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Topless: Saab Convertible Sold!


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Regular readers cannot have missed the story of this one!  Craig the Princess needed a car with a manual gearbox and offered his automatic Saab convertible as a swap.  I, of course, was on it like a tramp on chips, having only a modern manual Vectra for daily-driver duty at the moment.  Deal done.

Craig and Mrs Princess decided to make a weekend-away of it, and booked into a B&B; the same one my mate stayed in at the same time last year, when he fell in love with my MR2!  Must be a good omen!

They also very kindly detoured to meet Mr Chaseracer of this parish, and fling a grubby old spare wheel into the Saab's trunk, giving me a spare spare tyre for the Tacuma.  Many thanks to all concerned there!

I met them last night, and showed them a couple of places of interest, not least a beach and a park where Jack the dog could play.

This morning I met them again, whereupon goods and chattels were transferred from car to car, and papers signed.  Good wishes followed, and that was it.  Smooth handover.  Oh we did do a couple of pics (guess which one I forgot?)...



Jack getting comfy in the Vectra...


I applied my trademark Cypriot dealer sticker...


And tootled off to the petrol station across the road.  Er...


Yes, I know, there should be a photo here.  Next time I fill up, I promise.


Having thought I wouldn't be able to go because of the planned shenanigins, I found I had plenty of time to get to the show at Grasmere, so that's where I've spent the bulk of my day.  Watch Classic Car Buyer for a show report in the near future.


So, how is the Saab?  Well it's quite noisy with the top down, but I guess that's acceptable.  Certainly the engine makes a nice rasp.  The top itself is also noisy in operation, not that such a thing would put me off using it!  I'm one of these people who, if he has a convertible, will drop the top at even a suggestion of sun.  Or even at night if there's no rain! 

There are some fettling jobs to do.  I'm wondering about the creased driver's door; it might be best to just buy a whole door and fit it, rather than try to straighten out the one I have.  I think I'd make the effort to look for one in the right red.  The front tyres lose air slowly, Craig says; one more than the other.  I think a spot of swapping-around, re-seating and balancing will help, and should cure some of the vibrations too.  Apart from that?  Nice car, well happy, many thanks.


This is my first Saab, by the way.  I don't think I've even sat in one before!

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Looks a nice car that. Appropriately gearbox'd too, no more stirring porridge!

I've never had a Saab before either, something I intend to change eventually.

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You certainly got the better end of the deal fella. Noisy topless cars are very for the win. Specially at the start of summer! That Saab is one of the few cars ever regretted not buying.

Do give me a shout when you get tired of it.

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Not a dry eye in the house, after this SAAB story of yours...


In the 80's it seems Saab figured out how to do everything different. Even putting the engine in backwards. It's a shame they're gone now, as I sat in a 9-3 recently and really liked it. Starting it was fine, but I kept reaching for the column to shut it off, and using some choice lower-deck language.






Doesn't sound like you'll be getting tired of this one soon. She's a keeper.



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Same colour as my new one, and parked by the same person too judging by the back bumper, except all 4 corners are like that on mine!
Still, looks like a great fun old thing, I was really tempted by a 900/9-3 cabrio and still might take the plunge if a nice one turns up.

Enjoy. :)

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Nice looking motor, that, Edward.


I want one, simply because me ex always wanted one and it would annoy her that I got to it first.


Actually, a weeks rental would probably piss her off just enough....

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Nah mate, nowhere near 4th, that was years ago! :)  I'm just going for cars that I think I might like now, and ticking boxes along the way.  This should entertain me for a few months. 


I've booked it in to get the tyres sorted out tomorrow, and the door next Monday.

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Nice swap, think you got the better end of that deal. I've still got the v6 I bought off here a year and a half back and it's just gone through another mot with no work needed and no advisories :D







What engine is in that floppy top?

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Not exactly, but give it time... I had the tyres looked at yesterday, swopped front/rear so I now have a matching pair on the front, all balanced, and the air loss dealt with (needed one valve).  Top's been down quite a bit!  Next week it's going into Martin's garage to get the driver's door straightened up and possibly a new check strap.  Then I'm more likely to give it a good clean inside and out, so it's ready for some shows.  I'm still loving the power...

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  • 1 year later...



Places, everyone; quiet on set please.


Almost two years ago I swopped a dark blue 4 door modern with beige interior for a lovely wine-red Saab convertible.  Well whaddya know, it's happened again!


The blue car is a different one, but look at the Saab...


Yes, the very same red Saab that Craigtheprincess was kind enough to deliver to me in 2015.  Regular readers may remember that my old mate Dave fell in love with it, and swopped me an MR2... yes, the same one I'd sold him 15 months earlier.  There followed a bit of a turbulent time, that eventually saw me taking on a Rover 75 as a Roffle prize.  Yes, the Rover you see above, that I said I didn't want to drive again for the sake of my skin.

While I wasn't driving it, Dave asked me if I had anything I might sell.  He must have feet nearly as itchy as my hands!  I mentioned the Rover and a swop was agreed.  Today we met up at an indoor car-boot sale in Preston and did the deed.

So now I've got a familiar red Saab at the end of my street, and I'm planning to take it on our 9.50 holiday later in March.  So if you see it around Skegness....

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Looks fab, just wtf is going on with the drive to Barrow at the minute? fucking miles of queues both ways, glad no-one uses the coast road, had to go to B&Q to buy a lamp the missus *had*to have, what a pain in the arse.

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It's ridiculous, it's like they've decided to do all the roadworks at once, thus effectively cutting off the whole town.  On my return journey today I thought I'd go coast road, as it brings me out near home, but I couldn't even get into Ulverston to get on it!  There were drainage works going on, with temporary traffic lights... right outside the Shell garage!  Glad I didn't meet that on the way out.  Just the usual three-abreast Lycra warriors.

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I loved that Saab. It's turning into the A\S car of choice.


After me was The Moog, then I think you know the rest owner wise.


If you ever decide to sell her, please drop me a message.

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If, he says.  Look at my history.  I'm not exactly known for hanging on to cars, am I?  You probably have six months or so to save up... ;)

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If, he says.  Look at my history.  I'm not exactly known for hanging on to cars, am I?  You probably have six months or so to save up... ;)

The V5 has arrived, along with some rather disturbing bank statements.  Saab is now available.

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