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The grumpy thread


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Ebay. Yeah, loads of questions but no fucker's bidding. Cheers.


The 305's carb being utterly fucked and not being able to find another - and yet falling over bits and reconditioned Z13 variants. AAAAAAAAAAARGH.

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Treading in animal faeces is the worst.


No it's not, Standing in lorry drivers shit is worse. :(


I stood in my own green liquid shit once in Belgium. I was very ill and the bloody doctor moved the squit pan. SPLOSH.

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Washway Road today. I pass a cyclist on the inside lane. I pull up at the lights.




Had enough room to smash your gay gloved fists down on my roof though, didn't you? Who's talking shit again, hmm? Wish I'd never taken that jack handle out of my boot now.


CUNT. If I see you again, I'll fucking kick you off that racer and ram it up your arse. And then I'll reverse over you just to make my point. Do you like reversing lights? Mine are very low down.

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Swearing or even just shouting at someone comes under common assault.

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open the passenger door on the fockers


bloody cyclists - they all want napalming


I tend to reserve my door-in-face moments for twats in Mercs who decide to stand on their horns because I had the temerity to use 'their' petrol pump. In an otherwise empty filling station.

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Maybe not all cyclists then, but some of them....


I was driving through Durham at tea-time rush hour one day last week, I ran into an unexpected queue of cars on a 40mph section on the way out of town. Pretty soon, I could see what was causing it - there were cyclists in the road. One adult on a mountain bike with a baby carrier on the back towing a trailer with a toddler in, and two older (but still young) children on bikes side by side following him. Slap bang in the middle of the lane, causing all the cars to slow to 5mph and wait for a gap opposite to pass. What a fuggin idiot. I think the worst bit was the lovely cycle path parallel to the road, you know, the one he wasn't using........

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Maybe not all cyclists then, but some of them....


I was driving through Durham at tea-time rush hour one day last week, I ran into an unexpected queue of cars on a 40mph section on the way out of town. Pretty soon, I could see what was causing it - there were cyclists in the road. One adult on a mountain bike with a baby carrier on the back towing a trailer with a toddler in, and two older (but still young) children on bikes side by side following him. Slap bang in the middle of the lane, causing all the cars to slow to 5mph and wait for a gap opposite to pass. What a fuggin idiot. I think the worst bit was the lovely cycle path parallel to the road, you know, the one he wasn't using........

What a middle-class moron...

Cyclepaths are great so long as they have been built well enough to get a decent speed up on, go where you want to go to and don't add huge amounts of time to your journey.

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Cyclists are worth a grump. Around here, overtaking them is tricky when it's just one. When there are loads in a line, it's a nightmare. Do you try and get past the whole group, ignoring the fact that it's a blind bend and just hope for the best, or do you overtake a few and somehow squeeze in between them before getting a chance to take the rest?


I still don't think they're as bad as horseboxes though.

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Be like me. Get an older Jaaaag, shave your head and everyone will get out of your way, thinking that you're the Lost Mitchell Brother. "Get aahhht the wayy, you maaaahpit!"


Horsey types around here are generally pretty good when they are actually on their quadrupeds, and will usually wave or thumbs-up when you slow down or give them a wide berth.

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Agreed. Horses actually being used as a horse are generally polite, and I slow down and give plenty of room (I always give cyclists plenty of room too). What annoys me is have you ever seen a horsebox pull over and let a queue of cars past? No, I haven't either. They seem completely unaware of the chaos they cause, and presumable wouldn't give a shit anyway as long as Dobbin is happy in the back.


I do feel for the sheep around here though. It's amazing how fast a Land Rover towing a trailer full of sheep can travel! (hope they weren't rustling...)

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I won't use cycle paths myself, mostly because I'm usually using a bike to get somewhere, as opposed to bimbling around looking at the scenery, but also because there, er, aren't any between Ross and Gloucester (which is my usual commute). But then if there is someone stuck behind me - and there never is for very long - I will make an effort to pull over and let them past, where I can do it safely. I'm especially aware of holding up lorries, as a lorry driver myself ...


The other reason I don't use bike lanes is that many of them are dangerous places for a bike to be, paradoxically. Take the bike lane I ignore just off Gloucester centre, which channels bikes going straight on at a set of traffic lights over to the left of the road, on the left hand side of a lane full of cars turning left ... there's no way I'm going to stick my bike there and I think it's nothing short of dangerously irresponsible of the council to encourage cyclists to do that.

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The 'shared use' pavement/cycle lanes are great, as are any cycle lanes separate from the road. But the 'green paint in the gutter' lanes don't help, they just encourage drivers to pass closer and faster because they feel like they're safely in their lane and you're safely in yours.

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That's true enough, although if you're going at any speed, the shared use paths aren't much good. Indeed according to the Department for Transport themselves, you're supposed to use the road if you're going faster than 18mph or so, which I usually am. And of course, bike lanes are not normally as direct as the roads, which is fine if you're not trying to get to work or whatever.

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Gah! I need to vent.


