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The grumpy thread


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My life is brilliant.

My love is pure.


Etc etc etc. Grump? This whole fucking "song"! And the miserable bastard who recorded it. Norm, how on earth did you have the endurance to sit through it long enough to remember the words? I'm ready to slash my wrists by the third line... It simply isn't possible to believe the opening line, because of the delivery. And the rest of the lash-up follows in the same (open) vein. I'm grumpy just thinking about it. Music? Not by any definition I know...


I went to a Carina Round concert and had to endure an hour of that twat, along with his sister.

I was ready to abandon the concert if I hadn't had a couple of Portuguese students in tow.

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HAIRSPRAY, FAKE TAN, SPANDEX... don't come cheap y'know.... betcha its feckin cheaper than the £1142 quote they gave me which included 12 weeks free car insurance and an online discount :shock:


robbing bastards!!

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I'm not a fan of e-heroes or tales of hardmen on the web, but I'd honestly be chuffed to bits if someone discovers where this 'Mikey' wanker lives and kicks fuck out of him.

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I'm not a fan of e-heroes or tales of hardmen on the web, but I'd honestly be chuffed to bits if someone discovers where this 'Mikey' wanker lives and kicks fuck out of him.


He'd have been out of our lives and forgotten about weeks ago, if fuckwits on here didnt keep replying to his lousy thread.

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Agreed. I was stupid enough to reply a few times but the futility of it is not lost.

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Last night at work I have been mostly pissed off by cocksponges on the opposite carriageway of the motorway leaving their high beams on. You may think no one can see you because the central reservation is in the way, but your lights shine right into the cab of a truck. I'm toying with getting one of those ten million billion candlepower torches to shine right into their stupid eyes from the cab window.

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People are such dosy cunts.


Just been out for a breath of air at work, and where we are is on an industrial estate not far from carcraft, so it's quite a regular occurance for people to pull up at the dead end near our fag bucket looking lost, and ask where carcraft is.


Now this semi-elderly retarded type has just pulled up in a gloriously mint late TD (not fragile HDI) Xantia asking where carcraft is. I told him how to get there and sent him on his way. Now they'll be offering him £0.001 trade in on his car and he'll still give it them, and then they'll transporter it to some auction miles away from me or bridge it, and I'm denied a quality vehicle. I should have given him my number or something so he could ring me in half an hour saying I can have it for £50, but I didn't, cos I'm a dosy cunt, and I haven't got £50 cos all my money this month (and last month) is going on trips to wembley to see Stoke win at football. Bah. Never happened when we were shit, etc etc.


And carcraft are the biggest cunts of all, but we all know that.

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You'd never have got it for fifty quid anyhow I'm afraid. By the time the dealers have vastly over-priced their tarted up, highly polished high mileage ex-sales rep crud they'd have offered the couple a 'huge' price for their car against it.


Mr and Mrs Simpleton-Confused will therefore proudly tell everyone how they got £600 for their old car against their super-duper new one. Carcraft will just laugh their bollocks off because they sold a five grand car for £7,000 and the old duffers Xantia.

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You'd never have got it for fifty quid anyhow I'm afraid. By the time the dealers have vastly over-priced their tarted up, highly polished high mileage ex-sales rep crud they'd have offered the couple a 'huge' price for their car against it.


Mr and Mrs Simpleton-Confused will therefore proudly tell everyone how they got £600 for their old car against their super-duper new one. Carcraft will just laugh their bollocks off because they sold a five grand car for £7,000 and the old duffers Xantia.


Halifax Mark (reanimation-films) has a non turbo Xantia D. It cannot be killed.

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You'd never have got it for fifty quid anyhow I'm afraid. By the time the dealers have vastly over-priced their tarted up, highly polished high mileage ex-sales rep crud they'd have offered the couple a 'huge' price for their car against it.


Mr and Mrs Simpleton-Confused will therefore proudly tell everyone how they got £600 for their old car against their super-duper new one. Carcraft will just laugh their bollocks off because they sold a five grand car for £7,000 and the old duffers Xantia.


Oh, I know. Cunts that they are.


