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Announcement - Dave21478


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Truly terrible news. Seemed like a great chap with a superb sense of humour and mechanical skillset that most of us could only dream of.


Really sad to hear that he has passed away. I will miss him very much.

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His posts were always interesting, he seemed like he was the roll-your-sleeves-up-and-get-stuck-in type, the kind of chap who anyone would get along with.


My condolences to all those who knew him personally, he'll be missed on this forum.


From one poo to another(I loved his avatar), RIP.

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MrBollox, I think his blueforum name was the same, or similar.


I remember his mega hydraulic log splitter, fabricated from bits scavenged from old farm machinery (bailer rams iirc), scrap cars and other stuff lying around.


His writing was so direct and straight, it was a good read even before the resourceful inventing and building even started. Just numbing, how swiftly life can be taken away.

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Only just seen this - what dreadful news :-(


Aside from all the car stuff, it was only a few days ago he was entertaining us over on the non-motoring pages with his stories about looking after the French chateau with all its quirky oddities, like the unreachable leaky plumbing he had to re-route to avoid destroying the marble bathroom, the swarms of bees in the window shutters of the guest rooms, the metal gates that he made which the tree demolished...


My sincere condolences to his family and friends and to all on AS who knew him.

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God must have needed Dave to fix up an eBay bargain*. Only once we've earned our shite repairing stripes may we promoted by above to the big time.


RIP Dave.

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Good grief... logged on to get some lighthearted car-related shenanigans before bed, and then this... just feeling kinda numbed.


I can but echo the sentiments above - Davenumbers was a phenomenal shiter, writer, engineer and human being. So many of us loved his posts, loved his offhand way with words, and shared the ups and downs of his life so closely, to the point of beginning real-life conversations with "this mate of mine in France, right..."


Gone to the great highway beyond... rest easy, dude. You will be sadly missed, and never forgotten.

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I remember him falling off that ride on tractor/mower, getting proper mad with it and then doing a great job of fixing it. Also when he built a trolley with fat wheels to get around the gravel driveways around a chateau he was working at. Then there was the amazingly fucked roof on one of the French properties, always to the point and gruffly entertaining he wasn't the type to give up!

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Oh, this is terrible. While I have posted previously, I'm really more of a lurker. After the post about the blood slug yesterday, I was more than hoping to see that he'd made a full recovery.... and now this. As others have said: I am genuinely saddened to hear of the demise of someone I have never met but, who was truly a stalwart of the Autoshite community. RIP Dave numbers. :(

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I'm stunned at this news. Dave embodied much of the spirit of Autoshite - grumpy at the woes life dealt him, while endlessly ingenious in his solutions to them.


I won't forget his posts about his cars, his work, his medical complications, his romantic interludes, his accidents, or his videos of 'a fat bloke on a ride on mower'.


RIP Dave21478. You will be sorely missed.

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Shocked, Dave was one of those contributors who's posts really stood out, his turn of phrase, his attitude to his projects and life in general all shone through.


The forum will be poorer without him.

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Just been catching up on the grumpy thread and reading his grumps which are always hilarious. It's like he was speaking to me not 10 minutes ago and now this.


A major loss to the forum and I'm gutted.

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R.I.P to Dave 21478.


I never knew you personally but you were someone I admired, as he showed us that with determination and ingenuity you can overcome the trials and tribulations of owning and maintaining a older vehicle. 


I hope that his family and friends can take some comfort in the inspiration he gave to others and my thoughts are with them too. 

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Like many of us I am completely numb. We all lost a friend


RIP Dave.


Edit. Sitting here at 3.45 in the morning thinking about Dave. I remember the Panda rebuild, the Burger King waitress adventure, the DIY head skim with the glass and the wet and dry, converting garden sprayer into a vacuum pump, fixing a mower, and accidentally running over his gear oil package La Poste had left for him last week.


I genuinely lol’d at that. Dave absolutely did his nut about that but the way he described it, well you couldn’t help but laugh. I never met the guy but I wished I had, he seemed to have a decent sense of humour and to be a good chap all round.


Tragic. Wish I could have thanked him for all the content I enjoyed so much over the last couple of years. One of my favourite contributors and I will genuinely miss him.

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Wow. I was also sadly expecting a punchline too but it wasn't to be. A true shiter and someone I would have loved to have met. Thoughts and condolences with his family.

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It would be fair to say that Dave wasn't particularly keen on me.  After the whole 'Daveb47' episode - I'm quietly confident he would have liked me to have 'gone the way of Breadvan' and left in a cloud of steam.  A few months ago I stuck out an olive branch... Dave accepted... and things improved.  Moral of the story? Don't let petty squabbles consume you to the end.


But that's the thing about AS.  We aren't all natural bedfellows.  Here - we mix with people that in our day to day lives we absolutely wouldn't.  However, there's more that unites us than divides us on Autoshite. I'm absolutely certain that we are all richer and better for that.


I will miss Dave's acerbic wit, his raw talent as a wordsmith and his unwavering commitment to, frankly, dreadful motor cars.


I will also be tabling a motion to rename a thread (a contentious issue here) to "The Dave21478 Grumpy Old Man Thread" as - without question - he Pwned that.


Sleep tight, David.  



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