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The grumpy thread


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I was really talking about playing computer games, I have of course never made a deposit in the whack off warehouse. Such things make baby Jesus cry

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Found out today my ugly mug was shown on Channel 4's Dispatches programme on Monday. :shock: I appeared for about 5 seconds.


Would have been nice to have known :evil:

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Found out today my ugly mug was shown on Channel 4's Dispatches programme on Monday. :shock: I appeared for about 5 seconds.


Would have been nice to have known :evil:


http://www.channel4.com/programmes/disp ... od#3178415


That's the one. I appear just before the break and then again when they're talking about a campus built in India. Not a pretty sight. :mrgreen:

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Thanks Trigger :oops:


Yep - that's me. Bearing in mind that it's supposed to be me in Bhopal, India I think the hair's not too bad. :wink:

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Gah!, Just pulled my Kadett out of the garage only to find my N/S/F wing has broken of at the bottom by the sill and the join by the front valance isn't much better neither, It's also gained a few nasty looking scabs on the wings over Christmas even though it's been in my garage, and front wings are like rocking horse shit to find and when you do they cost the earth.


Then i pull my Bora (the one I'm trying to sell) into the garage to make room for the Kadett on the drive to notice that the exhaust has started to blow, Great.

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Jeepers. Got a damp problem in your garage? Should imagine a decent bodyshop can sort out the existing panels as long as the rot isn't too rampant.


Actually, my garage doesn't have a damp problem, yet the 2CV still has a bodyshell that is starting resemble a tea bag.

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Gah!, Just pulled my Kadett out of the garage only to find my N/S/F wing has broken of at the bottom by the sill and the join by the front valance isn't much better neither, It's also gained a few nasty looking scabs on the wings over Christmas even though it's been in my garage, and front wings are like rocking horse shit to find and when you do they cost the earth.


Same for my S12. The OE drain chanels send all the water to the base of the wing where it attaches to the sill but there's no where for it to go so the wing just rots out and there are no replacements anywhere. Peep it;






I think both are saveable though.

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No DW my garage seems pretty dry, It's a proper brick one with a tiled roof, The only thing i can think of is that damp has got under the up & over door, I did email one of the last owner of it and they told me to keep a eye on the front wings so I'm guessing they have been a issue in the past.


I'm sure that they are repairable, It will need a new plate fitted to the bottom but the scabs worry me, Can a car fail it's mot if the bottom of the wing isn't attached as my mot is next month. :?






It's hard to see but there's quite a few scabs like this on both wings now which worries me the most, Without attacking them with a grinder you don't know how bad they are.



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Sell it now!!!!!


You sound like my dad!, I've only just spend £200 (inculding a rear wheel cyl and mot) having a pair of rear wheel arches and a battery tray fitted to my Escort which is worth fuck all!

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Hmmm, it does look like it's had work/filler there before, on the lower part there is a ridge between those drain holes that looks like the edge of some poorly applied filler.


Not the end of the world though and nothing a couple of hours in a bodyshop wouldn't sort out. For the MOT just cable tie it on to stop it moving about!

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I am a cock.


Renewed Mrs S's insurance, and took her off my classic policy so she wouldn't lose her NCB. Got last renewal notice off previous broker to find that her last renewal was December 2008. Fucksticks. Swiftcover, who I'd insured with, wanted NCB within 2 years. Phoned them, and they wanted an extra, that's EXTRA £640.


However, in better news, Flux have a company who will recognise the NCB at over 2 years, and have covered it for £660. Still a decent sized hit, but considering the next best renewal with the NCB was £598, it's not too bad. But still, I am a cock who seems to have lost a year of his life.

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Trig, have you got any pics of the work done on the escort??


I haven't been to collect the car yet, I'm picking it up Saturday, I still have to do the filling and spray, my tamed mechanic just cut out the old metal and weided the new stuff on for me.


And your right about the front wings on the Kadett, they are full of plod.

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My garage does have a damp problem. I pulled the Renault 6 out a couple of times over the winter to give it a good look over, and each time there were bits that looked like they could start getting nasty very quickly. I wire brushed and Kurusted any dodgy-looking bits and it seems to have done the trick, touch wood. The crude-but-effective repair I had done to the rear trailing arm mounts (nearside had snapped off, offside was still holding together but looking rather tender) has held up fine though.

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Working conditions. The aircon units in our office have been knackered for over a week now, and only today have the Facilities Mis-management pricks told us what the problem is - a control module or whatever that has only just been put on order, should be sorted by Monday apparently.