Halifax Mark (reanimation-films) has a non turbo Xantia D. It cannot be killed.

I had a non turbo Xantia D as well. It was invincible apart from when the fuel pump broke and you couldn't depress the accellerator beyond about 50% travel or the engine cut out. That was fun at roundabouts when lorries were coming at you and you press just a touch too hard, the engine stops and you have no steering or brakes to speak of either. It was ace though.

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Last night at work I have been mostly pissed off by cocksponges on the opposite carriageway of the motorway leaving their high beams on. You may think no one can see you because the central reservation is in the way, but your lights shine right into the cab of a truck. I'm toying with getting one of those ten million billion candlepower torches to shine right into their stupid eyes from the cab window.

I suppose, with a well lit cab, it will be harder to conceal kidnapped young female hitchhikers to do unspeakable things to.

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Last night at work I have been mostly pissed off by cocksponges on the opposite carriageway of the motorway leaving their high beams on. You may think no one can see you because the central reservation is in the way, but your lights shine right into the cab of a truck. I'm toying with getting one of those ten million billion candlepower torches to shine right into their stupid eyes from the cab window.

I suppose, with a well lit cab, it will be harder to conceal kidnapped young female hitchhikers to do unspeakable things to.



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I suspect a well aimed crow bar to the back of the head is normally the way our Knights of the road "dazzle" young lady hitch hikers,who are merely trying to get to their boyfriends house on the cheap...

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Last night whilst driving down the A12 there was some road works on the opposite carriageway, they had those big floodlights on facing us and they are so bright that i was blinded and i still couldn't see 5 mins later when i nearly launched myself over Copdock roundabout.

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Last night whilst driving down the A12 there was some road works on the opposite carriageway, they had those big floodlights on facing us and they are so bright that i was blinded and i still couldn't see 5 mins later when i nearly launched myself over Copdock roundabout.

Im going to have a stab at it being the Mondeo you were in?

I cant believe the Scrote or the Opel could possibly have the power to launch you over anything!

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I've run out of 1mm cutting discs and had to go back to using normal cutting discs and re-discovered that they're total shite. I spent all last night getting a face full of sparks and removing big chunks of metal I didn't want to. I'd been as well trying to cut it with a spinning lump of granite on the end of a flaming stick.

Also why is it only the internet that seems to stock 1mm discs? I've been around various autofactors and DIY stores and no-one has them yet they are a most awesome of products.

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Im going to have a stab at it being the Mondeo you were in?

I cant believe the Scrote or the Opel could possibly have the power to launch you over anything!


The only time that they would launch me over anything would be when the brakes fail, though that said the Escorts pretty quick.

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Work again. I managed to escape my horrible debt recovery job, only to kind of end up back in it again due to an office switcharound. The only difference now is that instead of six people answering the phones, there's now only two (budget cuts through retirement of staff). Well, one now - my colleague is off on holiday for a few weeks. The thing is, whilst efficiency savings can make some stuff easier, there's still the same number of people ringing up. Call after call, you put the phone down, another one comes in. The jobs aren't usually hard work, but I'm taking more calls than I can solve, leading to a backlog which can never be reduced. One rather more insulting thing is that I'm now in an office where working past your time (i.e. staying there for free) is part of the culture and you're almost looked down on if you don't partake in it. I'll do it for time and a half (or even just straight wages), but they can bollocks if they think I'm doing it for free. I don't get paid enough for that.


The whole thing is mentally exhausting, especially when I've had a taste of what a half-decent job is like - to them it was monotonous data input, to me it was stress-free bliss, just type a load of numbers in the machine then sod off when the clock strikes 5. Best job I've ever had - the time flew by, but you weren't under any pressure at all.


I've been home from work a fair while now and my eyes still ache, I've got a pounding headache and a massive urge to down some whisky and forget about it all (until tomorrow). The only good thing I did all day was skive off to the toilets and read an old copy of Private Eye for 10 minutes. That was the highlight of the entire day. The second place goes to drinking some water from the cooler, third place goes to watching a generator being lifted up on a crane out of the window. Everything else was horrible.

