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Peugeot 306. Open surgery

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Who are the Bangernomics crew?

Asher D, Stormzy and Romeo Dunn I think.


Had a hit with Mr Wendel in the naughties.


A long, long time ago, I gave a lift to an IAM member who was head of the people's front of Judea (or something, he was high up the rankings, I think) once. Friend of a friend. 


I was genuinely interested in improving my driving at the time but he was an overly critical, patronising pain in the arse. Thing is, I wasn't even having an assessment - I was just doing a mate a favour. 

Two miles into a five mile journey I pulled up in a residential street and told him to walk the rest of the way home. 


'But it's raining.'


'If you're thrown a bone, don't moan to me about what it tastes like. Door's next to you.' 


A charming* man, make no mistake. Put me right off. I don't rate my driving that highly, as it goes, but I certainly wasn't paying him to jism on for any amount of time.

I did the IAM stuff 27 or so years ago, got to the point that I could've taken my test...and didn't sit in a car for 9 weeks and that car was my first one - from that moment onwards I never really had the money to put in for the test, and the idea of doing it was to reduce insurance costs but unless you went with their approved insurer (Cornhill IIRC) it didn't matter. What did matter was that Cornhill wanted more than twice the price of the local broker, so I didn't bother doing the test - the fact that I didn't have a car that the examiner would've happily got into may have had something to do with it too.


You do read the road better; you do find you anticipate things earlier;  you do see the shonkyness of others' habits.


What does it mean though when you're 18-19?  It means that you go faster than you went before because of risk compensation...   :-D  :-D  :mrgreen:


Reminds me of N13 and B12 Sunnys. The strut top in the boot would happily rust away to nothing out of sight. I had to remove all the boot plastics when I went to view a ZX Coupe years ago. 


PS, get it welded up, man!  As I think Richard pointed out, if the repaired area experiences forces high enough for it to fail catastrophically, you have other things to worry about.


Can't you just move the belt recoil  over a bit to this bolt ? That part looks strong still   :-D



 You can fix anything with a welder plus fabricating knowledge.  A good tack weld is seemingly capable of holding a ton.

  You contemplate, make a plan and then go to work.  I just made a boat anchor for my 18ft dingy today with welding and fab. It wont break. I have made all my own axle stands too. Nissan Patrols and many Land Rovers and cars have been over me.

  I built the Ron Champion Locost 7 from scratch too............with a welder :-D

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Just bolt the seat belt to the outside of the car.

I have to say my bum twitched a bit when I saw the seat belt mounting points on my cortina. After fitting upgraded seat belts and feeling all smug and 2safe I realised there's no hope that in a crash that mounting would stop me going skyward right out the window. 

I bet there's a few x-types and mazda 6's like this that have rotted right through.

I've erm, upgraded the cortina with thicker metal plates and welder cranked up to xtreme melty.

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Just put a roll cage and harnesses in already. Track day with the kids bro.

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Fuck me, 6 pages.


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Well this old banger is a known quantity. I'm guessing he's examined it thoroughly, knows all of its quirks and has probably done a decent amount of work to keep it running. A new old banger is going to have a whole number of problems that will almost certainly take longer (and cost more) to sort than a couple of days spent welding that panel.

But you miss out on the fun of buying another snotter to drive round in if you're always repairing stuff.


How are you meant to get buyers remorse if you never buy anything?

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You make my misanthropy look like mere amateurish prattle.

stop being so petulant..............????????????

edit. those are supposed to be smileys ^^^

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stop being so petulant..............????????????

edit. those are supposed to be smileys ^^^




There are many more children in the world than there are Pug 306s left, ergo scrap the children and fix the car.




Tom obviously knows how to weld as we have seen it before and if he lets in a thick plate thats seam welded in then it's going to be stronger than the original point, this has almost always been the case in any car.  


Please update the post with your work as well Tom, I'm interested to see the repair being done and how it looks at the end.


I'm amazed nobody has had a go at plastic sill covers yet.


The ones fitted to my Maserati completely obscured the fact that the bottom of the offside A and B pillars were floating in mid-air, and it had passed at least one MOT in that condition before I decided to investigate.


Yep, MOTs don't spot everything. But can we at least agree that they're helpful in spotting what they do (i.e. identifying dangerously-undermaintained vehicles with tyres down to the carcass)?


I hate MOT time coming around (especially when its 4 times a year) but I wouldn't want to drive a car that didn't have one.  Even if it was exempt.


I like to think I'm pretty on top of maintenance etc but on more than one occasion the MOT has spotted things I had no idea about.


Its a decent system but nothing is infallible.


I also think "safety consciousness" is something that develops with age, not just in ensuring your car is safe but personal safety in general...things like wearing PPE - when I was 18 I wouldn't think twice about angle grinding off rusty bits with no safety glasses, or using machinery at work with guards missing etc  (I was a CNC mechanic before I was an office drone) I mean, accidents only happen to other people who are stupid right?


But as I get older I worry more about things like eyesight, hearing, limbs staying attached to my body etc

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driven my offspring in a 1934 open top Morris 8

No seatbelts, plywood floor, asbestos & steel brakes.


Kids loved it. Wind in their hair, flies in their teeth, oily 4* fumes in their lungs.


You are a terrible parent.

Good parents shackle, trammle and gag their children to the extent that they become one with the latest lease plan conveyance.

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Wow this has created some discussion!


Just to clarify, I was not knocking the MoT tester, I even talked about it with him and he couldn't see it from below.


I posted this up partly out of interest but also as a public service announcement to other 306 owners.


Once you get past the hysteria its not actually that bad if you think logically. Even left as it wouldn't be quite as bad as you would think. In an accident it would lock the intertia reel up due to the sudden g forces but it is the top mount that takes the majority of the strain anyway.


However, I shall be fixing it. With thicker than standard grade metal. My kids shall be safe and like a few have already said, if the integrity of my repair was to be called into question by an accident then a non-standard seat belt mount would be the least of my worries.


I think of few of the more alarmist 'autoshiters' would do well to strip all the trim out of their vehicles to check for hidden rot for their own piece of mind if nothing else.


I'm a bit busy today so no updated pictures of repair


​Perhaps a stupid question, but why don't these rot on the outer panel like a Ford Ka for instance? same cause to the problem, although the ka rusts between the filler cap and body due to not being seam sealed I believe?




They do. This bit has been bubbling for years and if you look at most 306 5 doors they will have a small rust bubble there


Fuck me, 6 pages.

For a change I agree with Mr bollocks, 6 pages?? It doesn't matter weather this is Autoshite or not. It's his car, he can weld and wants to do it so stop saying scrap it and let him get on with it.


He knows the risks* but if you crash so many things are involved a seat belt might be useless anyway.

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306 must be bridged and replaced with 203 because older, thus better and MoT exempt, thus safe.



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306 must be bridged and replaced with 203 because older, thus better and MoT exempt, thus safe.




Shirley the natural thing to do is cut a 306 into three equal pieces and weld two of the bits together to make a 204 ?

Guest Hooli

So it is safe to assume that if they sport a rust bubble there, the kids will die next.


Depending on causation it's possible that killing your kids will prevent rust appearing there....

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MOTs are pointless wastes of time, assuming you have a 2-post lift in your back garden, a set of brake-test rollers in your garage, an exhaust analyser in your shed, sufficient knowledge of safety maintenance, and a totally objective & unbiased attitude towards your pride and joy. Also, everyone who's weighed in with their opinions on this thread, could've been using those same keystrokes and mouse-clicks to negotiate a purchase of a rotten Renault 4 from Leboncoin. THRED PHAILZ.

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