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The GGG has bought a car - Caution: Disappointing Peugeot 405 Content!

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What's the GGG?

Granadaland Greenhouse Gassers = Junkman and Conelrad driving round in V8s improving the climate.

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What's the GGG?

More importantly where’s the GGG

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Granadaland Greenhouse Gassers = Junkman and Conelrad driving round in V8s improving the climate.


Brilliant. Truly noble aims.


More importantly where’s the GGG



More importantly, where are they flying to?

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I would bet my best Sunday hat that it's something IMPRESSIVE and COMPLETELY AMAZING.

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Granadaland Greenhouse Gassers = Junkman and Conelrad driving round in V8s improving the climate.


Neither of them possess V8s right now.  Poor show.  You can feel the planet cooling already.


can only mean that Air France Chance will be on strike that day.


You grossly overestimate the size of the GGG's expense account.




I'll wager the plane's engines take less than 6L of oil for a service and filter.


The airline the GGG can afford doesn't service their engines.

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The airline the GGG can afford doesn't service their engines.


Their maintenance/customer relations manager, earlier...




Neither of them possess V8s right now.  Poor show.  You can feel the planet cooling already.


First of all, my V8 was possessed. Secondly, you'll have to agree that not driving any V8s right now is a tad circumstantial.

May I remind you that even upgrading to a V12 was not only seriously considered, but matter of factually contemplated?

Thirdly, despite the GGG doing a sterling effort propagating The Climate to be improved®, the general public sadly

appears to be content with the current state of affairs for some rather inexplicable reason.

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Their maintenance/customer relations manager, earlier...





I doubt the maintenance/customer relations manager of our airline will ever embark on their assets.


Phone has been topped up, so get ready for a load of scintillating photos of signs in airports.


Frankreich, Oestereich or The Reich? Or a third world country? (Italy)



or Belgium

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You've done a cracking PCP deal on a Diesel Duster and are now going to Bournemouth to collect it?

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Neither of them possess V8s right now.  Poor show.  You can feel the planet cooling already.

Neither is brave enough to take on a 472 cubic inch Cadillac right now... :(

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I would best my best Sunday hat that it's something IMPRESSIVE and COMPLETELY AMAZING.


I most definitely doubt that. Our reputation should be guarantee enough that it's going to be some utterly dismal shit heap.

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Surely not a hop across the Irish Sea for some Paddyshite?


Kettle's on, lads...

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I've also got some new trousers, so don't believe that nonsense about flying not being glamorous anymore.


They're from Scope's Normal Height But BMI Like A Phone Number collection. 


Surely not a hop across the Irish Sea for some Paddyshite?


Kettle's on, lads...


Unfortunately not this time around.

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