In the meantime we have to sit in a 30+ degrees airless fug, bollocks and arse crack sweating profusely, and woe betide anyone who should open a window as that is a disciplinary offence (you need a special tool to open them anyway). Worse thing is it's like this every frickin' summer :x And naturally not much work is getting done as everyone is having a good old moan about it every 20 seconds and/or too delirious to think straight!


I've made the executive decision to turn up at 10am tomorrow and leave at 3pm, and stuff the so-called management if they have a problem with it.

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Working conditions. The aircon units in our office have been knackered for over a week now, and only today have the Facilities Mis-management pricks told us what the problem is - a control module or whatever that has only just been put on order, should be sorted by Monday apparently.


I've been on the receiving end of hot working conditions too.


When I worked at the Co Op several years ago, the air con packed up. It was the middle of July and somewhat toasty outside. The shop was a [badly] converted church hall with very little natural light and \ or ventilation. The ambient temperature went up to the point that the chocolate went white and melted, and the fridges gave up. We had customers complaining because the shop stank of stale milk, and facilities being twats and refusing point blank to send an engineer out. After doing 15 minute stints at the till with the warehouse door wide open [GR8 4 ARMED BLAGS] and every available fan on full pelt for 4 hours, we gave up and shut two hours early because it was impossible to do anything. My supervisor got a bollocking from head office because [as we found out] there's no maximum temperature specified in government guidelines at which it becomes difficult \ impossible to work. There's a minimum temperature an employer has to meet, and if they can't they have to provide suitable clothing \ warm drinks \ extra breaks depending on the work and temperature involved.


Unfortunately, they can insist you keep on working, but barring people from opening the windows is nigh on barbaric. At least Vertex had windows you could open, and when the AC packed up, management went and got a crate of cold Coke to keep people going. That was one of the few humane decisions they made. Other than one colleague with the worst BO of anyone I've ever met. She came into work once straight after a night out with sick in her hair. Combine that with an aversion to deodorant and you have one hellish work environment.


We have two rooms at University that can be regarded as editing suites. One is windowless, stuffy and has no A\C. The other has frosted glass on one side, a working fan blaster the size of a 2CV...............


..........and is never visited by our two bit cock of a lecturer. As a result, our film is almost finished. HURRAH FOR APPROPRIATE WORKING CONDITIONZ.

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I used to work in a workshop that had been fitted with office aircon units - totally unsuitable for cooling such a vast space, with 300-400 laptops all pumping out heat. As such, every summer it would pack up and we'd be sweltering - we later found out the control units were the wrong type, allowing us to set it to 18deg when the units themselves would only go down to 21deg, which is why they kept breaking.


Eventually the company hired half a dozen "air coolers" which are the big things that trickle cold water in front of a big fan. Not too bad, they helped but only for a day or two before the water became smelly. We started bringing in our own fans - they were "banned" as they weren't electrically tested.

I made my own fan out of 10 PC case fans at one point and strapped it to the top of my bench. It was daft.


Eventually the aircon was fixed after we ceremoniously took scissors to our work trousers to make shorts and made a point of going to sit outside whenever it got too hot. One of the office girls came to work with a miniskirt and bikini top on though, so there were benefits!

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Not grumpy.... I once worked in a breaker's yard one summer. Feckin sweltering it was one day. The boss went out "for dinner" and came back with a barrel of Kronenbourg, which we laid over a clean (new) bath, and scooped tin mugs into it, and an Ice Cream van following him! Top bloke. He paid for the Ice-Creams. We drank the beer. As did our guard dog. We got broken into that night, and the thieves stole an interior out of an SD1. Nobody gave a shit the next day. Still don't.

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Just seen this. Brilliant. So now all the audi-wankers who drive like cunts will be inspired to drive roughly some% more cuntily than they were thanks to having skim-read this on their cunty i-phones whilst barrelling down the M1.


Why do the police have to publish this kind of thing?

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Neighbours/chavs/smackheads. Thanks a fucking lot for three hours kip last night you selfish cunts. My missus is on earlies today and absolutely knackered and I'm going out for a day on the piss. Oddly enough watching your Jeremy Kyle styled family argue it out in the wee small hours actually wasn't that impressive and for the record telling your girlfriend to hold you back as you were going 'kick his fucking head in' was even less impressive. There's two kinds of people in life, sayers and doers. Don't fucking hide behind people and mouth off, either go and chin the other person or go home to bed you sad bastard.

Oh, and to the pondlife who rang my bell a few times about 2.00am I hope you have a nice button sized imprimpt on your forehead now and heeded the warning you got afterwards not to do it again.

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