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The new news 24 thread

Father Ted

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Hopefully it'll be an easy fix once it's welded up. At least it wasn't anything mechanical and expensive that stopped it, speaking of which I need to go and find out if my Pumas passed it's MOT!

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I can pick it up tomorrow after work if you want VA?


Perfect. I shall be in all day. I have just found out I have no credit on my phone so I can't call/text you, which is frustrating. Do you need me to PM my address and contact details? Drop me a PM if you do.

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Nutsacks. The Merc seller reckons the car keeps cutting out and advises either collecting it on a trailer, or aborting. I haven't paid a deposit but I have paid to insure the thing (albeit only £15 but I can't really afford to keep spending £15 to insure a car I don't own!). This is one of two things. Either it does genuinely have a problem, or someone has gazumped me...

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Thats a bugger DW :x


VA/DW Whats the clutch cable like on that BX?


I've found refitting the cable to the pedalbox then getting the pedalbox back into the car to be the hardest part of changing the cable (though far from the muckiest), just wondering if it's worth changing it while the box is out?

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I'm going ahead on the Merc. Sounds like it might just be because it hasn't turned a wheel for two months. That's what I'm hoping anyway. I also suspect the chap is having second thoughts about letting it go for so little. Exciting times ahead...


No idea how old the clutch cable is. VA could probably have a dig in the history file and find out though! It's the most comprehensive history file I've ever had with a car.

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The "new" Saab failed its MoT today - hardly surprising, and nothing too painful-sounding:


Foglamp not working (bulb, I forgot to check it...my bad)

Drivers seat belt (which I knew about, replacement on the way)

OS Headlamp aim (which the MoT guy would have just done if it wasn't failing otherwise)

Both suspension track control arm inner bushes worn (new arms ordered, apparently replacing the bushes is a pig of a job and the arms are cheap enough)

OSR shock absorber leaking (new 'un on order)

Handbrake knackered (new shoes needed, cheap & painless)

Rear brake imbalance (hopefully bleeding & caliper cleaning will sort it)


Looks like I've a busy weekend ahead :roll:

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I'm going ahead on the Merc. Sounds like it might just be because it hasn't turned a wheel for two months. That's what I'm hoping anyway. I also suspect the chap is having second thoughts about letting it go for so little. Exciting times ahead...


No idea how old the clutch cable is. VA could probably have a dig in the history file and find out though! It's the most comprehensive history file I've ever had with a car.


Sounds like another adventure in the making...do we never learn??


You might find fresh fuel and some snake oil (the Forte injector cleaner stuff is the shizz) get her running sweetly again.

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Well, it apparently hasn't been started for two months, and I know he's been trying to sell it since August, so chances are the fuel is far from fresh. I'll take some tools along and hope for the best. Apparently you need allen keys to remove the dizzy.

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I was pleased to read in Classic & Sports Car that Rowan Atkinson's McLaren F1 has been repaired. If you saw the pictures it looked unlikely as the accident appeared to split the car in two, ripping the engine right out. Rowan's insurance picked up the £900,000 repair bill and the car was rebuilt using as much of the original car as possible. A full new body was not used.

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Join tha AA, DW. Then you can get it recovered home free.Eventually.


I've already insured it on my classic policy, which includes breakdown cover. Haven't had to use that aspect of my insurance since the H van windscreen exploded in my face in Germany in 2007. It does say that they'll take me and the car home 'if the insured so wishes.' I am having second thoughts about using the motorway to get home though. There's little chance of coasting to a pleasant halt somewhere nice...

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Sitting with a bit of spare time this evening (waiting for my hair to dry... err... ) and decided to see how many of the Senator's registration series still exist. Yes it is sad but I've not got a lot to do tonight.


So far gone from J431 PKX through to the last of the batch (J464 PKX it appears) and other than mine, so far the longest lived was J439 PKX, a grey Carlton 2.0GLi auto which bit the dust on October 20th 2009 and the shortest J458 PKX, a twin of my Senator, which hasn't been licensed since April 1996.



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The Puma failed it's MOT but not too badly. It needs 2 rear brake pipes (I thought they looked crusty) and there's movement in the front 2 strut top bushes. Apparantly they all do this and it's nowt to do with the bushes being worn and there's a fix for it that doesn't require them to be replaced. It also needs a tyre, which is the one on the already buckled wheel. Luckily I dropped in past Co Part yesterday on the way back from the Dunfermline shite meet and picked up a wheel with a good tyre for 30 quid.


I cannie be arsed pissing around with the brake pipes so I'm going to get the garage next to my lockup to do it.

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Got a wuvvum style problem on my van now, if I brake to come to a stop, the brake locks on, I have to reverse a foot to go forward again, I brake hard to make the swing in to my drive and it sticks and I can't be arsed to reverse so am currently ploughing my gravel drive with every return trip

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Sitting with a bit of spare time this evening (waiting for my hair to dry... err... ) and decided to see how many of the Senator's registration series still exist. Yes it is sad but I've not got a lot to do tonight.


So far gone from J431 PKX through to the last of the batch (J464 PKX it appears) and other than mine, so far the longest lived was J439 PKX, a grey Carlton 2.0GLi auto which bit the dust on October 20th 2009 and the shortest J458 PKX, a twin of my Senator, which hasn't been licensed since April 1996.




