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Uninsured cars to be seized!

Mr Lobster

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Cheer up fellas, it's not that bad.The quality of life around my place was hardly better in the past - I was brought up in West Yorkshire in the middle of the miners strikes and subsequent mass unemployment. Not great really. Wasn't brilliant before then either, unless you liked working down the pit.I would agree that people here seem pretty miserable, but I don't think that's anything new. I'm surrounded by people who moan that they have no money, yet they have their own house, go on holiday abroad at least twice a year, drive 3-year-old cars on tick and do all their food shopping at M&S. Rotten life, innit.Foreign places have their advantages and drawbacks, just got to see if any of them suit you really. I don't mind living in the UK, even around here - some bits of Wakefield/Dewsbury are a dump, but on the other hand you're never more than 10 minutes away from lovely countryside.

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Like Pete, I'm very, very big on Germany. I've lived there before, I'll do it again. It's an outstanding country that takes problems like unemployement on the chin and doesn't degenerate into the kind of third rate shithole the UK has become.Out in the country you have neat villages, and out of the country you have nice towns and fantastic cities - Hamburg, Munich and Berlin are all great places. Cigarette machines stand unmolested in the street and you just don't get the awful scum culture over there - tracksuited, tatooed vermin are notable by their absence. Kids are generally well behaved and respectful. It is aon offence to wave two fingers at another motorist and you can be reported and fined.What do we have here? A Government that are a pack of thieving criminals, no more no less, that have systematically destroyed everything and sucked the joy out of living. When it's got to the stage where you need to be 'approved' in order to pick your friends' kids up from school, you know the game is over. If Brits had any balls, Brown, Mandelson, Darling etc would be in fear of their lives - how many assassination attempts were made on DeGaulle?Add an almost complete breakdown in society where useless shitheads have the upper hand, and we seem to have imported most of the scum from Eastern Europe as well as the good ones that do the jobs we don't want to do. Everywhere you look they're building shitty little houses, and as for cities - well. Britain now resembles the bit of earth that God wiped his arse on with all the flies buzzing around.

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It's not the same in other countries. We don't go out and vote, we let criminals get away with murder (literally) and so on.

I'd say around 80% of my friends don't vote.


I'd make voting law, but include one revision to the process - an additional tick box at the bottom of all the candidates listed that says:




I think none of the parties that present themselves to us at the moment are worthy of running the country sadly.


Back on topic. Why are they pushing another peice of legislation through when there is a plethora of other things more pressing at the moment. :?

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Maybe Autoshite ought to stand at the next election. Manefesto would comprise of:1. Rolling tax free threshold of 25yrs for motor vehicles.2. Purchase of all remaining Rover assets by the Govt to resume car manufacture at Longbridge3. Reduction of tax on petrol/fags/grog4. Scrap the scrappage scheme5. Subsidies for folk who run old carsErrr, that should just about do it.

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Maybe Autoshite ought to stand at the next election. Manefesto would comprise of:1. Rolling tax free threshold of 25yrs for motor vehicles.2. Purchase of all remaining Rover assets by the Govt to resume car manufacture at Longbridge3. Reduction of tax on petrol/fags/grog4. Scrap the scrappage scheme5. Subsidies for folk who run old carsErrr, that should just about do it.

You'd probably get in on that!
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Maybe Autoshite ought to stand at the next election. Manefesto would comprise of:1. Rolling tax free threshold of 25yrs for motor vehicles.2. Purchase of all remaining Rover assets by the Govt to resume car manufacture at Longbridge3. Reduction of tax on petrol/fags/grog4. Scrap the scrappage scheme5. Subsidies for folk who run old carsErrr, that should just about do it.

I call Prime Minister!
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Better start my campaign!I'll obv need to start considering a cabinet..........

Made out of Formica, with slight peeling of the corners and a few mysterious stains on the shelf inside? Oh, not that sort of cabinet...
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Better start my campaign!I'll obv need to start considering a cabinet..........

Made out of Formica, with slight peeling of the corners and a few mysterious stains on the shelf inside? Oh, not that sort of cabinet...
No no, you were right first time Spotted. Will need somewhere to stuff all my high-level documents. And discarded crisp bags & empty lager cans.
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I call Foreign Secretary. Then I can welcome all the Malaysian, Korean and Eastern bloc car companies into the UK.

They're doing a good job of that already! :lol:
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Can I be the Autoshite MEP?"I'd like to bring to the attention of my European Colleagues that while England has been run in to the ground, we do like the rustier of your old shite cars. Oh, has anyone got a 7/16" spanner? I need to sort out the float chamber on the SU before I can go home"

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Autoshite head of transport!'Hello Serco Metrolink, make these trams run on time or I'll skullfuck your dog and blow its brains out all over the front of Jessops.'

