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Bulgaria Fest - Task complete

The Moog

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After thinking about all the logistics for this trip, I am going to have to put the thought of a Wartburg tourist on hold for now.


Instead will be using time to deliver some of my mates stuff to him in Grenoble before wandering back through France.


Bit gutted but just can't make the time work really.

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It is a shame, but I think you're right. IFA Club reckon Tourists are starting to get very sought after, and pricey as a result. Which is probably because they are AWESOME. But, I think sniffing one out will need a bigger trip. Hungary comes recommended.


The trip is still on though. Catsinthewelder and myself have eyed up the entire two weeks between landing in Sofia and the start of Shitefest as fair game, should anyone still be thinking this sounds like a good idea. Even if you join us for a few LOLS and fly back home, you'd be welcome. Given we land just before a weekend, I don't anticipate us actually buying anything until the following week. Romania still seems like a good contender.

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Instead will be using time to deliver some of my mates stuff to him in Grenoble before wandering back through France.


Whenever Grenoble is mentioned I have to say 'I studied there 20 years ago'...I expect my pub/restaurant recommendations are a tad out of date though...


'Vieux Manoir' was the best nightclub, ahh, staying out all night and getting the first tram home....

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Romania started having insurance on a month to month basis (from today, the N-th of month number X, until the (N-1)th of month number X+1). Everything you need to buy a car except the stamp from the seller's Tax office you can get done for you in any shed that has a sign reading ACTE AUTO. They usually do insurances, too (in Romanian it's ASIGURARI AUTO). Third-party only, for fully comprehensive it's another ball game, and third party, fire and theft is unheard of.

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That is interesting I am still thinking about this and skyscanner emailed this morning to tell me a flight from Birmingham to Sofia can be had for £44. Does anyone want a co driver ? I need to be back within a week mind.

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That is interesting I am still thinking about this and skyscanner emailed this morning to tell me a flight from Birmingham to Sofia can be had for £44. Does anyone want a co driver ? I need to be back within a week mind.

As DW said above, I need to be back sooner than himself and Cats, specifically by Friday 1st of June. Although I was planning on getting a ferry to Harwich on the afternoon of Thursday 31st of May, I would be more than happy to divert to a different port and drop a shitter home if they were willing to be co-driver for the trip.

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The price dropped again today £37 on the same flight as mr Wobbler and Cats. I am in the south west that makes Harwich a bit out of the way really but a drop off in London or somewhere else with direct rail links to the south west could work. I bet the train will be double the flight price mind.

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The price dropped again today £37 on the same flight as mr Wobbler and Cats. I am in the south west that makes Harwich a bit out of the way really but a drop off in London or somewhere else with direct rail links to the south west could work. I bet the train will be double the flight price mind.

I would be more than happy to drop off in London, or even in the south west if that would be easier for you. Tickets from France to Portsmouth look to be much cheaper than ones from the continent to Harwich, so it would be something I would be more than happy to go with.

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I like how this is developing. If folk form up into pairs, that probably makes life easier. Especially if the groups are prepared to go their separate ways. We'll certainly have some tales to exchange when it's all over no doubt!

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I’ve avoided this thread for about 6 months as I’m going to fucking hate the updates, I wanted to go really badly but I can’t. Hopefully there’s a Bulgy 2019.


Please nobody buy a Skoda 110.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Plan germinating in my fevered brain about an interception on your way back somewhere in Europe.


I know, weekend in 'sexy Dresden' (copyright Peep Show 2003) to spur the lads on to glory!

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Since posting a video teaser on YouTube about our plans, I've been warned by several people that Bulgarian cars can come complete with outstanding vignette debts, sometimes really big ones. Oh, and yet more warnings that Bulgarian cars are all ruined, and expensive. How exciting.

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Don't worry, I am currently trying to figure out a way of legally driving a car which is in Romania but still US registered, despite having been there since 1997, back across Europe.


It will probably be a complete pain in the arse, but I think I might just about be able to make it work... Possibly.


Either way, the collections for all of us are going to be amazing. I cannot wait.

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Oh wait. Now someone in Bulgaria tells me Romania is full of cowboys and thieves and basically completely lawless when it comes to the roads. 


Mind you, I've driven through cities in this country that make me feel the same way. 

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