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The grumpy thread


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The grass is not greener on the other side. Sorry.


I've been on about moving to Czech for years now, but the language is a bloody killer and nobody in the rural bits speaks English. Lovely place, a bit similar to here in the 60's / 70's but with mobile phones and the interwebz. The rules and regulations though, fuxake, you think this country has problems? At least here it's easy to make money if you can be bothered getting off your fat arse and doing something.


Eh? You seem to forget that I have lived/worked/been educated abroad and whatever. And yeah, I get that the grass aint greener and all that shit, I'm happy to take on shit, I'd just prefer to do it elsewhere. Shit happens everywhere in case you're not aware. I've made an aim, I intend to see it through, end of :?


You learn something new everyday, this wasnt one of them.

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The grass is not greener on the other side. Sorry.


I've been on about moving to Czech for years now, but the language is a bloody killer and nobody in the rural bits speaks English. Lovely place, a bit similar to here in the 60's / 70's but with mobile phones and the interwebz. The rules and regulations though, fuxake, you think this country has problems? At least here it's easy to make money if you can be bothered getting off your fat arse and doing something.


Eh? You seem to forget that I have lived/worked/been educated abroad and whatever. And yeah, I get that the grass aint greener and all that shit, I'm happy to take on shit, I'd just prefer to do it elsewhere. Shit happens everywhere in case you're not aware. I've made an aim, I intend to see it through, end of :?


You learn something new everyday, this wasnt one of them.


WTF are you on about? You appear to have taken insult with someone who was pretty much agreeing with you.

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Hi trigger, We are looking for cars to represent us at this years Classic Car Show at the Birmingham NEC Indoor Arena. The show is a full weekend (Thursday - Sunday) and most importantly is all indoor....so no weather excuses!!

With 170 watchers on the ebay advert now and being up to £1700 (the reserve is £3000) there's certainly interest out there for it, but what do i do??!! I wish i had room and the money to keep it and buy something else.

I did the NEC thing with one of the Lancia Betas


Had to take Thurs Fri Sat off work, mandatory.

Drove up 100 miles, in the rain, undoing all the valeting effort.

Was expected to stand by the stand all w/e. Did a fair share.

Saw all of both shows, but by Friday evening rang Missus up to collect, out of boredom.

Showed up Sat noon and found stand barely manned but public clambering about my car inside and out. Members had been out on the piss night before hadn't they, and weren't handling the next day too well.

Took keys back. Locked it up again. Hung about a bit. Went back to Hotel at dusk.

Sunday night, drove it home 100 miles, in rain, in dark.

w/e must have cost me £250 with hotel, taxis, stuff and ting.




Sell it.

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WTF are you on about? You appear to have taken insult with someone who was pretty much agreeing with you.


...The grass is not greener on the other side. Sorry...


...money is easy to make over here if you can bothered getting off your fat arse and doing something...


These fella, sounded like you were aiming those particular comments at me. If I read it wrong, fair enough.


Seriously, if the Czech language is a barrier for you, try and see if you can pick up the language whilst out and about in Czechslovakia or get some mates to try and teach you some lines or something, the way I learnt pretty much alot of Arabic and French (Though I also learnt much of French at school in Belgium) was mixing amongst native French or Arabic speakers.

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I see your point Mr fiatalfa! I don't think i have enough holiday left to do it anyway.


I thinking of buying a classic at the moment capable of towing and going all Seth like by buying a trailer tent and going camping in it, not that I've done that before but it look like fun.

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I had a week like that when I lived in leafy S8. 3 times in a week. 3rd time the law caught him on his way over a fence. Robbed a load of xmas presents I'd left hidden in the boot. Took dog for a walk and found my godmother's empty diabetic chocolate box! Dense robbing bastard. Bet he enjoyed them!


Was my old Saab. Broke the reverse lock eventually, and obviously tried to get it going, but never managed. One time took the cd player out and then carelessly left it on the roof and forgot it. :roll:


Dense robbing bastard.

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They really are stupid...I mean, you've fucking broken into it before, in the exact same spot. You know that there hasn't been and there won't be much worth stealing in there. Yet you break in again, hoping to hotwire a car with an immobiliser (and a flat battery, but ok he won't know that)?

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I'd think about fragging it before someone torches it. Seriously it sounds shit too have to do it but at least this way you'll get a couple of hundred quid you can put towards something else in the future and or spend on beer.

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I'd think about fragging it before someone torches it. Seriously it sounds shit too have to do it but at least this way you'll get a couple of hundred quid you can put towards something else in the future and or spend on beer.



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I reckon it can be saved. Should be able to get it into the lock-up within 10 days or so. Is there any parking space anywhere near your place, Mr Pear? On-street is fine as long as it's legal and there's some street lighting, as I hadn't properly installed the replacement window, so they only had to cut the parcel tape this time around.

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My roads a nightmare for parking (a rant for another day) but the roads areound about are all reasonably safe and unrestricted. Stick a for-sale sign in it and you can park it on the grass at the bottom of linley lane indefinitely. Everyone else does, anyway.


Now you mention it, about 50% of the streetlights round me don't work either.


I've left my car unlocked a good few times and no-ones been in it. That said a patched up window is more obvious to casual scrote passers by.


