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Chris2cv's Fleet - Farewell to the Clio 14/10/24


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A mate of mine took a big redundancy from a well paid job he had got by fluke and really wasn't qualified for. 

Unlike the impostor syndrome that most of us have from time to time, he was quite the opposite and believed he should be every other firms perfect candidate. 

He got a big chunk of money and decided to use that to tide him over until the perfect job landed in his lap. 

He was still in the pub of a weekend, still buying stuff he didn't need. 

He wouldn't take anything he felt was beneath him despite a few offers. Hell even I offered him a minimum wage driving job to tide him over but no. 

After about 18 months his money ran out and we didn't see him about so much. 

Last time I saw him he was running errands for a local building firm. 

I guess the lesson is, get A job. So long as it is not intolerable then you can search for something better at your leisure. 

Given what you told us of the firms treatment of staff, I would be VERY suspicious of the offer from another branch if it is technically a different firm. Could they take you on for a few months and then let you go, saving themselves the redundancy payout?

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Do NOT do this unless you have written confirmation that your length of service transfers to the new job.
If the new job is with a different subsidiary of the main company, then its not a given.
Seriously, don't let them fcuk you over.
Take the cash, get a better job elsewhere.

Saving a redundancy pay out may not be the only reason the 4th branch are offering you the job - they'd be saving themselves a pile of recruitment and training cost if they employ you, and yes, they'd save a hefty redundancy payout. Be very wary of it NOT counting as 'continuous employment' if you take that job, as if the 4th branch folds, you'll get next to nothing as a redundancy payout, and it won't look any better on your CV.

It seems like the easy option. It is. For them and possibly for you. But it may cost you dear, while saving them more. Don't fall for it.
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One other thing.

If the 4th branch is a separate legal entity and you start work there, they can bin you in the first year (maybe two).

They just tell you to piss off, you have lost your job.

I know staying with them is the comfortable solution. The path of least resistance.

But they are going to fcuk you over.

If you stay, within a short period of time, your life won't be comfortable. You will be out on your arse with no redundancy.

I do not believe they can classify work with a legaly separate business as Suitable Alternative Employment.

Take the cash. Move on. Have a better life.

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  • 1 month later...

I've not posted here recently. I've dropped in from time to time and I did read the advice that was kindly given above. Thank you for that. 

The job finished yesterday. It's been pretty awful really. My boss was rather conveniently on holiday for the final week, so I was left alone to clear all of the stock and dismantle the shelving, stripping the place back to basically a bare shell. That's rather tough when - bad as the job has been at times - it's been a big part of my life for nearly half of my life. The vast mountains of crap in every corner, the huge amounts of dust and filth being disturbed and breathed in, the lack of any support.

But, it's done now. Over. Gone.

The directors came in to see me. They actually spoke to me (they have not spoken to me in 5 years or more) and thanked me! No bonus or anything obviously, but trust me I've done alright out of the clear out! They have put in writing that the redundancy money is safe and held over to the new job. I'm still less than confident that I'm making the right decision here, but I've made it now and I don't think there is any going back. Wish me luck!

On top of this, I met a woman back in January, we got together and it has been a very dramatic few months. That's a story for another thread. A story where there are also a LOT of red flags and friends telling me that I'm doing the wrong thing. But sometimes you have to take the gamble. 

Oh, the cars are fine!


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@High Jetter asked on the Single and Sad thread, but it didn't really seem like the right place to answer. I realised that I hadn't actually said much about my new job! So, after 20 years at the old company, I've moved on.  It's not that different, I'm doing a very similar job (selling parts for cars at a dealership), but it's with different people in a new place. I have known my new boss and colleague for many years, and we get on well. I already know many of the customers and the main operating system.  I'm having to learn two new parts catalogues (two franchises!) and two order systems, which has been a rather steep learning curve, but so far so good!

Everyone has been friendly so far and I'm slowly finding my feet. Hopefully all will be ok.

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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - My life is a bit chaotic, but the cars are ok! 7/5
  • 3 months later...

There hasn't been much to report lately, everything has just been plodding along, all getting their share of use. Except for the moped, I haven't got around to that yet. 

