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Shite in Miniature II


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Cheers for grabbing the bus Tim! I was unhelpfully vague about the cement mixer and completely forgot that you had photographed 2. It was the GMC one I was referring to but I can see it's a Superkings, cheers though.

I'll PM you tonight as I have a few other Tat box items pending and will square up.

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I’ve got a spare Superkings cement mixer I’m sure somewhere. 

Anyway im going to do a restoration on this sad specimen. It was a wildcat dragster but the engine has been filled in, the suspension is fucked, no glass and it’s been painted. Badly. 


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Since we are under house arrest in Scotland now, my usual supermarket is just a few miles over the border I now have to got to a different much smaller one which is shite.

However they do keep up to date with diecasts and are heaving with Hotwheels and Matchboxes.

I thought I had availed them of all the castings I wanted but I checked again last night and missed the Healey. It's splendid.







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Okay then, so what followed me home today?


Well, this lot.

So that's the two coaches requested by @NorthernMonkey:


...and the Scotobus for @Split_Pin


Those are safely set aside for you, gents!

13 hours ago, eddyramrod said:

Oh bum, I was just about to ask about the Tokyo copcar and the Berlingo, and maybe some of the unboxed Vanguards.

Sorry about that Eddy - the Cedric was certainly appealing, but I decided to leave it today. Typical!!

I did nab the Vitesse Berlingo though - if you fancy it, a fiver takes it!



The Vanguards... not worth a fiver, I'd say. All were missing wing mirrors, some their wipers and most were paint damaged. I've been after a Ford 100E for a while, but the primrose yellow one on the stall was too manky for the price.  At a pound or two for repainting, great - but poor value when boxed versions crop up at the same money!

But for fans of les flics, of the Paris rather than Tokyo origin...


A very dusty plastic Norev Renault R8 police car.


Elite "PIE" squad car, dedicated to tracking down pastry-based culinary misdeeds.


The French take their baked goods seriously. Very seriously.

Or something.

Clearly, this isn't new - but is it a 20 year old replica, or something even older?

Wall-mount display box and spec sheet included.


Disc brakes all round? Sacré bleu.

If this makes you tingle in all the right places, £5 will set it aside for you.


12 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

Cheers for grabbing the bus Tim! I was unhelpfully vague about the cement mixer and completely forgot that you had photographed 2. It was the GMC one I was referring to but I can see it's a Superkings, cheers though.

No bother - and funnily enough, I did grab the GMC in the end - it's very clean, almost box-fresh, and although it's not one I'm mad keen on, it was too nice to pass up.



There's various levers and gears underneath the mixer that I'll play about with later tonight.


I can now appreciate that it does indeed look quite similar to the Siku Volvo Mixer from the late 70s/ early 80s.


Also, you'll notice the Superkings Leyland Tipper - one I've been vaguely looking for since the start of the year. It's not too bad, and is at least complete, bar a suspension hanger.

£3 will take the mixer **TAKEN!!**, and £2 for the tipper, if anyone fancies them! But I'm in no rush.

And lastly, some more Lesney fun, from the Charity Stall...


Big fantasy Superkings race hauler is missing its ramp and cover but otherwise decent, plus a Superfast Toe Joe and Ergomatic Pipe Truck - no load, but the capacity to carry is still there.

And another button badge, which I don't think was in there last week, but looked like the type of thing someone here might like.

£3 on the big yellow fun bus (**TAKEN!!**), and 50p each on the other two.

Badge free to whoever fancies it! (**TAKEN!!**)

Oh yes, nearly forgot: I spent all last week bitterly regretting not buying the Matchbox Dinky Bel Air and Land Rover last week - so of course, they were gone this week.

As a consolation, I bought myself this.


It's numbered DY1, the first in the series - a Jaguar E-Type droptop.

For years, there was a shop in my hometown called Wellworths that had an entire shelf of these, priced at £2.99. They also had the blue MGB GT from the same range - that was it, just those two models. Loads of them.

The store closed in about 2002, otherwise I've no doubt they'd still all be there.

I'd probably want to hang on to this for fuzzy nostalgia purposes, if indeed you can be nostalgic for something you never had...

But! All others are available (EDIT: well, a few are now taken!) bar the buses which are already claimed.

So, looks like that kinda brings down the curtain on Tat Friday for this year... Northern Ireland goes back into lockdown at midnight next Thursday, with all non-essential retail to cease for at least two weeks - and that includes St George's, as several traders were keen to share with me. Given that the market normally shuts from mid-December into January anyway, I'm not sure how likely it is to reopen this side of 2021.

But, if there's one thing we've learned this year, it's that tiny tat finds a way...

Catch yis on the flipside, tat fans!

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6 hours ago, Rover414 said:

Always manage to miss when you get in there but if that National Express Plaxton hangs around next time, I'd have that - or the WA Plaxton too.

They've both been bagsied upthread, I'm afraid - but duplicates can and do show up again, so I'll bear that in mind...

6 minutes ago, Macscrooge said:

Can l have the Superkings race hauler and the Pie squad car?  Thanks 

Sure thing, dude! Will set those aside for you.

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Cheers for your Tat Fridays Tim, they've really brightened up the last day of my working week through the mad times of this year.

You were spot in about the mixer, I thought it was the Siku Volvo N series! 

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Just now, Datsuncog said:




Sorry about that Eddy - the Cedric was certainly appealing, but I decided to leave it today. Typical!!

I did nab the Vitesse Berlingo though - if you fancy it, a fiver takes it!



