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Gutted - NOT a good day.....


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IMHO A chipped tooth is an injury, what else is it. An if your neck is sore now, best get straight down A&E in the morning and get yourself in the system. You may need so physio.


Gutted for you



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Thanks for all the kind words - means a lot to me at this moment - feeling pretty shitty right now so its nice to be within friends so to speak - for example no one has said "its only a car" to me this was more than a car - it's the same kind of car that I started driving in 1991 after i passed my driving test (1979 mk1 golf) so I felt a certain closeness to it - driving it took me right back to being a spotty 17 year old again!

I plan on taking a day off work tomorrow to get thinks sorted out - along with a visit to my doctor to give me a check up - and there will be a few phone calls made - i do have my other car the "winter" audi but I am going to take that twats insurers all the way - lets start with a hire car i think - since he has robbed me of MY daily then he can pay for alternative transport!

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Jesus! Glad you're alright though but the car does look like a total loss. It's a huge shame as I've spotted it about the area and it always looked lovely and free from any "Scene" nonsense.

Know the road too and it's damn tight down there so God only knows what was in the TT drivers nut. Pity you couldn't get a policemenist out to check him. Surprised he didn't bin it sooner TBH as there's little room for recovery.

Hope you get it sorted out smoothly and with as much pain to TT knob as possible.

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Glad you've only got a chipped tooth, get to the dentist asap as well to have it assessed. There may be underlying dental work in the future that may cost thousands - don't laugh, I've heard of this in the past.

It's a small world - I was in Linlithgow on Tuesday (seeing relatives).


You say TT driver steered right instead of left? How long had they been in the UK...?

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Remember it's your car,not the insurers.


This. And congratulations on not punching his stupid head in, something I'd have been sorely tempted to do, especially given the lack of witnesses.

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I'm totally gutted for you. Your post accident health is most important at this time of course. But looking closely at the photographs, your car is very repairable,it will require a session on a jig but it would be such a shame to see such a clean Jetta lost to the insurance abyss. The bonnet looks as if it came away unscathed.

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thank you all for the kind words - the polski(i think) guy was ok - a bit dismissal (i said you have written my car off - his response was shrugged shoulders!) also when I mentioned that he was driving a bit fast for the road he didn't respond!  did want to give him a punch in the head but i think I was in shock - just wanted to get home to be honest - I hope things will be straightforwards - i have the photo evidence plus he didn't seem bothered about me phoning the police and my insurers - in fact he just seemed to want to carry on his journey! I will keep you all informed about what happens - these c**ts need taught a lesson! Going to keep at my insurers regarding the car - like some of you have said its MY property so I WILL want it back!

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Yes the bonnet is surprisingly unscathed - I think that the shape of his car pushed the nose under my car - his airbag didn't go off (pity!!) but I couldn't open it then - my car definitely caught the worse of it - still can't believe it that it's more than likely dead......

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As you've got alternative transport I wouldn't bother with a hire car.  When insurance companies do pay out it's often not as quickly as you'd like.


Otherwise you need to get things moving today as said - you for a checkup, the insurance company for paperwork and photos including skidmarks showing his road position and a few valuations to show what it's worth.  Even without an agreed value policy you need to get the money to replace your car with an identical very tidy one.


I'd also take legal advice, either from your insurance company or as part of your AA membership to see what you're entitled to.


A real shame about the car, but any accident you can walk away from is a good accident.

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As you've got alternative transport I wouldn't bother with a hire car. When insurance companies do pay out it's often not as quickly as you'd like.




There is quite often a clause in the documents you sign for a hire car stating that you are accepting the hire car on the basis that you have no alternative transport.


Somebody I used to work with got caught out by this and somehow (we think it was the other party) made this information known to the insurers and my colleague then ended up liable for his own hire car costs!


Shame to see the damage to the Jetta and hopefully it will all be managed by the insurances co's without too much stress.

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Sorry to see that. I've had a couple of mk1 Jettas over the years and they've been great cars. Re the car being towed away, I'd make sure that you make it clear you wish it to be returned to you asap. I've been there myself and good advice from here helped with ensuring I controlled what happened to my car. Hope you can get it sorted. If you don't get it repaired, I'd still be inclined to sell it as a complete genuine rebuild project. Mk1s are fetching strong money, and yours looked a peach, pre accident.

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Apart from the obvious it's the shrugging and not giving a shit bit that would mightily piss me off. Am sure he would not have been so dismissive if you had been in the wrong. Twat.

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That's a real bummer. I know that I would be more than gutted if it happened to any of mine. I really hope you get it sorted out to your advantage and quickly. It does look like it could be repaired.


Why did the recovery guys take it back to their place. Is that just standard practice?


Hope it's sorted soon.

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What a fucker !

How wide is that road ? I'm sure I read that roads under a certain width mean accidents like that are classed as knock for knock by insurers . I really hope for your sake I'm wrong

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I have to say, this is where classic insurance us a really good thing. If you want to save that car, you need to get it back on your property ASAP. Classic insurance never seems to have a problem with that. Problem is, the recovery crew will want to get the car into their yards ASAP so they can charge extortionate amounts. Which goes against the write off value.

