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The grumpy thread

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The 'Knobvan' has left the building ! Actually left more than the building.

It's left the country.

The Gatherer of Tat in Exile has purchased the offending article and it has

now disappeared in the direction of Dover. One less 305 van in the uk. :-(

Long Live The KNOBVAN ! ! !


attachicon.gifhaha no.gif





But honestly, I do try. Thanks.




You seem to be rather self-aware.  A sign of actually being a decent human being.


why does everything to do with cars attract only absolute morons?


Messaged about a workshop, got a reply consisting entirely of dots and commas


Tried to phone the guy, wrong number on the ad.


The 'Knobvan' has left the building ! Actually left more than the building.

It's left the country.

The Gatherer of Tat in Exile has purchased the offending article and it has

now disappeared in the direction of Dover. One less 305 van in the uk. :-(

Long Live The KNOBVAN ! ! !

No photos??

I LOVE Facebook. I get millions of bits of news and snippets of other peoples lives, all of which have such a tenuous grip on reality that it makes me laugh. I have over 2000 'friends' on there (no idea how that happened, people ask, I say 'yes' I suppose) and a lot of them are of the 'American' persuasion and some of the stuff they post is just so far from a reality I am aware of, it may as well be fiction about the planet Zog.


Other than that - groups. Watch groups, car groups, dog groups and that's it.


In FML news, Phoebe has hurt her leg again, I carried her outside the day before yesterday. This was, by any reckoning, a BIG mistake. Spent yesterday zoned out on a concoction of drugs that would be lethal to a lesser man/anyone with a modicum of sense/not used to opiates to the degree some of us are and felt utterly bloody awful. Still do (a bit) but when it hurts that much, there's a part of you that just doesn't care, the pain has just got to stop. Phoebe is slightly better today and all I have to do now is support her (instead of carry her) while she goes out. This bodes a bt better for my health.


People with kids who assume everyone wants kids, and there's something wrong with you if you don't.


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk


Just checked my bank account and DVLA have been carrying on taking VED payments for a car I scrapped at the end of November.  I even have the doobery thing from them saying I'm no longer the registered keeper.  The car is still showing as taxed online, even though (presumably) a CoD has been issued.  I've cancelled the direct debit now, but WTF?  Typically it's too late to call them now so going to have to try and get up in time to do it before I leave for work in the morning.  FFS.


this happened to me.......refund took about 6 weeks...........


No photos??

I had a couple from WingZ who moved it for me. I'm trying to get sorted and get them off the phone onto my laptop so I can start a fleet thread - I've been a busy boy. Sadly I can't do anything from the office as external files are nuked, lasered, napalmed and then filtered - before being roundly screamed at to FRO - no attachments allowed. I'll get around to it as soon as I can. Collection threads planned - me leaving my passport in a hotel in Poland has poleaxed the start of 2019 somewhat.


I have over 2000 'friends' on there (no idea how that happened…….


XXX - always has them subscribing dude - they probably didn't even check anything first - and are now expecting animal exploits of a totally different kind!


People with kids who assume everyone wants kids, and there's something wrong with you if you don't.


The reverse is also often true.  Each to their own.

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New job going well until today when the bosses call a conference call. Turns out the new product I was taken on to sell has an issue and so they are withdrawing it. I wonder what will happen when my probation ends in four weeks time? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a door is pointed at and I am directed towards it



The reverse is also often true.  Each to their own.

I love children. But I couldn’t eat a whole one.

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On grumpy news I think I’m going to be asked to retire as 2cv columnist for the ccc. Made a mistake not reading a contribution fully and understanding its “ringing” implications. I just forwarded it for publication. Neither did the editor or the chairman proof reader, but I sent it in. I can’t remember if I took over straight from chaserace or if there was an intermediate first. Six years though I think, never missing a month.


I don't mind children, I never wanted any myself which is just as well as I'm a miserable, selfish, bastard who would not have made a good parent.


I don't mind children, I never wanted any myself which is just as well as I'm a miserable, selfish, bastard who would not have made a good parent.

We must be twins!

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I was hoping you had come up with something! I honestly don't know what is goingvthrough his head it's almost like he can't relate actions to consequences at the time he is about to do something stupid. When he is thinking he's really a model kid :(


Meeting with the school on Thursday, hopefully they might have some ideas.

I've had numerous meetings at school and due to my exes ex fella who was well known for child beating he is in the social services radar. The social worker assigned to my ex is Terrible at her job and us gunning to have the kids removed. My lad doesn't seem to see the consequence of his actions though and he gets into the mindset that he is innocent and it's everyone out to get him and even when caught lying it's not him but someone else!

I don't mind children, I never wanted any myself which is just as well as I'm a miserable, selfish, bastard who would not have made a good parent.

I grew up with other people's kids as my parents were foster carers.


I enjoyed it, and do like kids.

I just don't fancy my own. I like playing the fun uncle, then giving them back all wound up like a spring to their parents.


I just find it annoying that some people think it's the only thing you're here to do, have kids.


They say ooh you'll regret it when you're older.


Oh well, I'll have to cheer myself up by spending all the money I've saved by not having any.

Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk


On grumpy news I think I’m going to be asked to retire as 2cv columnist for the ccc. Made a mistake not reading a contribution fully and understanding its “ringing” implications. I just forwarded it for publication. Neither did the editor or the chairman proof reader, but I sent it in. I can’t remember if I took over straight from chaserace or if there was an intermediate first. Six years though I think, never missing a month.


Why should YOU take the fall?