Thanks Tim.  I can't really turn it down, can I?  Slip it into my box s'il vous plait, and soon we might have to square up!

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52 minutes ago, eddyramrod said:

Thanks Tim.  I can't really turn it down, can I?  Slip it into my box s'il vous plait, and soon we might have to square up!

Good stuff! The Citroen that rescues other Citroens has been moved across forthwith...

...but who rescues the Citroen that rescues other Citroens, when it inevitably breaks down...? 🤔

(Actually, that's terribly unfair - the only Citroen I owned was 100% reliable and needed nothing spent on it in my ownership. The Renaults, on the other hand...)

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Well, the good news today, then, is that this morning's endless meetings and  long list of work to plough through for the weekend probably saved me about £20 on impulse bus buying!

Glad somebody plucked the WA and NE Plaxtons; looks like a Premier and an Excalibur, so it's "cool" to have the pair to compare and contrast.

Cheers Tim, I'll settle my tat account ready for fresh investment when the future allows.

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8 minutes ago, sheffcortinacentre said:

Can I take the escort badge ? Ok details of what I owe & I'll PayPal you & you can get a bit of room back if we're going to be starved of new stock for awhile.

Oh bum. Too late on the Escort badge! 

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10 minutes ago, sheffcortinacentre said:

Can I take the escort badge ? Ok details of what I owe & I'll PayPal you & you can get a bit of room back if we're going to be starved of new stock for awhile.

Wanna trade the Escort badge?

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The big GMC BRIGADIER 9500 cement mixer please - to replace the one I ruined as a boy.  I reckon its well worth preserving, because

1) The Lesney assembly lady got chatting and mixed up the wheel types, making it £££ rare

2) It has a mechanism.  A mechanism to intrigue the boyhood road plant fanatic.  I just can't have you allowing it to get dirty outside in your back garden doing road-working antics

3) The cab is blue.  The blue of saddened tat collectors who know Market Blokey, Market Paddy and Market Nemesis are on lockdown indefinitely and need to stay safe.


edit: due to education

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The Lesney isn't a Brigadier it's a long nose 9500. 

The Brigadier is a short nose version.

I have at least one Majorette version, definitely an articulated tipper truck. It's smaller than the one you pictured though.

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Remember 'VANATIC' from previous pages?


Ah.... look at those happy faces


Well here is 'VANTASTIC'


Nice arse too; so what delights are inside?


Looks to be the same overnight-stay bedroom suite, complete with THAT rug


A mirror on one wall, perhaps to help get a different angle for the readers' wives Polaroid photo shoot action


And a nicely recessed, trusty old tube television set, to catch up on Jim Rockford afterwards


Wanted both of those Corgi vans since I was 10 years old.  From a more innocent time.

I'll go now.

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1 hour ago, RoadworkUK said:

Well, the good news today, then, is that this morning's endless meetings and  long list of work to plough through for the weekend probably saved me about £20 on impulse bus buying!

Glad somebody plucked the WA and NE Plaxtons; looks like a Premier and an Excalibur, so it's "cool" to have the pair to compare and contrast.

Cheers Tim, I'll settle my tat account ready for fresh investment when the future allows.

Thanks so much for that - safely received!

Will get your choice selection packed and away in the coming week for you, no bother.

1 hour ago, sheffcortinacentre said:

Can I take the escort badge ? Ok details of what I owe & I'll PayPal you & you can get a bit of room back if we're going to be starved of new stock for awhile.

Good stuff  - will get a bit of a spreadsheet session going tomorrow, and I'll hit you up with a total!

1 hour ago, sheffcortinacentre said:

[Escort button badge swapsies]

Duly noted!

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...and into another day


Remember 'CHARLIE'S ANGELS' from previous pages?


Ah.... look at those happy morning faces


What do we have here?  It's 'ROUGH RIDER', perhaps portraying the motorcycle scrambling craze of the time


So what's behind the sexy doors?   Maybe a mobile motorcycle workshop?   Or boxes piled high, full of merchandising?


Aww....  an opportunity missed!  It's the standard groupie stop-out bedroom suite 


Can you tell the insomnia has kicked-in for me though


Footnote: some advertising


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Yes, I know these have had a feature or two before, but I had to get it out of my system.  It took long enough and more than a couple of mis-purchases to get good enough examples...

Oh look at those happy... etc


First-up, 'SPIDER-VAN' wearing the earlier style of wheel.


Next-up, 'SUPERVAN', wearing the later wheel and my preference in label.  What, you ask?  Well, the earlier decoration was 'SUPERMAN', but it had to have 'VAN', to match the 'SPIDERVAN' wording.  Yes, the difference was dwelled-on a tad.


The internal SUPER-HERO LABORATORIES are the main reason for wanting these stupid vans in the first place


Superman's SUPERZONE houses  a PRIMARY reel-to-reel deck, recording the SUPERSCAN events


That's after he has decontaminated himself of Kryponite dust first.


On the other wall is the ANALYSIS set.  It must be a right din in there, what with all the ALERTs 


SPIDERMAN, on the other hand, has the WEB SCOPEs.  Scoping for Green Goblins, no doubt.


And the best carpet, ever.  Just out of sight on the right is WEB TENSION and WEB BREAK.  Important when 'having great power, there must also come great responsibility'.


They even look interesting when swooping over the skylights




That's that, then.  Next time, if you can bear it, is back  to mundane reality with bottles of caffeine-infused pop.


Footnote: Catalogue entries



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