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Knock knock...Whos there?...Oh hi, I was just wondering if the Toyota Corolla was for sale?


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11 hours ago, bezzabsa said:

I usually get the "I'm going to do it up"...Or "Oh I know what these (insert car name here) are worth.."

usually the vehicles are slowly turning into rust or haven't moved since God was a toddler

I gather that anyone who instigated a conversation with the owner of this pre-production Interceptor over many years might have heard both those phrases...


How did the restoration work out?



Yeah yeah: their car, their choice - that's fair enough and all. No-one should ever be forced into selling their car, agreed.

But still, it's curious how a legitimate aspiration can eventually descend into total self-delusion...

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I've got the itch to do the same with our next door neighbor's 2001 320d up the drive. It hasn't moved for nearly 2 years and wouldn't mind taking it on before it becomes uneconomical to repair and goes the scrappy. Be alright but I don't actually think she can drive so possible its a family members that's storing it.

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There’s an Aston Martin DB5 local-ish to me (as featured my spotted thread) Which the owner refuses to part with despite (rumour has it) being offered more than the value of his house for it! 

That was a couple of years ago. It’s still there now though! 

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Rather than get rude with someone who asks if you'd sell your car, ask for thier email address and phone number, and tell them you'll bear them in mind, should you change your mind. 

Can't hurt can it? 

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I've had notes left on cars, namely the 305 and the AX. However, I didn't reply to either as one had sold already and the other didn't run, and selling non runners is a pain in the arse. 

I've left notes myself and not one has resulted in me buying a car. I went to huge effort putting one on a BX14 Rendezvous with plastic folder too as it was raining, and got nothing back. 

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2 hours ago, Datsuncog said:

I gather that anyone who instigated a conversation with the owner of this pre-production Interceptor over many years might have heard both those phrases...


How did the restoration work out?



Yeah yeah: their car, their choice - that's fair enough and all. No-one should ever be forced into selling their car, agreed.

But still, it's curious how a legitimate aspiration can eventually descend into total self-delusion...

at least that still had a value to someone..have sen worse vehicles "Restored"... Mind you nice transit!!  

did this go for scrap, or a restorer?

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10 minutes ago, bezzabsa said:

did this go for scrap, or a restorer?

Not quite sure how this one concluded - it seems that a particular chancer (with the Transit flatbed) ended up with it for next to nothing as part of a grounds clearance, then was immediately looking £££££ for it online despite it being quite clearly CALAPSD.

There was quite a bit of bad feeling stirred up, causing matey-boy to claim that he'd listed it while drunk, or that he was only joking, or both.

But I doubt the Jensen went to the metal recycler (in part because there wasn't very much metal left) - hopefully someone took it on as a 'brave' restoration - though the phrase 'running when parked' applied, I'm told...

I think the main problem was that it was a very early Interceptor, handbuilt in Italy by Vignale rather than in West Brom - hence factory replacement parts wouldn't fit, causing the owner's initial restoration plans to stall for a decade or three.

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Pity , as i'm sure some bloke in a shed somewhere is crying that he'd have done a cracking job on that!!

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1 hour ago, brownnova said:

There’s an Aston Martin DB5 local-ish to me (as featured my spotted thread) Which the owner refuses to part with despite (rumour has it) being offered more than the value of his house for it! 

That was a couple of years ago. It’s still there now though! 

I'm more interested in what appears to be a stretched Over 800 next to it!

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24 minutes ago, Pieman said:

I'm more interested in what appears to be a stretched Over 800 next to it!

That has been replaced with a Proton MPi now I think... 

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I've had loads this way and quite a few enquire back when it ended up not being quite suitable, I'm always on the lookout for suitable contenders I usually just leave a nice note on the windscreen and let them know sometimes do it a couple of times if passing, had quite a few but can only think of the worst occasion that still grates with me, I heard about a 1 owner older bloke with a garaged last of the line vw mk1 gti campaign with 18k on the clock who lived locally in a posh area through my brother who worked for an insurance company and happened to take his call, I courted him for a couple of years following the mot history online and earmarked to call him back at mot time, but this ended up coinciding with my dad dying a couple of years ago when I got round to calling  he said to me "oh know i tried my hardest to get hold of you even tried finding out your new no (id just moved due to my dad dying and being an older gent hadn't kept my mobile cos didn't like ringing them) I sold it last week because of the mot coming up for £300 to a bloke who came all the way down from Bristol!!!" I

I'm sorry for my cathartic offloading on this topic I have to get this off my chest, I haven't been able to do it again since and absolutely loathe any mk1 gti owners there are about so please stay away from me, now I might be able to move on and try and get back on with it.

