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Zel's Motoring Adventures...Volvo, Renault, Rover, Trabant, Invacar & A Sinclair C5 - Updated 20/03

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2 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Thankfully the lines on this are clear, the water in the expansion bottle moves when you squeeze a hose.  Equally I also don't have carb adjustments to deal with, which kind of surprises me with yours being that much later.  I wonder if the injection option was part of the Monaco package.

I find it highly amusing that the handbook seems to have precisely as big an issue with clear coat peel as the car!


That's the wrong handbook! The engines get quite confusing,with 8 and 12 valve fours of 2 and 2.2 litres, plus the trim levels and options. Probably not much help, but excerpts from a 1989 sales brochure. IMG_20221204_220103.thumb.jpg.b4ad16f06e25d03fd4814b6993a3b001.jpgIMG_20221204_220051.thumb.jpg.9027287166f78f8abbabf492c70f0bc2.jpg

1 hour ago, Dobloseven said:

That's the wrong handbook! The engines get quite confusing,with 8 and 12 valve fours of 2 and 2.2 litres, plus the trim levels and options. Probably not much help, but excerpts from a 1989 sales brochure. IMG_20221204_220103.thumb.jpg.b4ad16f06e25d03fd4814b6993a3b001.jpgIMG_20221204_220051.thumb.jpg.9027287166f78f8abbabf492c70f0bc2.jpg

You're right...I totally never even clocked it was a facelift car on the cover!  Sure I still have the one from my first one around somewhere.


Following this thread with great interest. I'm currently doing the head gasket on a 25 Monaco which was previously laid up for 20 years.
Mine has a lot of the same problems as yours, seam sealer split on inner wing causing rot behind it, heater blower not working.
I repainted the rear spoiler due to lacquer peel but it unfortunately it reacted, so just painted it with matt black and it looks pretty good.


Tail lights are easy enough to come by, there was a pair for sale on the 25 faceache page a few months ago.


I wonder if this is the other 25 Monaco still on the road.

Spotted at Newark jumble in July this year




11 hours ago, mcmolloy1 said:

Following this thread with great interest. I'm currently doing the head gasket on a 25 Monaco which was previously laid up for 20 years.
Mine has a lot of the same problems as yours, seam sealer split on inner wing causing rot behind it, heater blower not working.
I repainted the rear spoiler due to lacquer peel but it unfortunately it reacted, so just painted it with matt black and it looks pretty good.

Be nice if that increases the number left by one!

Was thinking of doing pretty much the same for the spoiler to tidy it up for now, it wouldn't look at all out of place being black.

Just a couple of things done this morning before the heavens opened and stopped play (plus there are far more useful things I really should be doing).

Full set of tyres has been ordered, should be here in the next day or two.  

The wipers fitted were utterly shot, and *slightly* too small.


There was an 18" blade on the driver's side and 16" on the passenger side.  They should be 22".  The one on the rear was completely devoid of actual blade so that was swapped too.

Also started chucking some leather conditioner at the seats as they've obviously not been cared for in forever.  


Yeah, haven't seen them slurp it down that quickly on the first application in a long while.


Foreground done, background not.

Then after the first full pass.


Sadly the heavens opened just as I finished the first pass on the back seat.  There will likely be three or four applications needed before it's back to how it should be I reckon.

Going to just order a set of the usual suspects for front end suspension clocks.  My money's on drop links, but the ball joints etc are all less than a tenner apiece for TRW/Delphi parts so I'm just getting them all in and will be chucking it at a garage with the simple instruction to return it free of knocks/clonks from the front end.  When the parts are that cheap it just doesn't seem worth getting it into be diagnosed then have to order parts, get it booked back in to be sorted.

Plus the roads around here are hard on things like that so they'll want changing at some point anyway!

Edit: Got another dry five minutes so all leather surfaces have now had their first application of conditioner.  Already looks miles better.


Also means that the interior now smells exactly like my old one inside now.

