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The grumpy thread


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I think the fact that the NHS cannot cost effectively provide something as fundamental as paracetamol in a cost effective fashion is a bigger problem to be addressed personally. Although I haven't seen a convincing source for the claimed vastly inflated price of paracetamol prescribed by the NHS.

It’s not the cost of the drugs, it’s the cost of the admin. Must keep paper pushers occupied.


Sorry, I’m grumpy as have had an audit from a Norwegian outlet of a multinational today. They send us about £500 a year worth of work. Two of them flew from Oslo yesterday to Heathrow. The taxi from Heathrow to fox hills hotel near work and 15 miles at most from Heathrow cost £75. Their hotel bill would be about £500 for the night. My time alone wasted today was about £2000.


I tried telling them I don’t want to accept their work any more as it’s too costly, but they didn’t seem to understand. I had to put off one client’s work today worth £3000 just to host them.

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Oh no some people don't like me, how will I ever live with the fact, I will never sleep again oh wow is me.................


I'm guessing the best part of you ran down your mothers leg 



It's " woe is me " by the way 

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madrat, settle down.  It's always been a friendly place this.  Share the toy nicely. 

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madrat, settle down.  It's always been a friendly place this.  Share the toy nicely. 

Lol perhaps some others should be told that.

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We spent the weekend cleaning and polishing our cars, taking advantage of the good weather.  Our front garden is overhung by a tree (ours) which has looked very pretty for the last week or so with white blossom.  It rained a bit last night and the white blossom fell on to the wet cars, plastering them with confetti which has now been baked on by this afternoon's sun.  The tree is going to have to go.  Apart from the mess, particularly when the pigeons and jackdaws convert the berries to shit which is impossible to remove quickly, its roots have started to lift next doors block paving.  More bloody expense.

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Well that was a lovely 13 hour day at work! 5 billion brownie points earned though. I'll just have a beer and wait half an hour and send an email round to the business saying all systems are working again, milk it a little bit further

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We spent the weekend cleaning and polishing our cars, taking advantage of the good weather.  Our front garden is overhung by a tree (ours) which has looked very pretty for the last week or so with white blossom.  It rained a bit last night and the white blossom fell on to the wet cars, plastering them with confetti which has now been baked on by this afternoon's sun.  The tree is going to have to go.  Apart from the mess, particularly when the pigeons and jackdaws convert the berries to shit which is impossible to remove quickly, its roots have started to lift next doors block paving.  More bloody expense.

Our cars and caravan are used for target practise by the birds, come autumn everting is coved in purple splodges and streaks with the consistency of dried concrete.

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LOL maybe, but...


AS prime directive: DON'T BE A DICK.


Message ends.

Most forums are full of dick's, comes with the territory.

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Most forums are full of dick's, comes with the territory.


Most forums are NOT full of dicks, some just have the odd one.


Unless you're just saying that to justify posting rubbish?

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Someone's obviously whinged to the housing association about the ex-Bramz 205 being on the car park - admittedly it's taking me longer than I would have liked to get it back on the road, because reasons - and a couple of weeks ago the HA came round and stuck a notice on it asking me to get it moved within two weeks 'cos no T&T.  Which was fair enough - I'd already rejigged the fleet to ensure that only fully legal cars were on the car park, but unfortunately not much I could do with the Pug which was immobile at that point.


So yesterday I typed up a note on the computer explaining that the car was in the process of being put back on the road, had had about £150 spent on new parts and was booked in for an MOT next week.  Today I came home to a card through the letterbox from the HA - apparently I am not permitted to park "my cars" (plural) on [HA] land (despite the fact that I've been parking on that car park for over 10 years now), and the "officer" concerned is starting "a collaborative investigation with the police and [the council] to seek enforcement action against you".


Now I could understand it if he reported my car to the council as abandoned, and I would then sort things out with the council (I've spoken to the local "abandoned vehicles" bloke a couple of times and he is actually a thoroughly reasonable chap), but WTF have the police got to do with anything?  It's private land, and therefore any parking enforcement issues are a civil matter.  I think it's very unprofessional for a representative of a HA to make daft threats like that, and not really what I needed after a shit day at work.  I also have no idea why they're suddenly getting so snotty about the car park after >10 years of not really giving a fuck (there have been several cars over the years (not mine) which have sat on the car park for over a year without moving and nobody's said owt, and the car park is never full anyway).  I would have contacted the bloke to ask him what he was talking about, but he didn't give any contact details, other than the generic info@[HA].co.uk email address on the card.