For a while now I have been irritated by the tone of official letters.. For example, my wife got a photocard renewal letter the other week from the DVLA, it says

Dear Customer,

Just a little reminder. You must get an up to date photo of yourself on your photocard licence because the one you have is due to or has run out. By law you must do this every ten years. If you do not get a new photo you will be breaking the law and may have to pay a fine of up to £1000


The highlighting is theirs, not mine. I hate the constant threat of fines/courts, and I don't like the idea of being fined for not doing anything (IE allowing the licence to expire and forget about it - my wife hasn't driven since 2001). Other stuff is just as bad, but today took the biscuit big style, I had a letter from the council :x


Just after the post, the letterbox rattled again, there was a single piece of A4 on the mat. It is from "Neighbourhood Services" and is a 1st Advisory Notice for "Untidy condition of your garden, yard or land"


Gist of it is that an inspection has identified "building waste" in the rear yard at my house, they have photographed it and will be back in a week. It then goes on to list all the legal ways I can get rid of it, warns me not to pay anyone to take it without seeing their waste carrier licence (because if they fly-tip it, it's my fault) and so on. There are, of course, several threats of fines or legal action. then it says

We wish to avoid any type of formal action if at all possible and it is hoped, therefore, that you will fully co-operate with this request.

If you wish to discuss this matter at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Neighbourhood Services

No name, phone number or any other contact details on it.


What boils my piss more than anything else is that whoever it was didn't even knock to find out what I was planning to do with the half dozen bags of soil and stones near the gate. I was taking them to the tip.... not sure I'll bother now, maybe I'll just empty them in the street instead.

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That's true enough, although if you're going at any speed, the shared use paths aren't much good. Indeed according to the Department for Transport themselves, you're supposed to use the road if you're going faster than 18mph or so, which I usually am. And of course, bike lanes are not normally as direct as the roads, which is fine if you're not trying to get to work or whatever.



Plus the 'shared' paths are usually full of bumbling dog walkers, old fogeys and mums with pushchairs that are completely unaware that bikes can use it too.

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Scary - That letter is almost certainly not from the council or anyone with any sort of authority, as they of course would leave contact details.

Most likely a busybody old codger with nothing better to do. The road where my dad lives is full of the petty bastards.

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Scary - That letter is almost certainly not from the council or anyone with any sort of authority, as they of course would leave contact details.

Most likely a busybody old codger with nothing better to do. The road where my dad lives is full of the petty bastards.


Nar, it's real - Council logo, fill in the details form style, perforations on the top edge and "White copy - Client Yellow copy- To Be Returned" on the bottom. There is a box for "Signature of Officer" but it's just a squiggle.

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fuckin cab drivers :shock:


this mob of cabbies ADDISON LEE, fuckin former delivery drivers for said company now think they are cabbies.... i think they got their driving licence from a cornflake competition...


i have right of way to turn left, this twat just barges in front of me stops in the middle of the junction with window down shout a load of profanities to me right across the face of his passenger :roll: shows you the class of these twats that think they are cabbies... i thought "fuck this" so i race up bhind him hooting my horn for him to pull over... he speeds away but gets caught at the lights..so i go to his window and said " get out of the fuckin motor and shout at me face to face"

he starts jibbering on in turkish or some fuckin lingo...so rather than hit him i said to the passenger " are you feeling safe getting into a car driven by a wanker like him"... then the missus shouts me back to say im holding up traffic at lights :lol:


just wait until im back at work addison lee..... i'm coming to get you!

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Surrey County Council.....................................


Now have a nice 50p size chunk missing from 17" Alloy. Chuffing great pot hole on a blind bend

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Fucked off.


Alloys I was selling on eBay went for THIRTEEN FUCKING QUID. Fixed price auction. No bidders. BIN auction with offers (fair price) - no bidders. Reserve auction (sensible amount). No bidders, 67,000 retarded questions written in monglish.


Well, they can fuck off if they think I'm posting them. They can drag themselves up here and collect.


Why do I never, ever, EVER make any decent money on eBay?

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Why do I never, ever, EVER make any decent money on eBay?


Maybe because you're honest and don't bump up the price using your spare Ebay account.


I'm the same, virtually everything I bid on (even old shit) goes for silly money, but anything I'm selling goes for fuck all generally.

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Is MOTMax in Mansfield any good? I always wonder about taking stuff there for their "no pass no fee" promise but can't work out how they're gonna shaft me to make a profit.

In the end I pop up to Dave's Test Centre behind Just Car Clinic off Southwell Road, he's pretty fair with old stuff and there used to be a Rover P5 and a Saab 96 stored in the test centre providing nice scenery whilst my chod fails miserably.

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Is MOTMax in Mansfield any good? I always wonder about taking stuff there for their "no pass no fee" promise but can't work out how they're gonna shaft me to make a profit.

In the end I pop up to Dave's Test Centre behind Just Car Clinic off Southwell Road, he's pretty fair with old stuff and there used to be a Rover P5 and a Saab 96 stored in the test centre providing nice scenery whilst my chod fails miserably.


Never used them yet - I use Alan's Test Centre just down the road from there, never had any problems with them. If it's an MOT only place there's no motive for them to fail or fish for extra work. There's a garage in Mansfield Woodhouse thats on the FBHC list of garages that have an understanding of older cars and the MOT.

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Washway Road today. I pass a cyclist on the inside lane. I pull up at the lights.




Had enough room to smash your gay gloved fists down on my roof though, didn't you? Who's talking shit again, hmm? Wish I'd never taken that jack handle out of my boot now.


CUNT. If I see you again, I'll fucking kick you off that racer and ram it up your arse. And then I'll reverse over you just to make my point. Do you like reversing lights? Mine are very low down.


Shite related solution. No apologies for Youtube Link so bollocks.


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