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Time to find a new job then Hirst-san. It'll only get harder and more pressure will put upon you as the management start to expect more and more of you, the bullying will start from slightly higher twats like line managers/supervisors. Thats when the real problems start.


Seems alot of this bullying/pressuring of staff to do more than they are humanly capable of is rising at an alarming rate. More staff get laid off and more work/pressure is put on those who stay behind.


Maybe its time to look into a different job direction? Good luck, hope all works out.

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Its endemic, im afraid. Cost cutting, pushing you for productivity, efficiency, wielding the big stick, the whole caboodle.

I used to love my job, I spend 99% of my day working outdoors/at customers homes/businesses but now i hate it.

The relentless texts, e'mails, vans fitted with trackers, potential disciplinary proceedings for "low performers", the health and safety Gestapo, everything that could be wrong is wrong.

Naturally, it has nothing whatsoever to do with bad management, lack of direction or good business acumen, no, its our f*****g fault!!

Id love to find another job, do something else but, seriously, what are my chances at an age that is sending me, hurtling, towards 50, do i really have?

Nobody will retrain me and my skills cant be taken from this job to another like, say, a sparky or a plumber.

Ive come to the conclusion that i just keep my head down and look forward to my monthly wage and say f**k the rest of it.

They cant kick me anymore, im bulletproof.

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The whole jobs malarkey is probably only going to get worse I'm afraid, what with all the councils shedding jobs etc.


I'm giving serious consideration to jacking mine in (once I've found something else obv.) but limited skills outside of it and there isn't exactly thousands of other jobs the same with other companies unless I upsticked which ain't going to happen. I might have an 'in' with another similar-ish company but they've been taken over not so long back and there's some very unhappy bunnies leaving them in droves. However those leaving are on more money than I am and better shifts.

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Urgh, hayfever. Throat keeps drying out.




And also....


I've just got home from playing football. 5 a side. I'm a goalkeeper. It's a tough life. We drew, we should have won, I was amazing, everyone else was shit. Gah + sigh.


So we come off, and we have a beer, and I open my glove bag, which has my wallet and keys and phones in, and I notice that my car key is in more pieces than usual. Nae bother. Snap it back together, of a fashion, finish point, we all go separate ways. Will car start? Will it fuck. Turning over fine, not firing. I know immediately what it is, but have no idea how to fix it. Immobiliser shenanigans, transponder in the key damaged/missing. No spare key handy or at home. Me = fucked. Not to mention I'm going to the FA Cup final on saturday, by car. An hour or so later, the world's nicest human being (who happens to work for the AA) appears, and manages to find the transponder blob (black bit of plastic) amongst the detritus of my glove bag, which is full of little black bits of rubber. In the dark, in a car park.


What a legend.


I'm still knackered and hurt all over though. And modern cars with immobilisers are a bag of wank. Anyone want to buy a proton? It works now, and the key comes with free stylish electrical tape.

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I've run out of 1mm cutting discs and had to go back to using normal cutting discs and re-discovered that they're total shite. I spent all last night getting a face full of sparks and removing big chunks of metal I didn't want to. I'd been as well trying to cut it with a spinning lump of granite on the end of a flaming stick.

Also why is it only the internet that seems to stock 1mm discs? I've been around various autofactors and DIY stores and no-one has them yet they are a most awesome of products.


http://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/produ ... isc-41-2in


Job done!

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EBAY BELL-ENDS...... :evil:


As I previously described someone opened a case aginst me on ebay for not receiving their item.


It turns out that he gave me the wrong address through paypal, one at which he hadn't lived for two years. I fanny about for a while waiting for the window to open to make a claim, turns out he's going to be in the best position to make a claim as royal mail insist on receipts of purchase which I no longer have and he does, fine and dandy.


However, two weeks on, he's fucked off and won't reply to my messages, my paypals locked (and I can't pay someone who is being ridiculously kind and patient) because this muppet won't face the fact that it's his fault he hasn't got it and he won't get a penny from me. AND BREATH.


At least there is a new series of the Apprentice and the Shadow Line to keep me somewhere off the insane side of things.



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