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Why should YOU take the fall?

I am anticipating the fallout, lowest hanging fruit etc. My fault, I should have read , and more importantly understood that it wasn’t a simple engine swap.


In happy news I have put two people in contact over a Panhard 24ct - one in Lancashire and the other in cognac.


Aye lad, that's the daft bit. We all get sick pay n all so why turn up just to act ill, do nothing & infect everyone else?


In the NHS you get hugely penalised via the Bradford Score in relation to sickness monitoring, leading to all kinds of warnings and such stuff. There is simply no recognition of staying off sick for a couple of days due to the risk of spreading the bugs. Ironically the longer you stay off the better it is for the score. It is the repated short sickness that gets you in the shit, just like what happens when people go in when unwell......... 


Took the Saab out to get supplies as the only working car until next week when my MOT man returns from working in Elgin 80+ miles away to retest the Disco. Saab has grinding brakes, droning wheel bearings and suspension so worn it looks lowered. Hit a lump of ice that had just fallen off a passing wagon, and due to the "lowered" suspension, it promptly removed half of the front splitter, under tray and assorted wiring! Duct tape and tywraps (the usual full* toolkit I carry) got me home but decided that was the final straw and repairs have to be done, so SORNed it straight away. This of cause left me with NO working cars until next week.


So, phoned my MOT man and I am driving to Elgin for an MOT tomorrow. WCPGW?


People with kids who assume everyone wants kids, and there's something wrong with you if you don't.




this happened to me.......refund took about 6 weeks...........


Did anyone else have that moment?

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Talking about people that want kids...


Went to a concert on Saturday to go and see a colleague (former professional violinist) play in a local string orchestra with a couple of seriously respected professionals as soloists.  Was astoundingly good.  During the interval, I bought my colleague a drink and she introduced me to some of the group.  One lady, who was a bit younger at 37 (still a few years older than me!) started telling me about how much her kids had changed her life and how it was the best thing she ever did.


I said that I was very pleased for her and that kids weren't on my radar.


I got the usual response: 'Well, maybe one day you'll change your mind'.


My reply: 'Mutual decision, that one.  Would contrive in a very controversial manner'.


My thoughts?:  'You're a nice woman and very good at the viola.  Now fuck off talking about kids because I won't change my mind and if I do, it won't be because of you...'.

  • Like 3

On grumpy news I think I’m going to be asked to retire as 2cv columnist for the ccc. Made a mistake not reading a contribution fully and understanding its “ringing” implications. I just forwarded it for publication. Neither did the editor or the chairman proof reader, but I sent it in. I can’t remember if I took over straight from chaserace or if there was an intermediate first. Six years though I think, never missing a month.


Vaguely (and electronically) knew someone who wrote for them. If they are still there then you could set fire to your arse, sit on the managing director's prized lap top and piss in every flower pot going without losing your 'job'.


Driving to work this morning, had a normal level of grumpiness about the amount of cars with a headlamp out. Remember thinking about how I've had this car nearly three years without a single bulb required.


Got in car after work. Guess which brand new warning I got on the dash?


In other news, petrol stations are arseholes who will charge you £9.99 for a bulb that Amazon sell in a ten pack for £6.99.


In more other news, the apprentice engineer who designed the replacement method for a BMW F21 dipped beam bulb can absolutely get fucked. Wheelarch hatch and working blind my arse.




New job going well until today when the bosses call a conference call. Turns out the new product I was taken on to sell has an issue and so they are withdrawing it. I wonder what will happen when my probation ends in four weeks time? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a door is pointed at and I am directed towards it


That's not good, Parky.


Could they attach you to another product? Fingers crossed it works out.


Driving to work this morning, had a normal level of grumpiness about the amount of cars with a headlamp out. Remember thinking about how I've had this car nearly three years without a single bulb required.


Got in car after work. Guess which brand new warning I got on the dash?


In other news, petrol stations are arseholes who will charge you £9.99 for a bulb that Amazon sell in a ten pack for £6.99.


In more other news, the apprentice engineer who designed the replacement method for a BMW F21 dipped beam bulb can absolutely get fucked. Wheelarch hatch and working blind my arse.


Have a look at Shell (petrol station) as I got a new headlamp bulb for £2.99 recently. Dread to think what Halfords would have charged sans trade card.

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. It is the repeated short sickness that gets you in the shit, just like what happens when people go in when unwell......... 


Interestingly, if you look at the potential causes of Post Viral Chronic Fatigue (ME) - Yuppie Flue, lazy disease. You will find texts that suggest that people who believe they are needed at work, get ill, (usually helped by stress) but go back before they are really well enough.  The body never fully recovers and they get ill again, and they force themselves back to work whilst not fully recovered.  Eventually the immune system says "FUCK THAT - I'm keeping you down" 


My wife an Ex Nurse and then a Family support worker for the Stroke Association, truely believed that she had to work, because people needed her.  

One day she couldn't force her legs to get her to the door. 13 years of slow recovery.  


You'd think the NHS would know better and treat it's staff better, and find that they had less issues long term. 

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Top tip- LEAVE FACEBOOK. It's pure poison.

Twitter too. Oh and most material things are superfluous.

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Kids just want to be rich when they get older, he wants to be a mountain biker as his full time job... that's it, nothing else, just mountain biking. Someone is going to pay him to ride a mountain bike.  


Get him to enter some junior races. The only way you get paid is if you're racing and winning.
a couple of good arse-kickings off some of the hard-training juniors out there should help straighten that one out.

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