I've got a new fault now though, The Clio keeps indicating right! It's done it for a while when I close the driver's window, but now it's more constant. When it was really hot a few weeks ago, it indicated right all the way home, but then didn't do it again. I've been using it, and did 140 miles over the weekend and all was good, but this week it's been flashing almost constantly.  It's probably nothing serious, but doesn't look like it's going away this time.

The rest of the fleet is fine. Work is ok, I've even been having a better time in my personal life! Just need to sort the Clio out.

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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - The Clio is slightly broken, but otherwise things are OK! 9/6
  • 4 months later...
Strange times for my fleet.
No change with the moped. It’s still sitting, broken in the garage. I barely go in there, and then remember that it’s still there. “I must do something with that”.
The 2cv is fine as far as I know, but it lives with my parents and I just haven’t had time to get down there for a few months. In truly bizarre news, I’ve got a girlfriend now, and we are spending most weekends together, so travelling down to change the shock absorbers has just kept slipping out of reach. Soon. Probably.
The Stepway is doing fine. Being used more regularly lately, as she doesn’t like the Clio. It’s still “an old man’s car”, but she seems to prefer it. Only recent problem was a headlight bulb.
I noticed that it was out on the way to work.
Not a problem, I work for a garage!
So, I looked up the bulb while I was at work.
It’s an H4.
We don’t sell them.
Never mind, I’ve got some in that pile that I “acquired” when I was made redundant.
So I get home. Can’t park anywhere near, so I block next door.
Who obviously needs to go out then.
Obviously, it's dark and minus 2 degrees while I'm doing this
Nip up to find my stash.
It’s under the spare bed.
Pull everything out.
It’s not under the spare bed.
Put it all back.
Look around.
It’s on the table behind me!
Take it out to the car.
Take the old one out.
 It’s an H7.
Back upstairs with the H4 to find an H7.
Back down again with the H7.
Fit that.
Surprisingly easy.
Test it.
Check contacts.
Check switch.
 I’ve changed the wrong sodding bulb!
 Change the correct bulb, which is obviously in a much tighter, sharper space.
 All good.
Woo and indeed hoo!
The Clio is the most concerning. It’s had an intermittent fault with the indicator since August, where the right indicator will randomly come on and not stop. I’ve cleaned all the contacts, tried a spare rear light that I had in my stash, checked all the bulbs. Nothing. It will be fine for weeks, but then randomly do it again for a day or so before stopping again. I’ve bought a new switch, but the instructions said about “disconnect the airbag”, which panicked me a bit, so I haven’t done that yet. Still commuting in it, except during the current snow.  Went straight through it’s MOT though! It wasn’t flashing then! I have asked several mechanics to look at it. Nobody has.
 More concerning is the coming ULEZ. It won’t comply and I can’t justify that sort of money every day. I could give it to my brother, who lives outside the zone, or it could live with my parents – although they are not keen on that idea! – but I’ve had it for 20 years. I don’t want to get rid of it, but I don’t really have much choice. It’s worth very little, but it’s been a great little car. I’ll be sorry to lose it. 
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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - Strange times for my vehicles. 14/12
3 hours ago, Chris2cv said:
So I get home. Can’t park anywhere near, so I block next door.
Who obviously needs to go out then.
Obviously, it's dark and minus 2 degrees while I'm doing this
Nip up to find my stash.
It’s under the spare bed.
Pull everything out.
It’s not under the spare bed.
Put it all back.
Look around.
It’s on the table behind me!
Take it out to the car.
Take the old one out.
 It’s an H7.
Back upstairs with the H4 to find an H7.
Back down again with the H7.
Fit that.
Surprisingly easy.
Test it.
Check contacts.
Check switch.
 I’ve changed the wrong sodding bulb!
 Change the correct bulb, which is obviously in a much tighter, sharper space.
 All good.
Woo and indeed hoo!

Are you me?


Just sounds exactly like the kind of thing I'd do...

Seriously though, glad things are generally on an even keel at the minute!