The speaker grill from the passenger door is present, just sitting on the back seat.  There's no point in fixing that until I've got the stereo up and running and verified if the speaker needs replacing.  The plastic locating tabs for the grill have broken so it will have to be glued in place - hence why I don't want to mess with it until I know I won't need to be opening this again for a while.

The central locking is now working reliably on three doors and the boot.  It's just the offside rear that needs manual assistance now - so simple lack of use seems to be the key issue there much as anything else.

Also grabbed a couple of photos when I was out, slightly less horrible backdrop than our building site of a garden.





Does look a good buy.Amazing to find the right one so close to home that's up and running. Strangely, mine started life in MK. I hadn't noticed, but when I came to a Fod last year, Quicksilver soon picked up on it. I'm a bit jealous but I do like my automatic and can't imagine having to change gears. Sort of like driving a motorised three piece suite. 

1 hour ago, Dobloseven said:

Does look a good buy.Amazing to find the right one so close to home that's up and running. Strangely, mine started life in MK. I hadn't noticed, but when I came to a Fod last year, Quicksilver soon picked up on it. I'm a bit jealous but I do like my automatic and can't imagine having to change gears. Sort of like driving a motorised three piece suite. 

It was the realisation it was so local was one of the things which really spurred me into figuring it had to be worth a look.  The odds of one of such a rare care popping up so nearby were so small.  Especially when you keep in mind last time I looked for one was in about 2010, and the link to this popped up in a Telegram chat that I don't check massively regularly, so the odds of me even seeing the post there weren't great to start with.  By all rights I never should have found it.

It's a car which was plainly really intended to be an auto given how far away from you the gearshift is!  It's really not a huge chore though once you're used to it, especially as this engine is really torquey so it's not massively fussy about gear choice.  Plus there is a nicely satisfying growl from the exhaust around 3k ish.

The high velocity squidgy leather sofa school of motoring is something I'm a great fan of.  I greatly enjoy many other types of vehicle, but don't think I've ever come across another car which is quite so perfectly matched to just what I *like* than the R25 - Which I was already pretty convinced of when I had my first one.

  • Like 2

Looks like a real French luxury barge. Look forward to meeting at FOD one day😁

  • Like 1

Managed to post this in the wrong thread earlier because I'm an idiot.

-- -- --

Sweet. Stereo works. Well, sort of.


Tape does anyway - which was probably the most important bit. Radio appears to be dead.

Neither the upper control panel or steering column controls do anything. So the radio *may* actually work, but this system as I recall has muting if off station, and the seek controls are on the upper control panel, not duplicated on the head unit itself so I can't currently try to tune into anything or switch bands.

Could it really be as simple as a dodgy connection or someone not having plugged things back in (I have an invoice for the 12V outlet having been rewired, so this will have been out to access that)?

Not holding my breath, but would be a nice surprise if so.

Also, yes it still sounds bloody decent, even on the original speakers, must have been absolutely epic back in the late 80s.

Had a phone call earlier saying that the tyres had arrived, so hopefully will get those fitted in the morning.  I'll feel a lot more comfortable driving the car when the tyres are no longer old enough to have their own driving license plus change...

  • Zelandeth changed the title to Zel's Motoring Adventures...Merc, Vauxhall, Renault, VW, AC Model 70 & A Sinclair C5 - 06/12 - Renault Minor Fettling Begins...
On 12/3/2022 at 5:22 PM, Zelandeth said:

Bronze thank you very much.

Mr Magoo says hello











Much better.


Ride definitely feels a bit more compliant.  

No particular horrors under here.


Drop links are definitely baggy based on how much I could wiggle them by hand.  So hopefully changing those will get rid of the rattle.

Looks like exhaust work will be in our near future.


Given how precise the routing of this system needs to be to make sure it doesn't foul on things and make a racket I rather doubt I'll be looking at eBay cheap specials for this.

To give an idea of this, note the routing in this area.