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I saw what looked like a dyane under a cover so knocked on the door to see if they would want some bits that were in my father's shed from when we had one many moons ago.  

Ended up buying it. 

Around the corner was a lightly modified Suzuki samurai that ended up sitting in a front garden. I had an sj at the time and fancied the wheels off it.  

Enquired what was happening with it as I like  the wheels, just in case it was being scrapped . Burnt out clutch it turned out and owner had lost interest. 

 £150 later I owned the whole Sami. New clutch and it was my daily for about 4 years.

 Don't ask don't get. 

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I've done it once or twice, also left notes/had chats with owners in car parks.


1988 Nissan Sunny 1.6LX 5dr (N13) by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

See the bit of paper on the windscreen? Later that day the elderly owner rang me, a few days later it was on my driveway (and still is).


1988 Nissan Laurel 2.4SGX (C32) by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

A knock on the door and polite chat with the owner also worked with this one. I had no need for it at the time, but did find someone else for it.


1988 Ford Escort 1.6GL 5dr by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

It nearly worked here, but it came available just when someone offered me the Camry V6 below which I'd also left a note on, so Trigger had the Escort instead.


1991 Toyota Camry V6 saloon by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

My polite notes have worked a bit too well, it's a shame when the owner rings and for whatever reason I haven't been able to go for it.

Stupidly, one time I dismissed someone who asked about a car I was driving. It was the bronze 5dr Starlet, and he ended up buying it a bit later after I'd unsuccessfully tried to move it on through eBay. Best sale I've ever made, he still has it 13-14 years later and it's in great condition.

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Put a note on a 207 that had been off the road for at least a year at the bottom of our street, got a call and made an insulting offer, it wasn't accepted but it spurred the owner into getting it back on the road and gone which was a result..

Sent from my Moto G (5) using Tapatalk

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20 hours ago, New POD said:

Rather than get rude with someone who asks if you'd sell your car, ask for thier email address and phone number, and tell them you'll bear them in mind, should you change your mind. 

Can't hurt can it? 

It probably gets tiresome if the requests to buy it keep coming in, especially as it's usually some old curmudgeon that tends to have a decaying motor on the drive.

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On 1/12/2020 at 3:25 PM, Kiltox said:

“If it was for sale it’d have a sign on it, fuck off!”

I’m surprised anyone ever gets a response other than this. 

Me too .

I have popped the odd note under a wiper blade with a "lovely car, had one myself and think they are excellent, if you consider selling please consider me" and my number. But very very very rarely.

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We get door knocked constantly -and if someone is 'out front' -its a near cert.  

We are always polite whilst we ascertain if the door knocker actually knows what they are  looking at. The vast majority have no clue -just see a profit from a bumbling old fool!

Those that do know,& seem genuine enthusiasts, get as much time as circumstances permit- and we do take contact details (- should we decide to sell).

In reality we've never sold anything that way- as short arms/ long pockets seem to come into play. We've offered several total bargains -all came to nowt.

I had a lot of success in the past, asking, leaving notes etc- but it was on a near industrial  scale. I'm too old/ too past it/ too many cars to be looking, now.  

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On 1/12/2020 at 5:38 PM, wuvvum said:

I used to know a lad who was brilliant at picking up free cars by knocking on people's doors.  On one occasion he'd come with me to drop off a Saab 99 at a localish Saab specialist.  After dropping it off we realised that we'd missed the last bus back to Norwich.  I was grumbling somewhat about the 6 mile walk back to Norwich, but his response was "don't worry, we'll probably find a car on the way back".

In the next village we stopped at the Spar shop, and he spotted a MK1 Panda parked down the side of the shop looking a bit sorry for itself.  Matey went into the shop and came out 10 minutes later with the keys and logbook for the Panda.  We jumped in and he drove it back to Norwich.  Clutch was slipping like a twat and it had no T&T, but it saved us a walk... 

Classic, nice one.

On 1/12/2020 at 7:58 PM, Datsuncog said:

There's no real right or wrong answer here - but being able to 'read' folk is a definite plus.

I've had people approach me a few times about my cars; sometimes I've been thinking about moving them on, sometimes not. Okay, so they've mostly been scrap dealers - but I've never had much bother selling a car on, even if only for parts,

I've approached a few people with interesting cars over the years, though mostly just to chat about their fine steed. Generally people seem happy to talk; if the car seems decent and the owner seems on the level, I don't think it's too impertinent to pass them my number "just in case you're ever thinking of selling it".

