diff from a tank.



Like a true shitest i never even read the description of it from ebay till i got home. So was a little taken aback by the scabs and filler considering how minty she looked on t'internet. But with a bit of choke (manual FTW) she coughed into life and proceeded to burst the eardrums of anyone within half mile with, what was actualy very impressive fan belt squeal.

Heres some of the good and bad bits, you can decide which.....

Drivers door to wing gap, the wings are replacements and i think this has seen screwdriver action to get a gap. The price you pay for shit fit wings unfortunately (i spent £500 on genuine ford wings for the black car!)


The pudding monster has taken a shit on my scuttle, the fiend.


Drivers side doors (annoyingly i sold four mint doors the other month for £80 thinking i'd never get round to using them), the spots on the sills are a reflection from the little red rocket.


Solid as a rock underneath, with a spanky exhaust and plenty of engine oil painted onto the chassis (done the right way using clean fresh oil).


Brown, the colour of champions.


More soon.

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MOAR BROWN! This does smell exactly how you remember cortinas smelling, oil and must, with light overtones of tobacco and old aftershave.


I'm not sure why but i like the Bowie-ness of the rear lights, it just seems right somehow.


If number plates were women, this would be Linda Lusardi and Sam Fox circa 1989 wrestling in custard.


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