It might need straightening out, but I reckon that could be saved. What a bloody nightmare. Check how your neck feels today. Shock can mask injury for a day or two.

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What a fucker !

How wide is that road ? I'm sure I read that roads under a certain width mean accidents like that are classed as knock for knock by insurers . I really hope for your sake I'm wrong

Sadly, whether there's a rule or not, it often seems to be the case. Time to find out how good your insurer is as I'd argue long and hard on this one. It's the annoying thing about insurance that collisions often involve a lot of telling insurance companies to get their finger out. Even the classic ones.

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Nightmare, glad you are mostly ok. Police not attending is a poor show. Hope you get the car fixed looked mint and a really nice colour. As Bob would say. "can we fix it, yes we can"  :-D

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What a crying shame, I hope you can get it sorted with minimal fuss, i really hope your neck/back isn't hurting too much today

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I would say that it looks repairable. I had the front of a 305 pulled out which had a kink in the roof so clearly the A pillar had moved. After repair it was fine.


The question is whether it is economically viable and that depends what the car is worth and who does the repair.


If you want it back on the road then you would need to get a good valuation and buy the salvage, then find your own guy to fix it.


If you want to buy something else then leave it to the insurance Co and they will simply pay for a replacement and you won't see it again.


It really is your choice.


Beware of storage fees from the yard where it's at.

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Update: well as most of you predicted I woke this morning with a stiff and sore neck - plus as a bonus sore shoulderblade thanks to the seatbelt doing it's job - got a doctors appointment later on this afternoon - can't turn my head more than a little side by side - if this is whiplash then it sucks! not heard from the insurance co yet and worse I can't seem to find my insurance policy to see who actually insures me - it is the AA but they use lots of brokers - it's definitely insured though as when I phoned yesterday to report it they passed me on to them no problem.


The road where the accident happened isn't really that wide - but where we met there was space for him to pass - IF he hadn't been cutting the corner (who cuts a blind corner?) and it would have helped if he had veered to the left instead of right - think his homeland instincts had cut in there....

I would like to get the car back even if I have to buy it back from the insurance - I had it valued as £500 on my policy but to them it's just an old car so I wouldn't be surprised if I got offered something like £200 - that wouldn't ever cover my excess!

These cars do seem to be going up in value at an exorbitant rate - I bought this back in 2007 for £300 but at that time nobody in the "scene" seemed to want these old things - different story today though when you see complete basket cases being sold for anything between 2 - 4 grand!

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Get the car back asap,my daughter had an accident and the cops said do you want us to arrange storage so i said yeah and was planning on picking it up in a couple of days,next thing i know the insurance co (admiral)have taken it to co part about a 100 miles away,she lost all her belongings that were in the car and they said co part employees wouldnt go in the car because there was broken glass,oh how i laughed,bastards

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the car is insured for what it would cost to replace it, not what it says on your policy


you are not claiming from your policy, you are claimed from his


he has to put you back in the position that you were in before the accident, i.e. good health and good Mk1 Jetta


If they don't make you a reasonable offer then send them adverts for similar cars, and tell them it will go to court if they don't cover it, because that is what they owe you, i.e. a car similar to what you had.

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Not as nice as yours and the steering wheel is on the wrong side. So I would say £3500 should be your starting point




Plus another couple of K for the neck and the tooth....


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update: heard from my insurer this afternoon just before going to the doctor - gave me a course of diazepam to help with the stiffness, anyway after a short talk with the claims guy I stated that I was certain that it was the tt drivers fault by going too fast and being on the wrong side of the road - have e-mailed him the pictures of the scene with the cars positions and skidmarks - especially the audis ones, he was very interested in these as he said "pictures say a thousand words" especially as you can plainly see in the pics that he was in the wrong. He also said the car will be moved from the recovery companies yard to one of their own for assessment and we will go from there - I have found out though that I have AA motor legal assistance on my policy to cover expenses outwith the cars own - such as my dentists bill and other items like my sore neck so we'll see what happens when I call them in the morning.

The Jetta advert that Parky put up is a prime example of the way the prices are going - if i get offered that kind of money plus being able to buy the car back I will be content - plus of course a bit extra for my suffering which I could use to try and get it back on the road - I do have spare wings and some other parts in my loft so you never know.....

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also what dieselnutjob has said is spot on - the whole point of insurance is to return you and your car to it's pre-accident state where possible - If I have to go to court over it I will - hope it won't come to that!

Its been another crap year car wise for me - at the start of last year my fairly mint 1991 audi 80 td was rammed by a hit and run driver - the before and after pics are on here somewhere and now this - it's enough to make you run off and buy a boring modern that I know I wont care about if it gets hit....

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Without being a dick,no one could put a price on me having a cap rather than my own tooth in my mouth. I would be annoyed about the car,but having my nashers worked on and sorted,never to be the same again, would be the biggest issue for me.


Even though I am an ugly cunt.

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