Whereabouts do you live? It sounds like a right scrote-box*.


*no offence!

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Thinking Shell was dear (M56 Chester Services) was a fucking rip off at £1.39.9 per litre on the way to holiday. Compared to seeing fuel at £1.31.9 around Lincolnshire, I nominate myself for 'dickhead of the month' for not fuelling up before we left this afternoon and being obliged to pull into a BP garage by the M180.


Take a bow, you sea polluting, thieving shitbag bastards:


£143.9 for 'ordinary' unleaded and the pump 'did that thing' where it goes a penny over. :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:

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I got stuck at that M56 place a couple of years ago. I was pissed off I had to pay the £5 extra for the tank. How do they justify putting extra cost on because it's in a service station?

Is it harder for the wagons to fill it up, meaning it costs more? Or the government puts extra tax on service station fuel. or or or or or or or ... :roll:

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My roads a nightmare for parking (a rant for another day) but the roads areound about are all reasonably safe and unrestricted. Stick a for-sale sign in it and you can park it on the grass at the bottom of linley lane indefinitely. Everyone else does, anyway.


Now you mention it, about 50% of the streetlights round me don't work either.


I've left my car unlocked a good few times and no-ones been in it. That said a patched up window is more obvious to casual scrote passers by.


Whereabouts do you live? It sounds like a right scrote-box*.


*no offence!


I live in the lower part of the city centre- just behind the Leadmill. The area actually is quite clean and safe, but there is no parking for residents so I'm forced to leave the Accord on a very dark alley behind a disused DIY store.


By contrast, the Scorpio gets the LPG parking-permit so it can park under the glow of bright streetlighting while benefitting from the vigilance of literally hundreds of people living in the 'executive apartments' on one side and the student halls on the other.


Incidentally, this explains the panic I was experiencing while I was looking for a car. It hadn't been that hard to guess that it would eventually come to this.

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The excuse is they pay big rents on motorway services, but the real reason is they know daft people like me forget to get fuel elsewhere so have to get dry bummed by their pump charges.

I did have a can of juice in the boot but bollocks to stopping on the hard shoulder to re-fuel.

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The thing with motorway services is that the state gets a cut by auctioning off the land, and the landlord wants his money back when renting it out. However, my impression is that their prices are very reasonable nowadays- 139.9 is only 3-4p more than what you'd pay in my local BP or Texaco. That's like a 2.5% premium- I'd say worth it for the convenience. I remember when unleaded was about 80p, they were 10-12p more expensive!


In fact, the other day I stopped at a services that sold LPG and the price was identical to the one place selling LPG within a 5 mile radius of where I live (or about 3p more than the cheapest 'going rate' for which I drive 6.5 miles out of town and back)! :shock:

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My roads a nightmare for parking (a rant for another day) but the roads areound about are all reasonably safe and unrestricted. Stick a for-sale sign in it and you can park it on the grass at the bottom of linley lane indefinitely. Everyone else does, anyway.


Now you mention it, about 50% of the streetlights round me don't work either.


I've left my car unlocked a good few times and no-ones been in it. That said a patched up window is more obvious to casual scrote passers by.


Whereabouts do you live? It sounds like a right scrote-box*.


*no offence!


I live in the lower part of the city centre- just behind the Leadmill. The area actually is quite clean and safe, but there is no parking for residents so I'm forced to leave the Accord on a very dark alley behind a disused DIY store.


By contrast, the Scorpio gets the LPG parking-permit so it can park under the glow of bright streetlighting while benefitting from the vigilance of literally hundreds of people living in the 'executive apartments' on one side and the student halls on the other.


Incidentally, this explains the panic I was experiencing while I was looking for a car. It hadn't been that hard to guess that it would eventually come to this.


Ah, I know those student halls well, from my more successful lothario days! :lol::oops:


if I were you I'd be tempted to park it somewhere up city road near the bright lights of texaco or thereabouts? It won't be 100% safer, but it'd probably be a bit safer. And if you have a bike you can stick in the car it's downhill all the way back from dropping it off.

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If you want uber shit broadband Tiscali would be your best bet. Absolutely and utterly useless.

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An engineer explained why their internet is up, slow, or nothing at all is that 'it just does that' - there is no cure. It's at my mum's house, and she's happy with it. I couldn't deal with it personally.


Also, having to install Itunes, Quicktime, software updaters, and a shit load of other crap just to return my IPod to factory settings, I hate both of them.

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I think Tiscali is now owned by Talk Talk...


We went for the Talk Talk £15.99 unlimited broadband a few years ago, got a snotty letter from then the other day saying we were exceeding our 40gig download limit :shock: so will be charged £5.00 more per month. Tried to call to discuss but it's impossible as you always end up being put through to a scripted 'Internet service providings' drone.


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TalkTalk is fucking shit. I don't know ANYONE who has a good word to say about it. Their voice service sucks the fat one. See if you can get BT Infinity, here's mine on Speedtest:




Limit at the minute is 40 meg, but I an reliably informed that the equipment will take 100, and the blanked off extra sockets on the VHSDSL modem-router bears that out.

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I moved to Be about 6 years ago from Tiscali. Yes, it's £22 a month but I get 24MB (actual always >8MB) and unlimited downloads. No '40GB limit' when they claim unlimited.

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