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Someone's obviously whinged to the housing association about the ex-Bramz 205 being on the car park - admittedly it's taking me longer than I would have liked to get it back on the road, because reasons - and a couple of weeks ago the HA came round and stuck a notice on it asking me to get it moved within two weeks 'cos no T&T.  Which was fair enough - I'd already rejigged the fleet to ensure that only fully legal cars were on the car park, but unfortunately not much I could do with the Pug which was immobile at that point.


So yesterday I typed up a note on the computer explaining that the car was in the process of being put back on the road, had had about £150 spent on new parts and was booked in for an MOT next week.  Today I came home to a card through the letterbox from the HA - apparently I am not permitted to park "my cars" (plural) on [HA] land (despite the fact that I've been parking on that car park for over 10 years now), and the "officer" concerned is starting "a collaborative investigation with the police and [the council] to seek enforcement action against you".


Now I could understand it if he reported my car to the council as abandoned, and I would then sort things out with the council (I've spoken to the local "abandoned vehicles" bloke a couple of times and he is actually a thoroughly reasonable chap), but WTF have the police got to do with anything?  It's private land, and therefore any parking enforcement issues are a civil matter.  I think it's very unprofessional for a representative of a HA to make daft threats like that, and not really what I needed after a shit day at work.  I also have no idea why they're suddenly getting so snotty about the car park after >10 years of not really giving a fuck (there have been several cars over the years (not mine) which have sat on the car park for over a year without moving and nobody's said owt, and the car park is never full anyway).  I would have contacted the bloke to ask him what he was talking about, but he didn't give any contact details, other than the generic info@[HA].co.uk email address on the card.



As an HA employee myself, I can assure you the buttons of the officer concerned will have been pushed by the 'concerned neighbour' (aka busybody) and that person has probably taken exception to the reasonable two weeks notice the officer originally proposed, written to the CEO, their MP, Watchdog, Martyn Lewis and the Daily Mail (and the Wuvvum Bugle as well, or wotever your local rag is called); the CEO has thrown a strop and 'ordered something to be done immediately' so they could save face with the curtain twitcher, and the poor old officer has been railroaded into taking completely unreasonable action which probably goes against what they would prefer to do.


Daily occurrence at my place, I'm afraid. Esp. if NIMBY is a homeowner.


May be worth having a word with the officer concerned - probably find they're just as pissed off as you.


Is it a London based HA ?

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Most forums are full of dick's, comes with the territory.


Few too many scoops tonight fella?  Lay off hey.  Nothing going on here worth wrecking peoples heads over.

Hush now.

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Is it a London based HA ?

Nope, arse end of Norfolk - don't know if that makes them more or less likely to be jobsworths.


I'm prett sure I know exactly who the complainer is - I'm not sure whether he owns his home or not though.  He's a typical entitled grumpy old git with nowt better to do with the short time he has left on this earth - kind of sad really.  I hope I don't end up like that when I'm his age (although the way things are going I'll probably still be in full time employment by then).


To be fair to the old boy, he has at least had the bottle to moan to my face as well as behind my back.

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Few too many scoops tonight fella? Lay off hey. Nothing going on here worth wrecking peoples heads over.

Hush now.

Just 1 glass of merlot with dinner.

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FFS, can we just stop with all the "We have updated our privacy policy" emails? I quite literally dont care.


Not all bad as a lot of them state that if you don't reply, you'll be removed from the mailing list.

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Not all bad as a lot of them state that if you don't reply, you'll be removed from the mailing list.

Yeah, they have to legally ask one last time but actually my mailbox is quieter now I've just ignored the emails.


Some of them are quite pleading as their entire business model revolves around spamming people with shit, and they're effectively out of business.

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Just woken up to be told that some twat has tried to break into both my garages last night by bending the doors.


One is only a bit, not big enough to get into but the other had been bent back before so god only knows what that's like.


Not at home so won't know for a bit yet.

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Yeah, they have to legally ask one last time.

As with most things of this kind, they actually don’t even need to ask in most cases, just being panicked by lawyers and consultants.

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Fucking LOL at every new piece of legislation - whole raft of blood-suckers starts preying on businesses, people at work going round like headless chickens.  Do these people actually even read the rulebook and work out for themselves what needs doing?    I'm with Cavcraft - far less email shit to delete nowadays, hopefully no more "special offer" and "just for you" bullshit bollocks.   Bring it on....

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I don’t know what you’re moaning about, TBH. My missus has been invited to a wedding in Narnia and that’s going to mean a whole new wardrobe.

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