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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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Today is my 40th birthday. This I am fairly ambivalent about but


this makes me grin hugely. Best present ever - a non functioning 40 year old wah-wah to mess with. 8)

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Happy Birthday SOC!


This forum is starting to make me grin again after a few days of turmoil. It looks like there has been some extra effort on the shite content with lots of spottages!

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Happy birthday also SOC!


This forum is starting to make me grin again after a few days of turmoil. It looks like there has been some extra effort on the shite content with lots of spottages!


I agree, it's perked up a lot since Saturday, let's try and keep the standard up guys, you only get out of a forum what you put in, hopefully Pog and Scooters will come back and we can finally put a nail in the coffin after this whole horrible affair.

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a non functioning 40 year old wah-wah


not working?

ahhh bugger :(


Happy 40th


only another 25 years until retirement :D

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Happy birthday SOC!


Today I'm quite shocked in a positive (if not totally grin-inducing) way, since I've received the certificate for my Master's degree that the University had helpfully managed to lose, and realised I got a 'merit'!! To paraphrase G. Marx, I wouldn't particularly want to be awarded a 'Merit' by a university that would care to give me one, but perhaps it'd look half-decent on the ol' CV!

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Must be the season. It was my birthday yesterday, and Graham Linehan's too apparently (writer behind Father Ted and Black Books and others). I had many grins.

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'It could be a target for thieves.' It could also cause massive accidents when the sun shines...


Seeing a video of the ObamaLimo grinding to a halt on a slight incline in err, Ireland (?) made me LOL yesterday.

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When I was driving the Ami back from work on Saturday morning, I got a headlamp flash and a thumbs up from a bloke in a Reliant Rialto. That made me grin. 8)

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Ah! It seems like this place has resumed some kind of normality. A horrible couple of days, let me tell you.


Anyway, I've been fiddling with the photo mode on GT5, and it's quite good provided you know exactly what each button on the joypad does.












Still not entirely happy with the Premium \ Standard disparity between the car models though. As SCEE would have you believe, had Polyphony modelled every car to Premium specification, we'd still be waiting for a release now.


Had a busy and very mixed day on Monday. Law exam was bloody awful if I'm frank, but seeing The Rural Alberta Advantage at the Deaf Institute cheered me up somewhat, as did seeing a five-three E Type outside a posh hotel on Deansgate:




I'm a bit shashed off I didn't have the D70 with me, to be honest. After a bit of fiddling, this above is the best I could come up from my W995 camera phone. I took the shot at about 11:30 at night walking back from Trof to where my car was parked in Salford. Has to be my spot of the year so far.

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Actually, Wat, I like that E-Type pic. Reminds me of one by the famous Mike Key, 30+ years ago, of his T bucket by night. So don't apologise!


Meanwhile, I've been drifting. No, not pouring smoke off my back tyres; idly drifting around my swimming pool, lounging on a large rubber ring (I never learned to swim). A very civilised way to waste a bit of a lovely afternoon. Also had a visit today from some holidaying members of the American Auto Club North West, whom I haven't seen in over two years. Brilliant.

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Actually getting some reasonable car insurance quotes. Under 500 fully comp isnt too bad for the proposed E30 aquisition

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Likewise boss, likewise. Happy days and all that.


Making me grin is some 'new' sh1te will winging it's way across the county soon-ish. Short train trip, journey to the P.O to get ripped for some rent in the window and a redundant left leg trek home sounds in order.

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Sounds like a certain ’93 Cavalier...


Excellent news if so.


I’ve got the Camry V6 booked into the garage tomorrow for its small bit of work and an MoT, I’ve already swapped one of my classic insurance policies onto it so I can legally start using it. I’m rather looking forward to that.


Sounds like something we both need to consider is how early the PO will sell a tax disc starting June 1st when the car is currently untaxed.

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My BX arrives next week - it's been hiding since I bought it seven weeks ago - time to have it home and use it.

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New water pump successfully fitted to the Escort, quite pleased with myself for doing that as never touched anything cam belt related before. New genuine Ford exhaust system fitted and straight through the MOT today with no advisories either... BANG TIDY!

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Dunno if

has been posted before, but other than the truly shite music I found it rather good.


(Basically, it's a CNC machine making a V8 from a solid block)

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