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NEW New new new New top gear ON HOLD, RIP?

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Noticably without hype, New New top gear starts tonight. Matt LeBlanc, Rory Reid and Chris Harris are billed. " A race across Kazakhstan in high mileage cars" is too. I suspect something like a taxied b5 Passat simply won't make interesting tv- ( barring the high drama of borked central locking and brake calipers made of cheese etc) So how old and how shite will they venture, and what do you recon this new new top gear will be like. Is it the last roll of the dice for the "new" presenters?

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Cheers for the heads up, has to be better than any thing else that will be on at that time!


I didn't watch the last Top Gear with Chris Evans as his style irritates me. However I really do like Chris Harris previous YouTube videos (Drive, et. al) and Matt LeBlanc looks to be a car nut with good presenting skills. No idea who the other bloke is though!


I'll think I'll give this episode a shot tonight.


I hope they make a better go of the series this time, they just tried too hard in the last series.


Chris evans was my main gripe with the last attempt. The comeradery of the presenters will develope over time like clarkson et al.


Ill give it a chance, hopefully its alright because i need something of that type to fill sunday nights.


Id like to see a knackered old renault espace with the captains chairs "just like my grandma had"


I'll certainly give it a go. Scripting also let down the previous series, but not as much as Evans. Sabine added bugger all to it as well sadly. I shall judge this series on its merits.


The issue with Chris Evans was so obvious that I'm surprised that they even glanced at him as a presenter.

Top Gear's comedy for 10 years was based on self deprecation and he cannot do that, fortunately all 3 surviving presenters can.


I suspect a ropy start but at least they have level foundations to build on this time.


BBC2 too! SSGB is good on BBC1 9pm and has nice cars ( and uniforms!).


I think the Evans show did a good job, lots of hype and headlines - all publicity is good publicity, etc.

These 3 even with one of them been a Hollywood star wouldn't have attracted so much attention, now they're familiar , and most people seem to agree, the best 3 from last years 6 to carry the show forward.


I'll probably watch it , which is more than I've done so far with Grand Tour.


BBC2 too! SSGB is good on BBC1 9pm and has nice cars ( and uniforms!).

This ^^^ at best Top gear will get a chance on one of the thousand repeats they do.


The fact that I scout YouTube looking for episodes of old old quentin Wilson top gear speaks volumes.


A good quote from Chris Harris


"We're not going out to make a comedy show, and that's great, certainly from my point of view because obviously I'm totally obsessed with cars and I don't really like people."


I'm looking forward to it. The main issue with the last series was Chris Evans so with him gone I'm hoping it'll be pretty good.


I didn't watch the last series because I really can't stand self obsessed Evans if there was just one reason to join the TV licence resistance group I think that would be it.

I would really like to know how he gets any media work he really must have something on someone.


But I will watch the new one though now he's gone.


My wife will probably watch this. I will not. Poor man's poor man's Top Gear doesn't appeal.


Ah yes. Nowt like judging a show before it has aired! I can slate GT, because I saw some of it and it was awful. I can slag the previous series, because I saw that and a good chunk of it was dreadful. I can slag quite a few series before the trio departed, because it was shit. I can't judge whether this new series is any good, because I haven't seen it. The glory years of 'new' Top Gear were about eight years ago. Then it disappeared up its own arse.

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I switched off from the original TG as I couldn't stand the former public schoolboys with their 'comedy'.

I switched off from the newer TG as it was lacklustre. I didn't see the huge issue with Evans personally. He's ok.

I will tentatively switch on to the new new TG tonight to see if it's become a decent car programme after all these years.

I imagine that the longer-term outcome will be that I will only watch Fuzz and Tim instead, as their programme pisses over all the others.


Ah yes. Nowt like judging a show before it has aired! I can slate GT, because I saw some of it and it was awful. I can slag the previous series, because I saw that and a good chunk of it was dreadful. I can slag quite a few series before the trio departed, because it was shit. I can't judge whether this new series is any good, because I haven't seen it. The glory years of 'new' Top Gear were about eight years ago. Then it disappeared up its own arse.