You need help

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Could also be the fuel pump, Ian. If it's anything like the 190E they're mounted somewhere stupid (under the car on the n/s I think) and do give trouble if the car hasn't been used much. Do a an internet search for that model (and type in the problems) and see what it throws up.

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Sitting with a bit of spare time this evening (waiting for my hair to dry... err... ) and decided to see how many of the Senator's registration series still exist. Yes it is sad but I've not got a lot to do tonight.


So far gone from J431 PKX through to the last of the batch (J464 PKX it appears) and other than mine, so far the longest lived was J439 PKX, a grey Carlton 2.0GLi auto which bit the dust on October 20th 2009 and the shortest J458 PKX, a twin of my Senator, which hasn't been licensed since April 1996.




You need help


Somebody who isn't me (honestly, but I'll spare them the shame) did that for every reg in the same series as BOND and gave me the results in spreadsheet form for my birthday. Despite the fact that I will probably never have sex with another woman and will almost certainly die alone (this fact hit me at about the same time I opened said spreadsheet and muttered the word "awesome!" to myself), I was extremely pleased to note that there is another blue Bond Equipe 1300 from the XLW xxxG series still about, on SORN somewhere.

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I suspect it's what seems to be the typical 'moisture in the dizzy cap' issue. Thought I was buying a pinnacle of German engineering, not something inspired by Mini design...


Will take WD40 and some rags and hope for the best. A new dizzy cap seems to be a rather eye-watering £80 or so. Even a second-hand one is £22.50! Departing shortly. Collection capers (sorry Cavette, I like that phrase) to follow.

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Looking forward to the updates dw. Anyone who sets off to pickup a car that they know is broken before they set out with just a hammer (i presume you have a hammer), some rags, a tin of wd40 and some sandwiches is alright by me.

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Made it back. It's been an adventure, though not overly traumatic. Thread to follow. A distinct lack of pictures though. We were desperately trying to get home before the light faded. We failed. I must apologise to all the people who've had a big Mercedes randomly stop in front of them. Many people were annoyed.

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I have avoided buying the Lamm Electric rebel. It got bid up to beyond the point where I was prepared to take a risk on it. Its another project I can't store and don't need at the end of the day. It went for £540 which hopefully has put it above the value where someone might cut it up and make it into a kit car.... The auction is here for anyone whos wondering what I'm on about:


http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Reliant-Regal ... true&rt=nc


In other Coalnotdole motoring news I bought a Mig welder at the weekend and spent much of Saturday driving to the middle of Essex collect it. Its an old Oxford 300 amp monster which is massively overkill for anything I'm likely to do with it. It looks more appropriate for welding the Forth bridge than it does 3mm chassis repairs... It took 3 people to lift into the back of the van. But at £145 it was cheap and British made which fulfilled my main requirements. Its been used in anger on the Coupe chassis which has had a new patch let in to the boot / rear bumper support. I'm hoping to be get the body can go back on in the next few weeks which would be big news.


In the meantime I badly need to do some routine maintenance on the GTE. The waterpump bearing has started to pisswater out and It runs a bit rough and is generally overdue an oil change and a bit of fettling with the ignition. Hopefully I'll get time at the end of the week for that.

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Looking forward to the updates dw. Anyone who sets off to pickup a car that they know is broken before they set out with just a hammer (i presume you have a hammer), some rags, a tin of wd40 and some sandwiches is alright by me.


Missed this first time around. We did have a hammer, rags and WD40 but stupidly forgot sandwiches and therefore forgot to take photos of them too. Fail.

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Unusually, I drove to work today so I could run a couple of errands after work. Dropped some friends off at home, stopped outside a Cost Cutter to pick up some milk and just as I left the shop I got a grand stand view of a dozy looking bloke in a 12-plate Astra reversing right across the road and into the side of my car. The two old biddies who I was stood next to provided some light relief by chorusing 'Ooh, ee's driven into your car!'


Fortunately he was helpful, embarrased and gave me his details willingly, so coupled with some photos it shouldn't be too much hassle. He's already been in touch since by text so I can at least be fairly sure he's genuine. He's dented the rear wheel arch so nothing major, might not come cheap considering there's only one bodyshop I intend to take it to and I know they are expensive but they do excellent work. On the plus side, it's not a big deal, no-one was hurt and much worse things happen every day. Definitely gone are the days of being precious over my shiny pride and joy shitbox, it's been a long time since this has happened to me!

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I bought a Mig welder at the weekend and spent much of Saturday driving to the middle of Essex collect it. Its an old Oxford 300 amp monster which is massively overkill for anything I'm likely to do with it. It looks more appropriate for welding the Forth bridge than it does 3mm chassis repairs... It took 3 people to lift into the back of the van. But at £145 it was cheap and British made which fulfilled my main requirements.


was it this one from braintree?




10 minutes up the road from me and on my watch list :wink:


my guess was human error for the not working :twisted:


plenty powerful enough to melt your cooker circuit on single phase :lol:

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After a bit of a fight with the special 'din removal tool', I managed to get out the comedy Amplifier unit on the Granada, and happily confirmed that the cabling is a prehistoric setup which only changed a couple of months after my car was made, and for which there don't appear to be any ISO leads. As rewiring is needed and I am quite shit at electronics, that puts paid to my ideas about getting a new stereo in. It's one thing to spend a fiver on a lead plus £100 on a fabulous Blaupunkt unit that can just be unplugged as and when required, and quite another when it's £180 and has to remain in the car even if I sell/scrap it.

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