I know I'd sooner ring someone I've previously met, than have to place an online ad and deal with the ever-charming* and reliable* general public.

No-one's ever taken me up on it, mind, so maybe I'm flattering myself.

But! I seem to recall @R9UKE of this parish had a bit of a win last year via some speculative door-knocking... a one-owner Volvo 940 that was mere hours away from being lifted by the scrapman.

As I recall, the owner had had to quit driving due to health issues and the car was out of MOT after failing on emissions - and there seemed to be no other option but the metal recycler, until our shite hero came rapping at the door. The owner and his wife were delighted at the thought that the car would live on with an enthusiast. As far as I know, he still has it too.

So there's always a best-case scenario to inspire!

A great car, an a great story/ending too.



I guess my best one to date, involves a Volvo (what else!!!).

Some years ago, my son told me about an "orange volvo" full of rubbish, covered in mould etc etc, sitting at the bottom of a driveway. He had spotted it whilst doing his paper round, an it was a 5 minute walk from our house!! I kept driving past said house, but i couldnt see it because the driveway was long, an it was behind a nice Honda Coupe, an in front of that, a Volvo 940 estate.

Xmas eve, an i was going that way......................looks towards the house(im driving my C70 T5) an the guy was washing his 940...so after driving past, i though feck it, no time like the present, so i drive back, introduce myself, we have a good chat about Volvos, then i ask about his other Volvo at the bottom of his drive. I still cant really see the car, but as we walk down towards it, my heart starts to thump some. Sure enough, it orange alright................................its only the all singing, all dancing, Saffron V70R AWD for fucks sake!!!

After much chat, chin wagging, tyre kicking, haggling, ive bought the car......................what are the bloody chances of finding such a Volvo, right on my doorstep like this, a chance in a lifetime for sure.

The car has sat there for 3 years, fuel pump, matrix, an rear prop needed, as well as other stuff too. I remember seeing this very same car for sale (a decade or more ago) 15 miles away, i drove past the bloody thing, but the price was far too rich for me.

Got it home, spent 2 to 3 full solid days cleaning it.....................it came up nice too.

Should never had sold that car..................................oh well.



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On the "flip side of the coin"...I had 2 young blokes knock on my door once (approx. 15 years ago) They asked me if my H.reg Honda Legend V6 Coupe was for sale, an also was my Red Ford Fiesta (1980 stylee) V or W. reg i think?!...................I had lost my mojo on both cars, they had sat there for far too long, covered in shit, no MOT, rusting away.

I said for a laugh (thinking these young blokes havent got a pot to piss in) give me £300 cash today, an drive both cars away. I thought that was the last i would see of them!!!

A couple of hours past, sure enough, they came back, with fresh petrol an a couple of batteries...............................they drove both cars away, an i looked at the £300 cash in my hand, an thought, fuuuuuuuuuck, those guys just bought the bargain of the century...the bloody number plate on the Fiesta was worth more than £300!!!

Its "Swings an R/abouts". ?

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14 hours ago, Spottedlaurel said:

I've done it once or twice, also left notes/had chats with owners in car parks.


1988 Nissan Sunny 1.6LX 5dr (N13) by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

See the bit of paper on the windscreen? Later that day the elderly owner rang me, a few days later it was on my driveway (and still is).


1988 Nissan Laurel 2.4SGX (C32) by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

A knock on the door and polite chat with the owner also worked with this one. I had no need for it at the time, but did find someone else for it.


1988 Ford Escort 1.6GL 5dr by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

It nearly worked here, but it came available just when someone offered me the Camry V6 below which I'd also left a note on, so Trigger had the Escort instead.


1991 Toyota Camry V6 saloon by Spottedlaurel, on Flickr

My polite notes have worked a bit too well, it's a shame when the owner rings and for whatever reason I haven't been able to go for it.

Stupidly, one time I dismissed someone who asked about a car I was driving. It was the bronze 5dr Starlet, and he ended up buying it a bit later after I'd unsuccessfully tried to move it on through eBay. Best sale I've ever made, he still has it 13-14 years later and it's in great condition.

All great cars well done.

Ive also left notes on windscreens...most of the time, nothing comes of it. But it can lead to good conversations, with like minded/enthusiasts, which is always good.

