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Ebay tat


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Those crazy frogs... Bad enough that Renault built cars in the '70s with the wheelbase longer on one side than the other, but then Citroën had to go one better and build a car with the whole bodyshell longer on one side than the other... :roll:


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This X1/9 is the earliest one in the country apparently, which means the owner can ask £20k for it! :lol::lol::lol:


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Presumably its the fact that he has fitted cinq sporting wheels and a 1.9TD engine out of a Regata that make up the extra £16k that you'd pay over the next oldest one.

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FUCKING BOLLOCKS I stuck a snîpe bid of 246 on this, it went to someone else for 245!!! :evil::evil::evil:

Doesn't that mean you're the WINNAR then? I've won things by a penny before
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Hey, I've had that happen too, I reckon these 'SnipeBots' must occasionally slope off down the pub for a few pints of Hen and a bag of crisps, the workshy bastids.

You actually pay somebody to bid for you? I usually just keep refreshing it till it gets down to about 25 secs, stick a bid in, wait on the confirm bid screen for another 5 secs or more then confirm bid. Usually results in a sub 5 second bid. How much do you have to pay to get something to do it for you? It must be worth it or people wouldn't bother unless on something they simply had to have!
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That Cavalier coupe is utterly delightful. Surely now they’re beyond the point where people stick later bumpers etc on them to make a GT/E clone?

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*Coming up next Julember Cavette remembers how to do 'proper' eBay links.

What's a 'proper' eBay link?
It's where those clever people have a word that links to the item. A bit like Pog's epic eBay post on here with pictures and words.
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That Cavalier coupe is utterly delightful. Surely now they’re beyond the point where people stick later bumpers etc on them to make a GT/E clone?

I had a white one just like that back in 1988 - RPH62R - gone but not forgotten....I have a photo somewhere..
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That Cavalier coupe is utterly delightful. Surely now they’re beyond the point where people stick later bumpers etc on them to make a GT/E clone?

There are much fewer chrome bumper models than later GT/E types left now, so yes, you would hope they would be preserved. Beautiful car for sure. There's some lovely early Manta Bs on the Vx/Opel show circuit, usually at Billing for the VBOA show each year.
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All theyve done is put a different wheel on, its even a BL one not an aftermarket one! Thats not barrying.

And fitted an MG cylinder head, and put sone ghay guages where the MW/LW radio should be, - well, OK so its not Bary-Barried, but you have to admit the steering wheel does look kak in the otherwise brownland interior. Nahhh, keep it nice an stock, but fit something mental under the bonnet and if you need wider wheel band the normal steelies. Its also one of those half arsed half finished projects you see so often on eGay (like that Passat estate). But hey, Im a Metrophile and I know what I like - and this aint it!


Interestingly - it has aftermarket bonnet scoops on the bonnet - assuming they are not robbed off a later K series Mk1 (which were a different fitment anyway) I have only ever seen them on one Metro before - mine.

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And yes, I concede that by my own definition this Metro has been Barried, but it was the 80's

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I use Auctionsniper.com, I think it costs about 20p a snipe (only if you win) but often its clock and the ebay one go out of sync and it shoves bids in about 10 seconds after the auction has ended - bloody yanks. :evil:

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*Coming up next Julember Cavette remembers how to do 'proper' eBay links.

What's a 'proper' eBay link?
It's where those clever people have a word that links to the item. A bit like Pog's epic eBay post on here with pictures and words.
Oh that - even I've mastered that, I'm just usually too lazy to do it as it's a bit fiddly. I had to pick it up by hovering the mouse over the URL button in a new message & it brings up the 2 examples of methods of using the code for URL. I think I've just about done it enough times now to remember it without having to remind myself but it isn't easy to remember.
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