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LCBL continues Audi A8

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Here we find the continuation of the A8s story. I didn't need this car and it's probably not the wisest purchase but I have had a HUGE hankering for one since they came out. Id always swerved these as a good one costs £4k+ and anything under £3k seemingly was on the ropey side. I don't like spending much on cars so this one seemed a very nice way of entry. The bodywork has it's blemishes but credit to @Split_Pin for a great job in touching it up and a good clean and wax and it's very presentable. The interior, as I've found in all Audi's of this era, has stood up exceptionally well.

As you may know the 2 main issues the car was sold with was the handbrake error and the turbo sometimes leaving the conversation. I've done some reading on both and *touches some nearby wood* the handbrake fault has not occurred since I did a reset following some instructions online. Apparently you park up, turn off engine, open door, turn off ignition, all without turning on the handbrake, then the car does an automatic handbrake recalibration next time you set off. It did and the fault hasn't returned since Sunday. Very early days of course. I also went in to the module to clear the old faults which were open circuit faults which I strongly suspect is just from being replaced.

The next issue is the turbo. The car boosts exceptionally well except for when it doesn't which makes me think turbo is fine. I found another code in the ECU for "electrical error in circuit, P3348" which strongly points towards the actuator. I have found a company that refurbs them for £125 in Lancashire so I have fired them a message to see if they agree with my diagnosis. The car is fine to drive even in the soft limp mode I have found, it's slow but not painfully so.


Other than the known issues the drive back was bliss. 80+mph the majority of the way, 2,000 rpm, very little outside noise, great stereo, lovely seats the whole lot. Averaged 44mpg on a far from economy run with quite a bit of traffic on the M6. Suspect an eco run would return 50+ which for a 20 year old, 2 tonne, automatic, 218k mile car is mighty impressive in my book.


Some other things I suspect I will do is get the gearbox serviced. They never get done and I want to give it a fighting chance at not shitting itself. I may look at respraying the front bumper or getting a second hand bumper in the same colour or getting a second hand bumper painted to match. Might have a look at realigning the rear boot as it's a little off and the auto open needs a helping hand for the first second of operation, strongly suspect that'll be a new motor or mechanism which could prove to be spenny.


Hopefully I get some good miles out of it. Can see myself in this for a while provided it doesn't shit the bed too badly. Even if it did crap it's engine/gearbox I might be tempted by putting a breaker one in. I know it doesn't make sense fiscally but the spec is pretty top draw and exactly as Id want it especially considering its old enough to not be in the bummage tax era. We shall see!


Glad you like it.

The issue I had with the actuator is that the turbo needs to come off to be calibrated on some kind of jig as if it were on the car. VCDS can't do this and nowhere near me is qualified either. One place wanted to fit a whole new turbo at £1664 just for the part and then the E46 shat it's gearbox and now the car is with you in Stockport. Hopefully the place you messaged will be more helpful. 

I think with a new bumper and the boot realigned this could be a really superb example.

It's an awesome driving experience, one I'll never forget. I am really missing it but one of my cars had to go.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


The issue I had with the actuator is that the turbo needs to come off to be calibrated on some kind of jig as if it were on the car.

Loving it so far.
So I think if you use your original actuator and just refurb it, then it won't need calibrating but the place I messaged will hopefully confirm. This is what I am hoping. If this doesn't work I think I will hop over to darkside developments in Barnsley to get them to put a new one on. They charge £270 for the actuator (brand new OEM) and then hopefully not too much to calibrate. We shall see anyway!

Glad to see this staying in the fold, good luck with it 👍🏼


Great to see this one staying in the fold, I was worried that it would end up with the typical FB marketplace cheap Audi buyer and immediately get run into the ground. Cars like this need constant attention but also reward you with a special driving experience. I've only sold it because of a house purchase but would have it back in a heartbeat now.

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Just ordered some Turbo Revive for £37. Not convinced by the intake cleaners managing to get in to the VNT of a turbo but I thought it'll be interesting to see if it does produce any results. I suspect that's not my issue anyway but I think trying something like that first before disassembling the downpipe etc is the way to go. I've found the least invasive fixes are the best kind on older/high mileage cars.
Anyone else had any experience?


Glad you’re taking it on. Annoyed that I’ve missed out on it again but genuinely I must be the only person in the word to be trolled by a car that I’ve never owned 😂

Seriously though glad it’s going to do you a turn and not end up as a Zanussi.

1 hour ago, DirtyDaily said:

Just ordered some Turbo Revive for £37. Not convinced by the intake cleaners managing to get in to the VNT of a turbo but I thought it'll be interesting to see if it does produce any results. I suspect that's not my issue anyway but I think trying something like that first before disassembling the downpipe etc is the way to go. I've found the least invasive fixes are the best kind on older/high mileage cars.
Anyone else had any experience?

It's worth a try. 

I used 'Revive' I think to free up VGT vanes on Avensis turbo dizzle. 

It didn't work. But worth a punt for the £30 or so I paid. 

In the end I bought a s/h turbo (always a punt), partially stripped it down then cleaned it up with Mr Muscle, rinsed it out then liberally applied WD40 to displace any remaining water. Car is good now, sometimes burps out a bit of blue smoke on cold start but it's running well and hasn't shat its turbo again. 

I will give the same treatment to the turbo I removed from the car so I have a good spare to go on just in case. 

Access to mine isn't great being at the back of the engine and the gearbox is in the way of most access from underneath so it's not a nice job but I got there in the end. 

