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Shouldn't there be a chrome and enamel AA or RAC badge as well?

 A real giffer would have both, and be a member of neither.


Today's crappy job was to replace the rubber pipe that connects the filler tube to the gas tank on the Plymouth as it leaks. The previous owner had seen fit to install the jubillee clips with the screw head facing up! I didn't want to drop the tank so had to use a bare hacksaw blade to cut the jubillee clips off. I could only manage a 1 inch stroke so it took ages.


Waiting for the mail man to arrive with the new rubber connector and new clips.




Today I watched a nice but completely boggo Fiat 128 saloon sell for £5,600.  So there's another car I'll never own.


If you want a Fiat early 90s stuff is still worthless. I saw an tidy Uno with MOT sell for £256 the other day.


Today I watched a nice but completely boggo Fiat 128 saloon sell for £5,600.  So there's another car I'll never own.


Ouch. Some interesting late additions to the catalogue. What did those two baggy looking Jensens fetch?


been to York, and for the first time in a long time visited the NRM.


we'd gone to see this, and try the VR re-enrty thing. we couldn't get tickets when it was up at Shildon, so them moving it York gave us another go. and yes, it was really good!



they have new exhibits, starting with this



a 373 class power car, which is very impressive close up. i've only ever seen them either as a 00 model, or running along HS1.


then there is the flying banana, not new by any means (it was built in the 1930's!) but this was the first time ever that i've seen one up close (and i'm 43!)


it looks amazing, just a stunning vehicle.


then there is this, i've seen the strealined Duchess before, but this is the first time i've seen the re-painted 3rd class LMS coach coupled up behing the locomotive. and very impressive it looks too



i don't ever remember seeing this too, the Pullman car named Topaz, just looking at the workmanship that has gone ito the marquettry and trimming of the interior, sadly nothing today can match it.



and at the other end of the spectrum, i don't ever recall seeing this either, the PLM/LNER ferry van. i guess i must have seen it at some point, but not been a steamer i guess it would have passed me by



coupled up to the ferry van, is GNR 1247, a mundane steam shunter, but in the full edwardian livery. its lined out EVERYWHERE! no need of course, its been lined out like that cos it looks nice...... and all that on a work-a-day loco, its not a top link engine, but its been painted up to the same standard. beautiful, just beautiful.......



Peugeot 106 stuff: early ones have driveshafts with an untapered CV joint, later ones have the tapered variety, and never the twain shall meet unless just about everything is changed front suspension-wise. Late Saxos also have the taper driveshafts.
So: 5 months ago I went to replace the driveshaft that I'd bought a year ago. It didn't go well. It's a phase 1 106 - non-taper - wearing bub2006's old Saxo's struts and driveshafts (taper), so a year ago I typed in the reg. no. of the Saxo into GSF and got a driveshaft on discount. The 106 then shat its rear brakes big style(edit: a year ago today, took 11 hours to get home from work!), I took the huff, and banished it to the naughty step until I sold the Puma.
So when I went to change the shaft, I was surprised to find it was a non-taper shaft that I'd been supplied - surprise because I'd replaced the passenger side one and the correct taper one had been supplied. Everything got bolted back up, but to my dismay I nicked the bottom arm balljoint boot. Took old driveshaft back to GSF to confirm it was wrong for the Saxo reg, but couldn't exchange it because time barred - the assistant was excellent though, and sold me the correct taper one at a good discount.
Today I went to change the lot - I'd been nursing the clacking driveshaft, but now there's a hint of free play in the balljoint.

Lower arm - off, nae bother. Driveshaft -ditto. New driveshaft - I was dreading this going tits-up - on nae probs too.

New lower arm? That's 2 and a half hours I'll never get back.

Ended up getting the angle grinder out to take fuck-knows how much of it off to get it to fit. Offer it up, bolt won't go in, take it out, grind off where you can see it's touching. Repeat and try again. Bolt goes in a bit? Retrieve bolt without making a stramash of the threads, take the a out, grind a bit more, and try again.
It's all back together again but the gearbox needs new oil because there's metal in it, and the tracking is well buggered up. Oh joy!

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Exciting news, in 30 minutes I'll be halfway through my working week. So only 18 hours left to do!


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk


Here's some news




Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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Does that get you off the other 18 hours?


And do tell. Hope you're going to be OK obvs...


Does that get you off the other 18 hours?


And do tell. Hope you're going to be OK obvs...

Yes I'm having tonight off!

Must admit it smarted a touch. 7 stitches and a tetanus injection. Now in bed annoying the wife.


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk


^^ I read that as enjoying the wife lol can't be that bad then hahah


Worked on Supernauts 320i, then went to the pub with him and another friend. Said other friend is looking for a car “For under a grand, I’ll check insurance as I look”, and he doesn’t want somthing everyone else has. And doesn’t mind traveling to get said car.

