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Mechanical help from the "Beast from the east"


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Coming back from Howden last night, the ABS light and ASC lights decided to come on. Got to the pub, drove home after a Guinness and it went out again. Now the fucker is back on, a job for another day when the weather is reasonable. About June/July time.


Oh, and the fucking car decided to slide down the drive last night and end up in the middle of the road, despite a working handbrake. The drive was iced up solid and then snowed on. Today I shovelled snow, chucked a couple of bowls of very hot water down each tyre track and managed to get it on the drive and hopefully away from the sort of dickhead that still drives like a cunt in snow.

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Mine has pre-mixed screenwash in it that I bought with actual cash money, certified suitable for even the harshest Siberian winters.  It also has heated washer jets which I know work because they leave a ring of melted ice around them.  Washers are still always frozen as soon as it falls 0.5 degrees below.


Other than that "the beast from the east" has so far just been a couple of slightly bracing sunny days.

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Other than that "the beast from the east" has so far just been a couple of slightly bracing sunny days.

Likewise very little to report myself being on the coast any snow we get is usually gone by lunchtime.


I think about 2 years ago my friends daughters Bini gear cables froze but they soon clear with engine heat.....handbrake cables not so much.....I know that on mine the rubber end seals are borked so hardly surprising there's water in there.!!

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The outside tap froze today.. Also the screenwash on the Saab..

The dog refused to go out and the fat balls in the bird feeder apparently got hard to peck.

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Coming back from Howden last night, the ABS light and ASC lights decided to come on. Got to the pub, drove home after a Guinness and it went out again. Now the fucker is back on, a job for another day when the weather is reasonable. About June/July time.


Oh, and the fucking car decided to slide down the drive last night and end up in the middle of the road, despite a working handbrake. The drive was iced up solid and then snowed on. Today I shovelled snow, chucked a couple of bowls of very hot water down each tyre track and managed to get it on the drive and hopefully away from the sort of dickhead that still drives like a cunt in snow.

My Merc does that too- confuses the computer when wheels slip individually, sorts itself after a bit.

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It is fucking nonsense.  People here are all abandoning ship before OMGSNOWGEDDON gets here...its not even covered the ground yet and its been trying for 2 days.  I may however jump on that bandwagon shortly because its not like i'll be receiving extra credit for staying.


I hate this pissy non-amount of snow, either crack on and give us a load of it, or piss off and lets get spring underway.



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The clutch on the Ignis has gone to fuck. Little pedal travel, very hard to get in or out of any gear.

Could be a coincidence, but maybe THE BEAST FROM THE EAST is stabbing all of its ice-cocks into teh clutch cable.


Hopefully anyway.  

Better prospect than the whole clutch/box being arse farted.


Fuck investigating at the minute.  The North East coast is getting a fair bit of OMGSNO and no sign of letting up as yet.


I'm not as rock as the rest of you hardy snow dismissers so I'll hang on for the thaw.

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Mine are parked in order of their ability in the snow.


40496514832_ca42be6bc2_c.jpgRJC_0263 by srblythe, on Flickr


The L200 is shit as is the 190E, the 305 is decent but currently has a seized caliper so it's not much use at the moment.


38728917490_cc75efd15a_c.jpgRJC_0247 by srblythe, on Flickr


The van is ok but I really need to swap the winter tyres onto it from the estate. The w123 is excellent after I picked up some free wheels which had some ancient winter tyres on them, it really does seem to go anywhere.


39828288854_28cf154c59_c.jpgRJC_0250 by srblythe, on Flickr

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I'm not as rock as the rest of you hardy snow dismissers so I'll hang on for the thaw.


Don't blame you. I managed to drag my Disco's battery indoors & charge it, then fit it again a couple of hours later so I could go get some milk. Other than that I've been sat here in the warm :-)

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It is fucking nonsense. People here are all abandoning ship before OMGSNOWGEDDON gets here...its not even covered the ground yet and its been trying for 2 days. I may however jump on that bandwagon shortly because its not like i'll be receiving extra credit for staying.


I hate this pissy non-amount of snow, either crack on and give us a load of it, or piss off and lets get spring underway.



Exactly this! Marlow looked almost like this at lunchtime, snowing really heavily, great!


Then it stopped, the sun came out and it all melted. Then the bitter, face hurting wind started.


It had better absolutely fuck it down tonight, our director was getting herself in a fanny flap about letting us all work from home Thurs and Fri just in case, that'll be 2 days of fuel saved!


It won't though, it'll just be freezing and boring and I'll have to drive to work!

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No very Autoshitey, but despite having the roof up and windows shut, snow still swirls in and around the cabin of the Morgan Roadster I've been driving. And it is bastard freezing, even with the heater on. 750 miles in a week, so far. Brrrr!

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Mine has pre-mixed screenwash in it that I bought with actual cash money, certified suitable for even the harshest Siberian winters.  It also has heated washer jets which I know work because they leave a ring of melted ice around them.  Washers are still always frozen as soon as it falls 0.5 degrees below.

A few years back when it was -15 , in the services on the M1 all the screenwash ready mixed for your convenience was frozen solid

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Washer jets frozen. Makes my journey a bigger pain in the arse. I was keeping them nice and unfrozen throughout today, got in the car to go home and... Frozen. Wish I had the 635 working, that has heated everything, including the door handles, but then I'd have to take it on the road with all the loons and salt!

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The Audi's washer jets were working when I got in it to go home, but they'd frozen up by the next time I tried to use them a few miles later.


I can't get into the Rover of Doom's fuel cap, although whether that is weather-related or not I'm not sure.


The Rover 45's earth strap has just snapped - again, don't know if the cold has made it more brittle than normal or what.


The weather has enabled me to get a few nice pictures though.  I call this one "Rover of Doom with icicles".



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All this ("Beast from the east") name reminds me of is the late Allan Stewart, a once Tory MP for Eastwood, Renfrewshire and nicknamed "The Beast of Eastwood"




Most noted for his sideboards and a pick-axe confrontation with anti-motorway protesters in the mid-1990s during construction of part of the M77.



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