It runs about 2/3rds the length of the car in a channel along the nearside sill with about an inch of room to play with, then does that nonsense to wind itself around the rear suspension and chassis.  I can just imagine the amount of swearing involved in trying to fit that even with a perfectly accurately shaped system.

We did spot one bit of grot on the underside that I missed when looking at the car, though in fairness I'm not massively surprised.  I was concentrating mainly on the sills, areas around suspension and subframe mounts and the like.  The rest got a pretty quick glance over while I was trying not to get run over by passing traffic.


Really not too bothered to be honest.  Won't be too bad to sort that.  Most likely because someone has jacked the car there in the past I think, especially as the other side is spotless there.

Edit: Hey look, the list of warning lights which are coming back to life is increasing.


First time I've seen that one show up for it's self test routine.  Does go out properly though and stays off while driving.  For those not familiar with the symbology Renault used, this is their answer to what became the check engine light.  Which on my previous 25 had a bit of black electrical tape over it.


Nice!  I nearly bought one of these years ago, ended up passing on it because it needed a bit more work than I'd anticipated and I was in the process of moving house at the time.  One of the ones I regretted letting get away.

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  • Zelandeth changed the title to Zel's Motoring Adventures...Merc, Vauxhall, Renault, VW, AC Model 70 & A Sinclair C5 - 07/12 - New Tyre Time...

Further to the photo of the engine management light earlier, I think we actually had a full compliment of everything we should see on startup earlier this evening (of course plus the sodding washer fluid light, we'll get to that soon as it's bugging the hell out of me).


We *may* still be missing a coolant temperature warning light, I'm not 100% sure if that should come on with the ignition.

Odds on all but one of them having gone back into hiding tomorrow?

I've had a bit more of a play with the stereo and I think we're at a decent starting point. We definitely have life from all six speakers and they all seem healthy. Which given they're the originals is quite impressive.


What's even more surprising is that despite their very normal looking construction, even at ear bleedingly and floor shaking high volume levels there's still no breakup or apparent distortion. I dread to think what the unit price of these speakers must have been. I really should look to see if they're built into any sort of chamber in the doors etc to help tune things, as this really does blow any other factory system from the era I've come across clear out the water.

Not to say we don't have issues, we do. Most obviously (aside from the non functional external controls already mentioned) is that there is quite a lot of whine on the tape input. Which I'm guessing from the sound of it is coming from the cassette deck motor, so it's suppression components aren't up to scratch after this many years. That may be as simple as replacing a capacitor or two, though if it doesn't break anything else (like confusing the auto reverse system) just disconnecting the motor may actually be a simple solution there, doing away with the inevitable mechanical noise as well, as I'll only be using this as an input from a modern source. The actual mechanism doesn't need to physically run. Will have a think about that one a little further down the line. I think the output level may be a little low, but the tape heads look absolutely filthy so I'm going to get those cleaned before I make a judgement there. This may even kill two birds with one stone, as I may just have the volume cranked up way higher than normal so I'm just picking up on what would be normal background noise levels otherwise. Not sure when I'll have time to do much more with that than to clean the heads as I suspect the unit as a whole isn't exactly service friendly. Plus I really don't want to break it!

A replacement for the cracked tail light is now on the way courtesy of eBay, likewise a new power window switch to replace the one in the driver's door which the top keeps falling off of. Little details but ones it will be nice to get ticked off.


Couple of surprises for me. Rear drums and steel wheels.Good that the original trims have survived. Doubleyeller of this parish claimed to have some 25 parts stacked away, though haven't heard much from him lately. 

4 hours ago, Dobloseven said:

Couple of surprises for me. Rear drums and steel wheels.Good that the original trims have survived. Doubleyeller of this parish claimed to have some 25 parts stacked away, though haven't heard much from him lately. 

I thought they were bolt on trims originally, but they're not.  Suffice to say some zip ties will be getting applied post haste so they remain with the car.  I've only seen three Monacos in person and they've all had the same trims.  I think the only ones that got discs on the back were the V6 models. 