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Can I be the Autoshite MEP? Oh, has anyone got a 7/16" spanner? I need to sort out the float chamber on the SU before I can go home"

Dont need that size for my SUs :? , maybe thats where im going wrong.
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Eh, I dont think Ive experianced enough of the UK to fully make a judgement about the way things have 'become'....But the current Government is dangerously becoming unattached to the actual public, and instead focusing on the ones who can, how do i put it, pull more strings when it comes to election...Im not keen on politics, but when the next election comes round, Ill vote, itll be my first oppurtunity and im not going to miss that.See, im not keen on this anti robin hood stance the government has, take from the poor, give to the rich.One thing they do which always pisses me off is things to do with widow allowance.They mistakenly gave my mum money when they shouldnt have, unaware to her, as i was still in education, they have to provide, so they rang up and said she owes them £600 and it had to be paid. What? My mum gets charged for something they made a mistake with, whilst perfectly capable work dodgers get all the cash they want.She works 6 days a week, every week ffs.And when it came to me applying for EMA, they decided i wasnt allowed the full £30 a week as widow benefit allowance counts as income? Right...... Im pretty sure my mum didnt choose to become a widow.Urgh, i hate this government.

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Maybe Autoshite ought to stand at the next election. Manefesto would comprise of:

I would like to propose a different policy more in keeping with real world politics. [*:3363o6hi]100% tax on new cars (200% if they are imported)[*:3363o6hi]£2,500 per annum road fund licence[*:3363o6hi]Fuel duty £5 per litre[*:3363o6hi]£1/mile pay as you drive bill for motorway use[*:3363o6hi]50% VAT on car repairsThis would reduce carbon emissions dramatically and leave the roads practically deserted. On an unrelated note, Autoshite Party MPs would be permitted to claim all car usage on expenses.
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I'm not sure what this law will achieve apart from turning law-abiding motorists into criminals not of their own doing. Another wonderful innovation from "The one-eyed Scottish idiot" :lol: I wouldn't blame those of you who want to leave this country for doing so, as it truly is a miserable place to live these days. that said, I don't know where else I would go. We are in this mess because we haven't the gumption or knowhow to make a stand and say 'No'. I love the French for this sort of thing. If they are told to do something they don't want to, they use every available truck and tractor they can get hold of and block up all the roads in and out of France before marching en-masse through the Cities until the Gov backs down.Their Government really are 'Public Servants' not like the lying, thieving, self-serving pond-life over here...

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Can I have the London Mayors job? I will open a new prison on Hackney marshes made out of Bendy buses too. If your incarsonated, if the buses don't burn you alive you have to get out of Hackney Marshes Snake Pliskin stylee.

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I think I may be able to comment with some authority here...


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The UK has undoubtably the highest percentage of scum bag arseholes I've ever experienced.


However, to be fair I do find it a great place overall, generally very friendly and sociable too.


I've been abroad for half of my life and I really appreciate the place more than ever after living in Holland - Christ I even enjoyed going to London for a weekend for fucks sake and I can't stand the place normally! :roll:


For those of you expecting a lower cost of living in the EU - dream on - the UK is a veritable bargain these days believe me!


I wouldn't worry about the un-elected Scottish wanker (no, not me although it has been known..) the other elected Scottish wanker that was in before him probably did most of the damage anyway.

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But they'll never be elected. Haven't you heard? All motorists are bastards.If you enjoy watching one-armed lesbian tabletennis, there'll be a lottery funded grant along for it soon. If you're particually fond of the Lesser Spotted Iranian Cheese Newt, the government will build a visitor centre and let you see them all year round.If, however, your hobby is driving then GO TO HELL. All that pollution. Clogging the roads up, and all the government get out of it is an average of £180 per car per year plus at least 80% of your petrol bill, with no obligation to spend it on the road network. JUST WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM THEM?

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I've been abroad for half of my life and I really appreciate the place more than ever after living in Holland.

Holland makes Belgium look interesting - that's not fair because whilst Northern (Flemish) Belgium is quite disgusting, Brussels is a great city and the proper Southern part that has the Ardennes is very pleasant.France is a great country and the French are a fine race of people - I have never had a problem with them in 20-30 years of going there.
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For those of you expecting a lower cost of living in the EU - dream on - the UK is a veritable bargain these days believe me!


I wouldn't worry about the un-elected Scottish wanker (no, not me although it has been known..) the other elected Scottish wanker that was in before him probably did most of the damage anyway.

The un-elected wanker did all the damage when he was Chancellor!



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Class! Posted Image
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I've just been visiting the UK [from Jersey] spent a week in the New Forest [Romsey] and a week on Exmoor [near Minehead] Lovely scenery, nice people. However, when you get into "da big city", things are indeed, a bit grim. The UK seems to be getting more and more polarised, the nice parts are fine, the more grim parts are sodding awful!

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