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First update. They can't fix these actuators. Looks like I'll be removing the turbo and sending off at some point. Will give me opportunity to clean it thoroughly I suppose!
That is if the turbo revive doesn't revive. I suspect it won't!Screenshot_20240828-153853.jpg


265 quid plus vat doesn't sound that bad if the turbine wheel still feels tight and it'll live on for another 10 years or more.


 I swapped this and some cash for my work van with Kiltox almost three years ago. I took it to 200k.

I got swapped it with @Robson3022 for my ls400 iirc.

Great car and audi at it's peak imo.


I rescued it from an undeserved threat of  scrapping and sold to northernmonkey! So it’s having a whole bonus life on Autoshite.

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New issue found. Very small patch of diesel underneath the car coming from under the middle of the car. Roughly under where the drivers seat is.

Upon research there is a fuel return cooler in that area so strongly suspect this as seen it was a slight factory defect. They rubbed a small hole in and hence a leak. It's currently very minor, certainly no dripping whilst running but will definitely look to get it sorted asap. Depending on where the hole is I may need to buy a new one or hopefully can fix with some jb weld or similar. Fingers crossed.

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Further updates.

1. Turbo
Looks good. No in and out play and fins look fine. Doesn't surprise me , it boosts great with no lag.
I operated the VNT and that moves perfectly freely but I will do the turbo revive ting tomoz.

2. Air filter
Tis bad. Won't be helping airflow.

3. Pollen filter, much better than air filter which is odd.

4. Fuel look
Looks to be coming from the back of the cooler and is very minor. Minor is much more than none though so I will jack it up this weekend and remove and inspect. Hopefully this will be fixed easily. I'm hoping it's the rubber hose that connects some pipes as this will obviously be the easiest repair. Second hand coolers are £140, which is a little pricey but whatevs.

I've also ordered some diesel injector cleaner. Always like to give the injectors a clean as I've seen reasonable results for improved spray patterns etc. PXL_20240830_184121617.jpgPXL_20240830_185140071.jpgPXL_20240830_190015676.jpgScreenshot_20240830-201144.jpgScreenshot_20240830-201205.jpgScreenshot_20240830-201221.jpg


I left that air filter alone as I was sure it had been changed by 83C - oops. 

Good work on the turbo, sounds like it's gone to the right person. I don't think I'm in the right frame of mind at the moment to be dealing with things like this.

Can’t remember if I changed that air filter or not, definitely did the pollen filter though. 
Not a problem. Will get a new one tomorrow.

Also here's the reason for anyone wondering why inspecting the turbo on these is kind of important. Don't believe it's as bad on the earlier engines but here is a V6 TDI on an A5 I believe courtesy of Darkside developments video.

Heavily erroded.Screenshot_20240830-210058.jpg
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7 hours ago, DirtyDaily said:

diesel injector cleaner

Be interesting to know what brand and what noticeable results you may have.

Excellent work so far.

4 hours ago, Agila said:

Be interesting to know what brand and what noticeable results you may have.

Excellent work so far.

I used a tank of Shell V Power diesel every couple of months to clean the pump and injectors on my MBenz E220.


If the vane mechanism moves freely by hand then it's unlikely to be soot etc, and probably confirms something electrical in the actuator.

Be interesting to know what brand and what noticeable results you may have.
Excellent work so far.
I went for this one. Apparently the "high mileage" one is more concentrated so hopefully does a little extra.
Tbh the car doesn't feel like it is coked up or anything, no smoke that I can see etc. but no harm. Even if it makes no difference it's a peace of mind thing.Screenshot_20240831-094836.jpg
I'm sure you now have more cars than you did when I saw you in spring
I don't honest!
I had two XJRs a range rover and the S60 back then.
The Saab is now for sale so it'll just be the S60 and this A8. The A8 is "cheap" to run provided it doesn't brake so I think my cheapening mission was mildly successful.

I think when I saw you you didnt have the S60 yet, as you picked me up in a Saab estate! 6 cars bought or sold in 5months, how does your insurance company not think you're a trader on the quiet? 🤣
Glad to hear its all under control and "cheap" now👍


Small update.
Put a new air filter in on Saturday. Nice peace of mind.
Did the turbo revive and the fuel additive. The turbo revive didn't kick out much smoke at all tbh. Got a bit towards the end but not much. Been driving about and not had the limp mode since but again early days.
Handbrake I am glad to report seems to be behaving since the recalibration procedure thing.
The fuel leak seems to no longer be leaking, I'm wondering if I overfilled it slightly as it appeared just after I fueled up and I haven't seen any further markings on the floor. Fingers crossed.
Been averaging 35ish mpg to work and back which is perfectly adequate. Got a big drive tomorrow of around 5 hours, picking up a "new" Jaguar XF for my sister 2015 for £4k 2.2 on 100k miles. seems good value but we will see.
Hopefully it performs well on the trip!


Forte do a turbo cleaner - I put in half a bottle every six months or so.


Another update. The diesel cooler is leaking. Not a bad job to replace, I just semi dismantled it and cleaned off with brake clean. Started up and after a minute or so you can smell the diesel and it starts to get damp. No visible leak but it's there. There's only 1 used one on eBay and it's £140 which seems a little silly. I've sent him a cheeky offer for £80 and that still seems steep to me. If he rejects that I will go to a pick and pull and get one for not a lot I suspect.
I'll drive it until it's low on fuel to avoid losing huge amounts of fuel though with it's position I don't think it matters too much. Don't want to lose my injector cleaner though that's in the tank. Oh well.

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