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February 2012 and a chance spot by my brother after a not-quite-serious conversation with me about acquiring a Princess when looking at what old rammel I'd like to own that you never see anymore, resulted in a door knock on this one.  There was nobody home when we called so we left a note and didn't expect to hear back.  Fortunately, we'd timed it just as the owner was being pressured to sell but before he'd got as far as putting an advert up.  The car had issues, so a much smaller price than he'd paid for it was agreed upon and it's all been puppies (welding) and rainbows (weird electrical problems) ever since.  At first I thought I'd got a bit of a bargain, and I think the owner thought that too, but once I actually started trying to work through the years of bodge and neglect it became quite clear that I, and the previous owner, had probably paid too much.  Never mind, the heart wants what the heart wants.


Nobody has ever offered to buy the car from me, though people have asked what it's worth plenty of times.  Definitely a long-termer, I have no reason to sell it.  Actually that's not true, I have plenty of reasons I should sell it, I just like it too much so I put up with its crap.


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The only time I thought about knocking about a car was after I parked my C4 next to another C4 for a laugh and to put some photos on the C4 forum...


Mine is the Citroen...


This was in May 2018 and I knew it had been sitting on the road for a while about 5 minutes walk from my house...


After posting the pics on the Citroen C4 Forum, someone pointed out that it hadn't been MOTed or taxed since 2015...


As you can see it has been allowed to get mould & crap all over it..


I don't really understand why it was on the road as all the houses are detached with a drive way...


Anyway after seeing the comments about no tax or MOT I went back about a week later thinking I might try knocking, but it had gone!


So I just checked and it was MOTed again in Sept 2018!


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I've only ever had the balls to do this once. For years I would drive past this house in Birmingham that had a brown Renault 25 outside of it. One day I thought I'd see whether they'd sell the car. I went to the door, and while I waited for it to be answered I looked at it. It was a wreck really, but I fancied the challenge. No answer from the door though, so I thought I'd come back tomorrow. When I did, the car was gone. The owner had died, and the family had scrapped it. So I lost out on that. There's only one other car I can see is in a bad way, a Toyota of some description, but lack of funds stop me from knocking on the door.

I've only had it happen once to me, while I was working on my Corolla. It was outside my house, a non-runner, the front of it was on axle stands. Some chancer put his card through the door 3 times. "We buy any car, any condition" for scrap basically. It properly pissed me off, but at that point I had no motivation to get out of bed let alone work on my car. So that did give me a kick up the arse to get it moving.

Haven't had the same thing happen since.

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1 hour ago, volvoman said:

I had 2 young blokes knock on my door once (approx. 15 years ago) They asked me if my H.reg Honda Legend V6 Coupe was for sale, an also was my Red Ford Fiesta (1980 stylee) V or W. reg i think?!...................I had lost my mojo on both cars, they had sat there for far too long, covered in shit, no MOT, rusting away.

I said for a laugh (thinking these young blokes havent got a pot to piss in) give me £300 cash today, an drive both cars away. I thought that was the last i would see of them!!!

A couple of hours past, sure enough, they came back, with fresh petrol an a couple of batteries...............................they drove both cars away, an i looked at the £300 cash in my hand, an thought, fuuuuuuuuuck, those guys just bought the bargain of the century...the bloody number plate on the Fiesta was worth more than £300!!!

So that's how they got started...


...always wondered.

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I have done it a few of times. Didn't buy the car on every occasion, but I've only had pleasant encounters. The trick is to look presentable, stand way back from the door when they answer, and try your best not to sound like a crazy person or traveller. "Hi, I hope you don't mind me knocking on your door, I noticed the car and I am a big <insert marque here> fan. I am wondering if you would consider selling it?" or something to that effect. Bonus points if you turn up in an old/similar car.

About five years ago I came across a 1989 Suzuki Alto poking out of a tiny garage attached to a small, obviously OAP-owned bungalow. An old gent appeared from the garage and I said "Hi, lovely car" and we got chatting. In the end after about 20 minutes I had bought it for 80 quid. It was completely and utterly mint, with 11k miles on the clock. It needed a clutch, but other than that it was perfect and I got great use out of it. The owner said his son wanted him to scrap it, but he was reluctant. I could have it for free, but thought it only fair to give him whatever I had on me and he was delighted with that. I'll always remember that as one of my more positive encounters.

A couple of years ago I spotted this looking rather forlorn in a garden on a quiet residential street. I knocked to inquire but got no answer. 


In a few weeks I passed again, the car was gone (scrapped, presumably) and a for sale sign erected:


And within about a year:


A most depressing turn of events!

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2 hours ago, Datsuncog said:

So that's how they got started...


...always wondered.

Ha Ha Ha.......................of course, those gits were a lot slimmer back then...too many bottles of wine an pork pies...looks like it has took its toll on em...but i bet they are still hungry for a bargain!

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