Nothing much to report as I've mostly been busy getting ready for us having a guest staying over the weekend.

I have changed all the headlight bulbs in the 25 though as we had a sidelight out and the headlights seemed really dim.  New lamps in it seems a lot better.

Also added a bit of equipment which I think may be indicative of my intentions for it to be a long term fleet member.


Given this car predates modern security measures and that the rarity factor means that whatever any payout from an insurer might be I'm unlikely to find another one it just seemed sensible.  Would have preferred an actual Disclock but nowhere locally stock them in anything but the smallest size which won't fit, so we'll make do with this.  May upgrade it at a later date.  To be fair it is mainly as a visual deterrent to some undesirable who might be looking for a quick joyride than anything else.  If a properly organised car thief wants something you've got it may as well already be gone.

Most other cars on fleet have either fallen under "has sufficient inherent security, hidden features I've added, or meh it's insured." Well aside from TPA, though she lives in the garage blocked in by two other cars so it's less of a worry there.  Really should get a wheel clamp before we go on any more overnight trips away I think though.

I spotted that in addition to the original dealer plates that there's also an original window sticker (just about!) still present too.


Sadly that's had it though and more of it lands on the back seat every time I close the bootlid.

  • Like 8
33 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

Well aside from TPA, though she lives in the garage blocked in by two other cars

that always amused me, especially when you had the Jag

I know there is somewhere a famous abandoned/sad looking Aston Martin DB5 or such somewhere thats in front of a garage and people have wondered if the AM has been turfed outside then whats in the Garage!


so I always had the amusing mental picture, of some thieves or what have you, looking at your driveway and thinking "cor if he has a XJS V12 and a Xantia Activa parked outside then theres gotta be something serious in the garage"

only for them to crow bar open the garage and be met with the arse end of a Model 70 and a shit load of lightbulbs/fluorescent tubes :) 

7 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

that always amused me, especially when you had the Jag

I know there is somewhere a famous abandoned/sad looking Aston Martin DB5 or such somewhere thats in front of a garage and people have wondered if the AM has been turfed outside then whats in the Garage!


so I always had the amusing mental picture, of some thieves or what have you, looking at your driveway and thinking "cor if he has a XJS V12 and a Xantia Activa parked outside then theres gotta be something serious in the garage"

only for them to crow bar open the garage and be met with the arse end of a Model 70 and a shit load of lightbulbs/fluorescent tubes :) 

To be fair, the Jag did have an immobiliser fitted!

  • Like 1

Apparently quirky old French barges are more interesting to Twitter though.  This is the most engagement I've ever had with a post there by several orders of magnitude I think.



Only actual car related job I was determined to get done today was to make it so that I could actually see out of both the Caddy and Renault.  The Caddy had developed a horrible greasy film on the inside of the screen which I was reminded of every time I was driving into the sun.

The Renault screen was just absolutely filthy inside and out.  Plus had these marks left from stickers etc in the past.



That one on the driver's side was an absolute swine to remove because of how close to the base of the screen it was.  

Also removed what was left of the old dealer sticker as it was just crumbling away to nothing.


Then gave the car a really quick hoover to get rid of the bits of sticker than ended up everywhere and gave the dash a *really* quick wipe down.


I'll need to get the sticky stuff remover involved to try to get the tape residue off the dash above the glove box.

The only bit I put any real effort into cleaning besides the glass was this as it was annoying me how cloudy the plastic looked.


One little fix done before I called it a day as the first replacement part had arrived.



Which also periodically fell to bits.




Small change in the grand scheme of things, but satisfying none the less.

Oh, also adjusted the throttle cable.


You can see where the clip used to be - that has removed about 2" of free play at the pedal, so I definitely wouldn't have had even close to full throttle available before.  Curious to see if there's any difference noticeable when driving.

  • Zelandeth changed the title to Zel's Motoring Adventures...Merc, Vauxhall, Renault, VW, AC Model 70 & A Sinclair C5 - 10/12 - Little bits & pieces...