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4 hours ago, Chris2cv said:

I’ve got a girlfriend now, and we are spending most weekends together, so travelling down to change the shock absorbers has just kept slipping out of reach. Soon. Probably.

She sounds like a keeper!

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On 12/14/2022 at 11:38 PM, High Jetter said:

She sounds like a keeper!

She is not a fan of old cars and has made it clear that she has no desire to ever go in the 2cv, but we are having a lot of fun and adventures together. It's just been incredible that after being single for a looooooooooooooooooong time, there is someone that I really care about. It is even more incredible that she seems to really care about me too.  We did have a pretty horrific break up some months ago, but it seems to have made things much stronger. I've been to her parents house a couple of times, even met her grandparents, so I'm doing alright! 

Who knows what the future will bring, but for now we are doing well. If that means that the 2cv gets used even less than usual for a while, then it will just have to be the case.

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Yes. She doesn't want any part of the old cars, but doesn't try and stop me. She just prefers to go out in my newest car.The same as I am happy for her to have her interests and don't criticise them.  It's a bit of give and take. The fact that we met at a shared interest gives us a big hobby in common too. That's got to help?

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8 hours ago, Dobloseven said:

Still going to choir? 

Yes, and loving it! It's where I met her! 

It was obviously very strange times over the various lockdowns and we didn't meet face to face for 18 months, which was really tough. This year, we've done loads of concerts, including a festival! It's just like a big family really. Some people obviously have better voices than others, but we all work together and have a lot of fun. It's not for everyone, but joining was one of the best decisions that I've ever made.

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21 hours ago, Chris2cv said:

She is not a fan of old cars and has made it clear that she has no desire to ever go in the 2cv, but we are having a lot of fun and adventures together. It's just been incredible that after being single for a looooooooooooooooooong time, there is someone that I really care about. It is even more incredible that she seems to really care about me too.  We did have a pretty horrific break up some months ago, but it seems to have made things much stronger. I've been to her parents house a couple of times, even met her grandparents, so I'm doing alright! 

Who knows what the future will bring, but for now we are doing well. If that means that the 2cv gets used even less than usual for a while, then it will just have to be the case.

You've been through the mill a bit so good news all round. Happy days Chris, long may it continue 👍

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally had a chance to get down to see the 2cv. Started almost immediately, after 4 months or more (life happened!) so I ran it up and down the garden a few times. Can't take it out on the road as the MOT ran out in November, and it needs 3 new shocks. I've got a new set (of 4, I'm not going to only change 3!) and ran it up on the ramps to have a quick look, but it looks a bit hard for me. Too much risk of it getting too big a job for me and then leaving the car off the road for another few months before I can get help to finish the job. Will try and ring the garage in the next week or 2, when I've seen when I can next get down here.   As an added bonus, there appears to be a petrol leak from the back somewhere!

An old mate is coming to look at the Clio indicator on Tuesday. I'm hoping that it's the switch. He thinks it's the UCH, which is unlikely to be good. 

Otherwise, much as was. The moped is still dead and covered in crap, and the Stepway is in regular use, serving me well.

The other situation is a bit more troubling. We saw a lot of each other over the last few weeks, and now she feels that she needs some time to "see if I miss you". "A week or two, maybe more". Which isn't great to be honest. But, she's still talking on messenger regularly, featured me in her Instagram highlights of the year, and seemed annoyed that I'm busy tomorrow, so who knows?  Hopefully just a little bit of virtual time rather than face to face.

Oh, and the second new year running where I've felt like crap. I feel similar to when I had covid, but don't have tests anymore so just getting on with it!


Edited slightly due to poor wording.

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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - Minor update, mostly 2cv related . 1/1/23
  • 1 month later...

Just a minor update.

I was thinking this morning. "The MOT on the Stepway is due in mid March, I'd better check when exactly". Quick check with the DVLA. Due on 14th February! "Oh crap!". It's filthy and full of junk. But, I do work for a garage! Quick chat with the workshop controller, and the 3 week waiting list was swerved. Passed, but brakes and tyres will need attention soon.

Otherwise, not much happening. My friend Dave is supposedly sorting the Clio but always seems to be too busy, and has left it in bits for about a month now.

