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Shite in Miniature II


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Well, more swings and roundabouts today, kids - which I suppose is pretty much how it goes most weeks.

You'd think I'd be used to it by now.

First up: BUSES.


I know I say it every week, but crikey - for someone who sets up stalls on a bi-weekly basis, you'd think he'd be a bit better at it by now.

Or maybe he just chucks it out like that cos it gives me something to do.

Once tidied a little, here's what we have this week:


Mostly older stuff - though the Dart at the top left is a Code 3 repaint.


More Atlas mystery coaches, too.


Not so very much this week...


I can't now remember if the Western National/ Badgerline Mercedes Hopper is the same as the one I picked up for @Cookiesouwest last year?


MoYs and Days Gone. Roll up, roll up.


Royal Wedding noncemobile packaging has taken a battering. Certainly a smidge unappealing, for all manner of reasons...


Although, this Renault van does have some appeal - maybe we should be re-evaluating some of these 1950s era DGs?

I really liked these at the time - the Morris LD150 profiled yesteday was a really nicely done model (though once I procured a City Models version in 1/43, it's fair to say the Lledo example fell out of favour a bit).

Hard to know what to do with all the Ford Model T vans, though - this looks like a very early Oxford Diecast product.


Unfortunately the Herpa Setra coach wasn't there this week - though that doesn't mean it won't resurface at some point in the future...


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Up top, things were mostly stuff that we've seen before:


Plenty of boxless Lledo and Models of Yesteryear; plus those damaged Rio pre-war models:


Gold-plate Corvette was interesting; no maker's mark anywhere that I could see, though.


New Ray 1/32 motorbikes and scooters, for those who may be interested:


Plus this larger scale Lambretta, seemingly made by an outfit called Xonex:


And quite a few smol (1/100?) locomotives from around the world:


5 hours ago, flat4alfa said:

@Datsuncog Is it wrong to be interested in these two

Not sure what the red one is


And why have I a daft yearning for Ice Cream Vans recently.

The red car seems to be a closed-bodied Jaguar SS100 by Atlas - it's not in tremendous nick, with a missing headlight and a broken bumper, but shouldn't be more than a few quid if you're interested?

Oxford Thames Walls ice cream van is rather nice - could enquire if I'm back over at lunchtime! Have you a maximum price point in mind for either/ both?

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15 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:


Although, this Renault van does have some appeal - maybe we should be re-evaluating some of these 1950s era DGs?

Alright.  I'll bite.  How much is that Renault Goelette.

They are gopping, but the own-brand livery appeals - even if not period-correct as the Goelette was new for 1947  

If only because I've been in the store and ought to go back.  It's been open there for 112 years, you know


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19 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

The red car seems to be a closed-bodied Jaguar SS100 by Atlas - it's not in tremendous nick, with a missing headlight and a broken bumper, but shouldn't be more than a few quid if you're interested?

Oxford Thames Walls ice cream van is rather nice - could enquire if I'm back over at lunchtime! Have you a maximum price point for either/ both?

It seems the Atlas Editions SS1 Airline are around £30 boxed.  So for a few coins, yes

The Ford Anglia/Thames Ice Cream vans are available everywhere for a fiver, so not rare.  Would run to a fiver.

@Datsuncog  Would he do £10-£12 on the Renault + Anglia + swoopy broken Jaguar

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Then came something of a disaster.

(Relatively speaking.)

Just in front of the Atlas Jaaaag is a jolly little Austin Ruby, by Oxford.


My photo's rubbish, but it's the same as this one here:


A few years back, I picked up a boxed Oxford Austin 7 from the stall and despite not being much of a fan of pre-war motoring, I still quite like it.

So this looked like an equally appealing companion piece.

It had a few small marks on it, and the doormirrors were snapped off, but looked like it might clean up nicely.

So I set it over at the very far corner of the stall, along with some other bits and pieces I'd picked up, behind some tweed jackets hanging up there - and continued snapping pics, as I tend to do.

