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I want to buy a bit of land and a bus to live in to enable us to live mortgage free and let me cut down my hours, OH thinks this will mean us living like hippies with no running water.

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I've been told I can drive whatever I like, except a Capri or a Scirocco. Well, I haven't been told that I can't have either - just that I need not expect to be carrying the OH as a passenger.


I like the look of Capris but have never made detailed plans to own one - not that I could ever afford one now anyway - so that's hardly the end of the world.


But I have had a bit of a hankering for a Mk2 Scirocco for a long time, and feel it's an itch that may need scratching one day... a boggo spec early example in solid blue would be ideal.


Apparently the reason for the ban is because Mrs DC's dad had a Scirocco for a while in the early 90's, and she repeatedly banged her head getting in. Owning two chronically unreliable and uncomfortable Polo breadvans of the era has not softened her opinion of Volkswagen's offerings.


Guess I'll be sticking with the Renners for a bit longer...

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I always relied on my wife to steer me away from my more exotic flights of fancy, I do have 'impulse' issues! But, more often than not, she agreed with me so we ended up with 10 bikes and a half a dozen cars, I like buying, not so hot on selling them!

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The GF is relatively new - and has only seen the Lada as it was dropped off while she was there....... all cool on that one. I did show her the T5 I'm collecting from Jersey - bearing in mind she's a true lady, no swearing etc.... for her - she did let out a string of expletives a Hull docker would've blushed at. As I already am commited, I got a pass......

She initially kyboshed the buying a ship to convert........  but has softened there too and is helping me search. I think I'm winning her over.


Billy, Dome and others buying absolute shit (and me showing her how bad it can truelly be) has helped tremendously - so a big thanks to the worst offenders.



I am absolutely - totally - unerringly banned from any FSO Polonez, Trabant or Suzuki Carry (or similar tiny van type horror shows after I pointed one out near her place).

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My wife doesn't bother what I buy, as long as we have something else that works all of the time. She's not keen on a 5th car simply because the driveway will be getting a bit full, but then neither am I.


If I bring home a POS that won't start, she just stands at the door pointing and laughing (actual experience).

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If I bring home a POS that won't start, she just stands at the door pointing and laughing (actual experience).


That's exactly the right sort of lass to have :-)

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I don't have an essential part of this equation in order to have a problem with an other half.


I just lack parking space.



Admittedly, one girl I briefly dated said she'd dump me if I ever bought a BMW or an Audi.

A few months after she dumped me for other reasons I bought a bright green Audi. Now I have one and a half old BMWs too. :D

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Basically anything more than about 15 years old, which is pretty much anything that I would actually like.


She’s happy with me spending £2k on a pedal bike but no-ways a £700 Carina E or a Mk1 Mondeo......

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Pristine Clio 197 in subtle silver.


Paid for with monthly car allowance and mileage covered.


"I'm not having one of those things on MY drive".


Like this:




That could have been us....

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When I met Mrs Rocker she had a K11 Micra.   I threw the hateful thing at the first dealer who would swap it for a W124.   Since then she has not questioned my choices.

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I want to buy a bit of land and a bus to live in to enable us to live mortgage free and let me cut down my hours, OH thinks this will mean us living like hippies with no running water.

I see no downside to this plan, sink a well or have water laid on for argricultural uses.

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My other half doesn't care. I think I've made her actually semi interested in old stuff too.

As long as I don't expect her to sit in a dirty oil stained banger, but she did get in the stinky dog Tipo without too much fuss.

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I was offered a Vel Satis for free... My other one was worse for wear and stranded us and the kids on a hill at a set of traffic lights. No power steering on a car the weight of a church is hard going.


She was right in hindsight...

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Mrs N used to get a tad annoyed when there's half a dozen cars around and nothing that works or was vaguely legal, eventually I learned to make sure she always has a nice* reliable car, that I'm not allowed to sell or trade.

Now she couldn't care less what I buy as long as there's a space on the drive for her to park.


She'd divorce me if I bought a Vauxhall, obvs.

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Mrs Dustman isn't too bothered about what car I want, as long as it's reliable.

And it's not a Skoda (she doesn't like the front grilles)

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I suppose that’s one of the few good things about being single. Nobody else to dictate! Therefore I do what I want and drive what I want.


Not that it’d make any difference anyway!

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Mrs V8 turned her nose up when i was going to buy a Skoda Octavia VRS..


Snob i believe but generally not to bothered as long as she can get parked on the drive..

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If I can afford it and we've got room to park it, anything goes. Apart from hearses and buses. Apparently that's where the line is. I'll concede, I really don't need a hearse, but I do like them. I suspect she knows that a bus would be nothing but a complete and utter money pit.


So, Mrs DW is my financial common sense. Since I met her, I've managed to avoid financial meltdown. When I was on my own, things were properly scary. If she says 'no,' it's with good reason!

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By following Mr Wobblers Invacar thread, I have been going on about them quite a bit. I'm not allowed one of them.


Fiats are banned also. For some reason unknown to me, my good lady does not like. Fiats are a no no.



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