The 2cv remains in it's garage, but I got in touch with an old friend last week (not Dave!) who is going to come and sort the shocks out. Just need to tie up when we can both be there at the same time.

In my personal life, things are pretty good. She took me to meet her sister and family on Sunday, and keeps not very subtly mentioning marriage! I don't think that we are anywhere near that yet, (definitely not ruling it out though!)  but it's nice that things seem to be more long term now. She wants us to have a summer holiday together etc. Don't get me wrong, I want it too, she is an incredible woman, I'm just wary of things going wrong again. I mean, it's Valentines. She isn't interested in all that, but we are both at a loose end, in our own homes tonight. I don't know. Time will tell.


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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - Minor update 14/2/23
  • 2 weeks later...

Still no progress with the fleet, so I'm using the Stepway more than usual. I'm determined to sort at least two of the vehicles out next month - I'm away this weekend and only actually in on Monday night next week, so there is no point planning anything next week. I'd really like to know what is happening with the ULEZ, as the Clio is due a cambelt and service, but if I have to sell it by August, is there really any point?  It is not really going to affect the value and I'd have to be really unlucky for it to go in the couple of thousand miles that I'll do in that time. Similarly, the Stepway is also due a cambelt and service (nice expensive year!) but is a 5 year old diesel, so IF the 6 year thing is rolling, I may need to get rid of that next year. 

I understand that pollution is a problem. I understand that the Clio is old and not as clean as modern cars, but it easily passes the emissions every year and it only really does quite a low mileage as she doesn't like it. I just don't see the sense in selling it for a very low price, which will probably result in somebody running it into the ground and it being scrapped before long, when with a little maintenance it will probably be good for quite a few more years. But I can't justify £13 (or whatever) each day just to commute. It makes some sense between the north and south circulars, but the new area is absolutely vast and includes much quieter and even country roads. It is surely going to mean large numbers of perfectly good cars being scrapped just because they are old. But, in two years time, I'll be able to bring the 2cv in! How does that make sense. On top of that, how am I supposed to afford a new car? No point buying another "old" car if I'm still going to have to pay ULEZ.


On the personal thing. She messaged me one evening "Chris, you lied to me!" Oh crap, I thought. What have I done now?  "I'm sure that I haven't" I replied. I've been really careful to always be honest with her.  "Yes, you did. In the car yesterday".  I wracked my brain, trying to think what I could possibly have said to upset her. Silence for a while.

"You said that my singing was nice. I've just recorded myself and it's the worst noise that I have ever heard!"  It was all a wind up! (Her voice is fine) It's nice that we can have silliness like this, but not good for my nerves! 

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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - Very minor update and ramble about ULEZ 25/2/23

The ULEZ is based on European emissions regulations e.g Euro 4,5 etc. Euro 6, which is still current, started with vehicles from 2015. The ULEZ is not based on the age of the vehicle or anything like that. Your Sandero will be good for many years yet I expect, as any Euro 6 diesel is totally compliant for ULEZ, as it should be, as this is what new cars sold today are rated at. 

The EU wants Euro 7 in 2025 but the manufacturers are not keen, investing craploads of money in lowering ICE engine emissions seems a bit pointless if they can’t sell them at all beyond 2030 or maybe 2035. 

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22 hours ago, AnthonyG said:

The ULEZ is based on European emissions regulations e.g Euro 4,5 etc. Euro 6, which is still current, started with vehicles from 2015. The ULEZ is not based on the age of the vehicle or anything like that. Your Sandero will be good for many years yet I expect, as any Euro 6 diesel is totally compliant for ULEZ, as it should be, as this is what new cars sold today are rated at. 

The EU wants Euro 7 in 2025 but the manufacturers are not keen, investing craploads of money in lowering ICE engine emissions seems a bit pointless if they can’t sell them at all beyond 2030 or maybe 2035. 