Suddenly, I was aware of a presence at my elbow.

T'was The Nemesis.

Unusually, he hadn't already been raiding the stall when I came rollicking through the doors just after 8.

Which I thought was something of a win for me.

But no!

He quickly scooped up the Ruby from 'my' pile.

Market Blokey remarked that he was in late in this morning, and he muttered something about bad traffic on the Albertbridge Road.

Meanwhile, I was kinda frozen in horror.

I'd thought everything  of mine was set far out of the way enough to indicate it was no longer part of the general stall wares - but clearly not.

I thought about saying something good-humoured enough but firm, maybe along the lines of "aye, it's nice that wee one, isn't it? I've just set it over there in my pile."

But I didn't.

Partly because I wasn't 100% sure I really wanted it; partly because I didn't want to create any awkwardness or bad feeling.

I mean, he's not a bad cove, really. He's offered me stuff from his pile before. I didn't want to make it awkward for future Fridays (and Lord knows I'm awkward enough at the best of times).

I also thought he might put it down again, and then I could nab it.

But no - he poked round the stall for a while, made some small-talk with Market Blokey about football, then paid £2 for it and left.

The audacity.


I guess maybe the real winner here is my latent streak of animosity, which is now a mile wide.

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1 minute ago, Datsuncog said:

He may well do - will head back over after 12 and see what's what!

Well if he let Nemesis nab the Ruby for just £2, let's hope it would be no more than tenner for the lot!

When you go back at lunch, would you be able to wear something like this and use some projected influence?


Along with a Jedi mind-trick.

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After this agonising contretemps, I gathered 'my' pile to my bosom lest more be yoinked from it, and headed behind the stall for a quick look at the dreck left off the main stall display for now.


Most of this we've seen before - there's a load of Days Gone and MoYs, less-than-pristine white metal models, some damaged Norev stuff (the Daimler Dart and Morgan from previous weeks), wheel-less Franklin Mint stuff...

This large-scale Majorette motorbike trailer caught my eye, following discussions upthread a few weeks back:


No bikes, though.

Weird little cartoon 2CV and Beetle are by Kinsmart:


Welly coach was big, and not too bashed, though shedding tyres:


Dregs of the bus box didn't really provide much extra excitement:


As spotted by @quicksilver a few weeks back, the white metal transport canteen trailer was still kicking round the tub, losing paint and doors as it does so:


Sadly there was no sign of the accompanying Bedford O series tractor unit in there - otherwise I might have gone for it.

I wasn't sure if this was maybe a late-70s Dinky last gasp Hong Kong model, but with absolutely no markings visible on the underside, probably not:


So I left it.

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38 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

I wasn't sure if this was maybe a late-70s Dinky last gasp Hong Kong model, but with absolutely no markings visible on the underside, probably not:


So I left it.

Not Dinky release that one, as you know the casting was originally one of Kidco/Universal.

The Dinky were in yellow, red, or blue.  Came with or without two types of stickers (on the red and blue one below)


The non-Dinky / non-Kidco unbranded one above is the yellow one, with waddayouknow, the same FLASH stickers and wheels.  Might have come in on the same boat, no less.

For some reason the piggy has latched onto that, so as he likes them, perhaps if your green one might be had if it's 50p...

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Having made a few purchases (more to come on those), I made my way off, slightly forlornly.

Alan's Emporium had the 50p Tat Tray reinstated for this week, with a few newcomers:


Corgi Juniors fire launch was reasonable enough, but didn't quite float my boat (sorry).


Superfast fantasy Fire Chief car was also quite good, but I already have a decent example in my toybox.


Wandering over to the General Tat stall ('Mulligan's Irish Gifts') revealed not that much new: 


There's always something interesting here - Greenlights, Vanguards, Oxford Diecast, IXO - but none of it's particularly cheap.