You probably already know but DMB do a range of Mann Egerton stickers


  • Like 3
18 minutes ago, Shite Ron said:

You probably already know but DMB do a range of Mann Egerton stickers


I generally keep stickers to a minimum on my cars anyway, but good to know what it looked like.


More surprises for me. Keep fit rear windows and manual mirror adjustment, same as my GTS. 


Too damned cold to really do too much today.

Cavalier was started up and left to run fully up to temperature.

Not a bad showing for the rear window demister after this many years!


I've had plenty of cars less than half the age where a bunch don't work, so two isn't bad going.

You could definitely tell the temperature was basically hovering at dew point all day today.


It was left running long enough to get it fully up to temperature and to get some decent heat into the interior.

The battery in the Renault has always sounded a little low so I stuck it on the charger for a few hours.  Helpful to have this much open space in an engine bay...


Was showing as full within a few minutes, so either the battery isn't at it's best (given how little the car has been used that wouldn't surprise me - and it is a Halfords cheapie), the connection to the starter could be a bit better - though 80s Renault starter motors have always tended to sound like they're struggling to some extent in my experience.  I'll check the obvious candidates though just to be safe.

A package arrived which contains a set of lower ball joints, drop links and anti roll bar bushes.


Hopefully some combination of these things will deal with the knocking the current suspension is doing.  I'll be chucking the car at a garage for that though, sod crawling around doing stuff like that at this time of year.

My usual solution to sticky residue left by tape and such is usually WD40.  However the marks on the dash here really don't want to move.


Though granted, I may have more luck if I were to attempt this again when it's not -2C outside...


Wound up having to use this today despite the salt as for some reason there doesn't seem to be any diesel available - not at the five stations I checked anyway and the Caddy needs fuel.  Great.  

One small detail was added today.


Well nearly.  Turns out that the Amazon cheapie disc holders are apparently useless - especially when you're trying to fit them while it's -3C.  Think I need to get some better holders.

I know I don't need a tax disc, it just seems odd to my brain if it's not there, so I figure one with the month and year it would have had when new makes sense.

Hopefully I can actually find some diesel tomorrow as I'd really rather not be using this car in weather like this.  Well the weather isn't the issue - the amount of salt on the roads is!

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First task of the afternoon today was to brush as much of the snow off as possible and defrost the Cavalier as much as practical so the potential buyer could actually see it when they visited later in the day.


The potential buyer said yes, so it will soon be off to pastures new.  I'd have loved to see this one through, but I just don't have the room.   The R25 appearing meant something had to go, and that had been on my wish list for longer than the Cavalier.

She will be staying in the forum though which is nice.

Some of you may have noticed on the interior photos that something is amiss with the steering column shroud on the R25.


Aside from bugging my OCD, it means the wiper and indicator stalks aren't quite where they're meant to be, and the back of the wheel scrapes the plastic when turning.

Given the ckear evidence of this car having been broken into (passenger front window has obviously been replaced and I've hoovered out a bunch of cubes of glass), I had a hunch that was likely connected to that event.



Someone has had a really good go at breaking the steering lock - no idea if successful or not. The whole top of the column has been rotated to the left by the force distorting the mountings, meaning the ignition barrel isn't where it's meant to be.

That's a job for further down the line. I suspect a whole upper steering column from a breaker is going to be the way to go and bash the mount back closer to the right shape when the dash is apart. I rather doubt I can get things back where they want to be by applying unreasonable force in the opposite direction.  I just wanted to take a closer look today to see if my hunch was correct.

Was far too cold for doing anything much more in depth today.


Is the BeigeX still on AS?

17 hours ago, somewhatfoolish said:

Is the BeigeX still on AS?

Yes, though I think mostly been parts gathering that's gone on so far.  Sure there will be posts made on the subject once the work really kicks off.

Pretty sure they have managed to source replacements for the failed hydraulic lines and some of the interior bits that were in need of attention.

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