Thanks for this. I think that I had got myself a bit confused and worried when I didn't really need to. I still think that it is really over the top as it will go a long way further out than is necessary, but at least it's not quite so urgent now.  I'm not against the idea as such, I try to be responsible and recycle wherever possible. I'm not wasteful. I bought cars that were sold as being environmentally friendly (both very low emissions and only £20 or £30 tax, despite being diesels. Even the 2cv is pretty economical and not on leaded fuel anymore). I just think this is a very big step towards road charging and pushing poorer people off the roads. Apart from that, it's going to take all the character off the road, 90% of cars will be bland, identical SUVs once the older cars have been priced out. 

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  • 1 month later...

Not much has happened recently, but Dave has finally come to sort the Clio out! (Only 4 months late!) Dad saw him, as I was at work, and apparently the light switch that I bought is wrong. Sadly I can't really do much about that now, as I've had it for months. At least it was cheap. The weird thing is, I've had one text from Dave saying that he'll get the right part for me, but Dad seems to think that I know all about what is happening, when he probably talked to Dave the entire time that he was there. (Like the time that he did a really bad impression of my then 2cv mechanic. To him.) 

The battery was flat, as I expected, but after a long charge, it eventually started and I drove it today, for the first time this year! It drove absolutely fine. No constantly flashing indicator! Also no plastics on the steering column, as they are all on the passenger seat, but it's progress of sorts.

The Stepway remains in regular use. Dave wants to do the cambelt which was due last month, but I've said that I'm not having two (technically 4) vehicles off the road, so the Clio needs to be fixed before I'll consider it. 

The 2cv remains in it's garage, waiting for me to sort the shock absorbers. I've made a degree of progress, but just seem to be really busy all the time. Started and ran absolutely fine a few weeks ago.

On the personal front, we've gone public! I think that virtually everyone already knew that we were together, but we aren't pretending otherwise any more. It's nice and everyone has been really supportive, but I think that we really needed the chance to get ourselves established before we started getting any interrogation. We've booked a holiday together! I'm really happy. If it means that the cars have to take a back seat for a while, then I'm afraid that's just the way it is.


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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - Progress(ish) on the Clio 20/4/23
  • 1 month later...

Just over a month later and there has been a bit more progress! 

The Clio has been back on the road for a fortnight now. I won't say it's a hundred percent, there are still the occasional indicator flashes when I close the window, but ULEZ is going to kill it soon anyway!

The Stepway continues to rack up the miles and is still doing well. One weird thing happened a couple of weeks ago, when the reverse camera (on a Dacia!) didn't come on. The screen told me that the camera was broken or disconnected and it just stayed on a black screen. I couldn't change the radio station or use sat nav. Got rather concerned as I had a big trip coming up, but was on my way to a concert, so just had to park and hope for the best. When I returned a few hours later, it all worked perfectly! Hopefully just a strange one off. 

Still no progress with the 2cv. Life just seems really hectic lately. Maybe if we made some actual plans it would help! But, life is good. Off to the "father in law's" birthday party on Saturday, guess that means that we are fully public now!

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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - Back in the Clio (for now anyway!) 25/5/23
  • 3 months later...

I've been using the Clio during the week ever since the last post. In a rather shocking development, I've moved in with my girlfriend! She hates the Clio as it "makes her sick" (which I think is more to do with her playing with her phone while I am driving!) so I use that for commuting, then the Stepway at weekends when she is with me. It has been going well, only very rarely doing the random indicating. It sometimes takes a couple of goes to start, but has always started. 

Yesterday was my last commute in it though. We are inside the new extended ULEZ, so I can't justify paying that. It's a shame as it has been a great little car for nearly 21 years now, but it had to go. Of course, being me, I haven't sold it. I haven't scrapped it either. My parents are in the process (still!) of renovating a house to retire to, down by the coast, so today I drove the Clio down to their place. It's going to live here and be their runabout to save mileage on their car, and I'll use it when I'm here - as long as I can persuade my girlfriend! 