I guess the fella who runs it makes more from the religious statuary than he does from shonky old Fords.


Still, those Matchbox Working Rigs are looking more and more appealing every week...


And there were a few more Chinese-market Matchbox on offer too - VW Type 181 and 'Sonora Shredder' haven't been seen here before.


I also took a wander over to the Charity Stall, but other than a set of Japanese ceremonial swords and a plush Mr. Tayto (ROI version), there wasn't much beside the second-hand biros and past-date dog food...


Ah well. Coffee and a scone soothed my burning-with-injustice brow, and I toddled off into the brightening morning certainly not thinking of bringing fiery vengeance down upon mine enemies...


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19 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:


Up there, top right, see that


Before you ask, no thank you I don't want it, so please don't encourage me. 

Please don't.


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3 minutes ago, flat4alfa said:

Before you ask, no thank you I don't want it, so please don't encourage me. 

Please don't.


Heh, it's the 1/43 version of the Sprinter ice cream van on the stall I think - with a fairly steep £26.99 price tag...

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1 hour ago, flat4alfa said:

The Ford Anglia/Thames Ice Cream vans are available everywhere for a fiver, so not rare.  Would run to a fiver.

Crikey they are cheap even direct.  Which means most that are on 'bay are scalpers and chancers


So show him this ^ if he thinks it's worth £££   (but maybe put your thumb over the 'sold out' tag!)


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6 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

Heh, it's the 1/43 version of the Sprinter ice cream van on the stall I think - with a fairly steep £26.99 price tag...

Oops sorry wrong screen grab.

1:43 = £17.95 direct from manufacturer


Before you ask, no thank you I don't want it, so please don't encourage me. 

Please don't.


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So then - what didn't get plucked from my grasp today?

Well - this, for starters.


I believe @Noel Tidybeard had expressed some interest in this one, way back in early December?


On 12/10/2022 at 12:43 PM, Noel Tidybeard said:

if the stagecoach/citybus is there i could find a home for it


No idea where this has been in the intervening two months - but it was back again today.


Interesting wee set, anyway - apparently from 1999.


Not bad value for £5, anyway!

Let me know if you still fancy it, dude - otherwise, I'm sure it'll find a home on here without too much bother.

Also, this:


Oo-er. Matchbox Convoy Ultra Mack CH600.

This seems to have been an effort by late Tyco-era Matchbox to bling up mainline trucks with extra detailing and more realistic trailers than those provided in the standard Convoy range. They were also packaged on a plastic plinth, to underline that they were models, not toys.


Unfortunately, this has lost its plinth and seems to have been played with a bit - there are some chips to the paintwork.


Detailing is good, though - top and bottom.


I've seen these listed in the big Charlie Mack book, but never in real life 


And there's more.


Yup, it's the old Lesney-era Peterbilt, similarly improved for the Ultras line.


Sadly, also knocked - the bumper was always a notorious weak spot on these.


But, shonkiness aside, these are quite appealing rigs.

At £2.50 each, they probably weren't the worst value... if anyone fancies either or both, do sing out!

And lastly - you might have spotted this on Alan's 50p tray:


I sure did.

But - tragedy!


The tailgate's gone AWOL.

Shame, as it's otherwise very tidy.

However, despite being incomplete I thought maybe someone here may want it as a restoration or custom basis?

For 50p, like.


Ah now. Overall, this lot set me back £10.50, which I don't think is too bad in these dark times.


Heading back over shortly, clutching my wee list, so - more to come, with any luck!

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Just seen in the dead pool thread Jean-Pierre Jabouille has just died. Only the other day I packed one of these off to a new owner, a model of Jabouilles last win at Austria in 1980.





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Those Matchbox big rigs are superb! I don't want / need (well, I do want, but WON'T) them, but I'd have loved them as a kid. I had (still have) the Peterbilt in yellow Taylor Woodrow dump truck form, and it worked relatively well as a play companion to 1:43 stuff.

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