It's an attempt to continue the format that I didn't like from the start and everybody else got fed up with about ten years ago. I've seen enough of it from the many trailers to know it's not for me.

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Just how could everyone have gotten fed up with the format years ago when the viewing figures state otherwise,

Enough with the slaggin off it's a car show if anyone thinks they can do better then grab a camera and fire away, I think you will find it's not that easy,

Us car sorts are a minority group so disingage your brain and watch a bit of TV which has cars in it.


Evans ruined the last one by being weird.  Grand Tour was even more last of the summer wine with cars than they managed in TG.


The 3 people they have now are as good a chance as they have to make a decent mass market car show.


There isn't really any great car related tv.


Wheeler Dealers has disappeared up it's own arse a bit.

Gas Monkey garage is truly awful now. The smaller bearded one who builds the cars has realised it's shit and chucked it.


The best stuff on cars just now is Motortrend on youtube. Hot rod garage, dirt every day road kill and the head 2 head stuff is all really good.

I also seen drive tribe has poached most of the EVO staff members and is generating really high quality stuff and putting it on



The time is now for autoshite TV (3 hour epic film of me trying to undo 1 bolt on a Fiat Panda alternator)


I'm looking forward to it


But I bet I will be riled by yet another programme packed with out-of-reach supercars on opposite-lock, ad nauseum


I'd just like to point out that a new series of Robot Wars is on tonight at 7pm.  This is ace and nobody can argue with that.


Just how could everyone have gotten fed up with the format years ago when the viewing figures state otherwise,

Enough with the slaggin off it's a car show if anyone thinks they can do better then grab a camera and fire away, I think you will find it's not that easy,

Us car sorts are a minority group so disingage your brain and watch a bit of TV which has cars in it.


Lots of programmes that nobody really likes get high viewing figures.


I'll decide what I do or don't want to watch on TV, if it's all the same to you. If it makes you feel better I'll grant you permission to watch it.

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For the record, Top Gear was the one with cardigans, Lada Riva roadtests and investigations into the price of Halogen bulbs.


New Top Gear was the one with The Stig, three presenters, enjoyable films and supercars.


New New Top Gear was Chris Evans.


This therefore is New New New Top Gear.


I think the one thing we can guarantee is that everyone will have an opinion on it. Watching is optional.


Ah yes. Nowt like judging a show before it has aired! I can slate GT, because I saw some of it and it was awful. I can slag the previous series, because I saw that and a good chunk of it was dreadful. I can slag quite a few series before the trio departed, because it was shit. I can't judge whether this new series is any good, because I haven't seen it. The glory years of 'new' Top Gear were about eight years ago. Then it disappeared up its own arse.

"The glory years of 'new' Top Gear were about eight years ago. Then it disappeared up its own arse."

This x 100 billionty


I like cars.


Top Gear has cars in it.


I therefore generally like Top Gear, and will like it until cars are no longer featured.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


For the record, Top Gear was the one with cardigans, Lada Riva roadtests and investigations into the price of Halogen bulbs.


New Top Gear was the one with The Stig, three presenters, enjoyable films and supercars.


New New Top Gear was Chris Evans.


This therefore is New New New Top Gear.


I think the one thing we can guarantee is that everyone will have an opinion on it. Watching is optional.



If you're counting a change of one presenter it's New New New New Top Gear.


When I was a kid cars on telly was restricted to after 9 pm. Dramas and Yank stuff. Soaps, only Coronation St and Crossroads, just didn't have any outside filming same with sitcoms. Any glimpse of a car, such as public information films or adverts- did anyone else get excited by the Wrigleys ad with a Chrysler 180 in it ?, was a high spot of my late 60's early 70's viewing.

Just enjoy what we've got, because as has already been mentioned, car enthusiasts* are a small and pretty unimportant demographic.

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