This led to us messaging RantingYoof to find us some suitable cars down his part of the world. Top picks were a 2002 Honda Legned and a S-Type V8! He’s very tempted. :D


I foraee a collection thread, as well as him joining here soon!

  • Like 3

A real giffer would have both, and be a member of neither.

I have an AA badge and it’s not even in my country!

I also have an NRMA badge, but I am a member of that.




Ooo, look at that lovely non-crispy Series 3 nose! Jealous.



In other news, my Discovery’s uncharacteristic failure to start was easily cured (as I expected) by careful application of 5 litres of unleaded. A friend had borrowed it and returned it with so little fuel that the pump couldn’t pump it uphill to the engine, even though the fuel warning light wasn’t on.


If he’d parked facing downhill or, better, PUT SOME BASTARD PETROL IN IT then it would have been ok.


Ooo, look at that lovely non-crispy Series 3 nose! Jealous.

I’d buy you a drink if you could find any crispiness on my Jag.


5 litres?

How far did that get you?

Other end of that enormous garage you've got?

Just enough to turn it round in the road and back it into the drive :-) (Big Shed is on a farm a couple of miles away.)


Sadly the petrol station at the bottom of the hill has closed down, so now the nearest petrol is up a long and steep-ish hill and across the common. Gone are the days of coasting down on fumes, or three cylinders or other such shenanigans.


I’d buy you a drink if you could find any crispiness on my Jag.

It looks gorgeous.


I’ll buy you a drink and a packet of pork scratchings if you can find a rust-free panel on my Sovereign :-(




Note to self - should really get this sorted out this year.


It looks gorgeous.

I’ll buy you a drink and a packet of pork scratchings if you can find a rust-free panel on my Sovereign :-(


Note to self - should really get this sorted out this year.

That passenger door doesn’t look too bad :)


You call that a Sovereign, where are the headlamp wipers? (I can’t talk, mine a missing :( )


There fabulous cars, I’ve daily driven mine for over a year and the only issue is the fuel bill!


My sisters mk6 Fiesta 1.25 is misfiring and running rough...



Yep, the spark plug holes are full of water again!

Since it's dry today and I've got time I've stripped it down, sucked out all the water with a big syringe and wiped the plugs and holes out. All nice and dry so I've sprayed it all out with WD40 and wiped clean again.

Same treatment for the HT leads which were dripping wet.


Then to address the actual cause of the problem.

The screen wash nozzle on the drivers side leaks rainwater through which then drips onto the air filter box then down into the plug holes.

I've popped the whole nozzle out of the bonnet, cleaned the opening up then cleaned all the dirt off the bottom of the nozzle. Removed the pointless little rubber seal and cleaned that.

Then silicone sealer around the bottom of the nozzle, put the rubber seal on top of that followed by more silicone sealer on top of that before putting it back into the bonnet hole. Pushing it firmly in place squishing the silicone out around it! I've smeared it smooth and removed the excess on the outside so it looks ok.

While I was there I've pulled the washer hose off, cleaned and dried the end and put a dap of silicone around the washer nozzle hose fitting before pushing the hose back on and securing tight with a small cable tie. Just in case that was also leaking.


It's a shit design on these really. Of course not helped by the weather being fucking awful for 6 months of the year either. Fingers crossed it's now fixed more permanently now though!


One of the few things that hasn't gone wrong with my Fusion Dan!

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One of the few things that hasn't gone wrong with my Fusion Dan!

That’s jinxed it!

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We inherited a Mk6 that had sat for about two years.  That crap washer jet design resulted in this happening during a plug change...




So I ended up doing this...  




Terrible engine bay access on these things, especially the 1.6


It's a really shit design that washer jet set up. When I popped the nozzle out of the bonnet the rubber seal was pretty much doing nothing it was all such a poor loose fit.

How long my silicone job will last I don't know but it should be fine for a good while at least.


This cars been doing this for years so far. It's fine through summer but once the weather goes shit in autumn it needs emptying and drying out every month or so so far.

Apparently you've got to be careful with them as it can rust through the heads core plugs and then it starts pissing coolant out into the same space too! The ones on this car are fine luckily!


I'll just keep an eye on it and see how it gets on now.


Not just me then,  2 heater plugs were seized into the head of our 64 plate Transit when the garage tried to change them last month.  That one can go off to auction when the weather warms up as I'm buggered if I'm paying garage rates to take the head off when it still works.


It's a really shit design that washer jet set up. When I popped the nozzle out of the bonnet the rubber seal was pretty much doing nothing it was all such a poor loose fit.

How long my silicone job will last I don't know but it should be fine for a good while at least.


This cars been doing this for years so far. It's fine through summer but once the weather goes shit in autumn it needs emptying and drying out every month or so so far.

Apparently you've got to be careful with them as it can rust through the heads core plugs and then it starts pissing coolant out into the same space too! The ones on this car are fine luckily!


I'll just keep an eye on it and see how it gets on now.

You can buy a cover from Volvo as they use that Zetec lump. Just fit a cover and it stops the problem.

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