I'm not really happy about it. I'm glad that it's still in the family, but I worry that it will end up spending most of it's time "resting" like the 2cv. I don't want it being a mobile garden ornament. I was getting 60mpg on the way down (better than the Stepway gets!) and it is in the cheapest tax rate as it is low emissions! It always sails through the emissions part of the MOT but I am apparently driving a badly polluting car! I also worry that there is nothing to stop the goalposts moving and the Stepway suddenly being too dirty for London. It's one thing with a 20+ year old car, but they keep saying "diesel over 6 years old" and Stepway is 5 and a half! I hope that it actually means 6 years old now, so 7 years old next year, but taxes rarely work like that! A colleague "knows someone" who can apparently change tax classes on the log book, so that his old car is ok. He offered to do mine, but this sounds very dodgy to me.



In other news, all good with the Stepway, no repeat of the camera incident and in regular use at weekends.  I started the 2cv a few weeks ago. Can't use it as I just haven't had time to sort the suspension, so it has no MOT. Dad has now offered to take it in for me. I'm happy to pay, I'm just not anywhere near the car when the garage is open!


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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - The Clio goes into exile! 26/8/23
  • 1 month later...

Just a brief update.

No change with the 2cv or moped. MUST sort the 2cv early next year, not much point now as I haven't got a free weekend until January, but I'm not having it sit for another year. Especially as September 2024 will mark 30 years since I got the car. Thirty years! Bloody hell I'm old! On the bright side, my girlfriend is warming to the idea of the odd car show in it, so progress there! She even suggested that we use it for our wedding!

The Stepway needs a service, my fault I've just been really busy and I can't just take it into work any more. Running well even with my much longer commute these days.

The Clio seems to be enjoying semi retirement. I've been down a few times and cruised the coast in it. My parents have been using it for shopping and all is good, although still having the occasional reluctance to start - but it does start eventually. 

It sailed through it's MOT last week. Just an advisory for a slightly worn track rod end (which was also reported last year, oops!) otherwise all good.

It still seems stupid to me that it is fine for MOT emissions  and £20 tax, but "too filthy" to use in London. A friend has a considerably newer Megane but is reduced to just avoiding the ULEZ cameras. To be fair, most of them seem to be vandalised around here! I reluctantly accept the situation with Clio and I wasn't really using it a great deal anyway, but I do worry where it will lead. Will the goalposts keep moving as ever younger cars become "too dirty"? Will it lead to road pricing, as many seem to believe? I am not against trying to help the environment, I recycle, I use things until they are absolutely beyond repair (clearly!) and try to be sensible with purchases, but I think that measures like this are more likely to alienate people than to make a serious difference.

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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - A minor update 15/10/23
  • 3 months later...

A slightly late end of year update!

The Stepway is now my main car and does a much longer commute everyday. It seems to resemble a mobile skip most of the time, as I also have lunch in the car, so spend nearly as much time in there as I do in my living room! It is still serving me very well. I finally got the cambelt and service done a couple of months ago, having somehow forgotten when it was due! I've had two bulbs blow in the last few months, the rear sidelight taking a few minutes, the drivers headlamp taking about an hour and cutting my hand to pieces! Even the mechanic that ended up finishing the job took quite a while! But, two bulbs are not really too bad for running repairs. Especially as I had them in "stock".

The Clio lives with my parents, but it turns out that they are only using it occasionally, and I have barely got down there in  months - and when I did it rained a LOT, so I couldn't be bothered digging it out. I worry about it just rotting there and should have got rid of it by now. Which brings us to.....

The moped! Which is STILL sitting in the garage! It's been about 3 years (might be more, but I don't want to think about that!) Really must get rid of it soon. I don't even want money for it, just lost confidence in it, and I can't keep it anywhere near the flat anyway. 3 stolen cars have been dumped near us since August, how long is a moped going to last? Even a knackered one? Although, I suppose that it might do me a favour!

Finally the 2cv. I am determined that it is not going to spend another year on SORN. I started it at New Year and ran for a while.  I moved it up and down the garden quite a few times (the garage is at the end of the garden) as I obviously can't take it on the road. Seems ok, but the brakes are binding a bit. Bound to be really, having sat for so long. I want to get it MOTed and serviced in the next month or two, ready for the summer. It upsets me that it has sat for so long, but life is just crazy these days. I'm getting married next year! 

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  • Chris2cv changed the title to Chris2cv's Fleet - Slight update 15/1/24

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