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Rusty Triumphs in Scotland - Vauxhall Invasion - 12/10/24


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Guest Breadvan72

I am loving this thread so much that I want to marry it and have its babies.    I vote for captain 70s to be elected Shiteist of the Year on the strength of his opening post.


This thread reminds me why I come here.  As the saying goes, I'd rather be with you people than with the finest people in the World. 

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"Rusty BL motoring in the Scottish wilderness"   It's got it all really hasn't it.


I think those Triumphs are made from inappropriately thick metal. I ran a Russet Brown clubman estate in Aberdeen and it stayed the same colour but stopped being steel very quickly indeed. 

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I like the cut of your jib! The words modern car, BX and acclaim are not freely spoken together, apart from out of the mouths of those who frequent this very forum.

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Cheers for the welcome. I've been lurking for a while, reading Vulgaour's Princess threads in particular. I nearly bought a black '77 Princess for £800 but it was money I couldn't spare at the time!




I'm currently living in Banff and known locally as "the loon wi' the wee yellow car", although as of the 23rd I'll be moving out of my long suffering parent's house and living a few miles up the coast in Cullen. Naturally my new cottage doesn't have a garage, good thing summer is coming...


I must say an early Ovlov 245 would make a fine addition to the fleet and an XJ40 might add a touch of much need class, but the local climate means most interesting stuff dissolves away before your very eyes. It's hard to even find a Pug 106 or K11 Micra that isn't utterly rotten.

That said there are a few dedicated mentalists around here, there is a matt black MGB and a tatty Midget doing the 'rounds as daily drivers and the PO of my 1850HL now alternates between a Reliant Scimitar and a Mk1 Robin. There is also an early 90s Toyota Carina or Corona estate, a Fiat Panda, a couple of Mk2 Fiestas and some Minis knocking about.


The funny thing about BL steel is that in certain places it is very rubbish, the doors rot in random places for seemingly no reason and the roof dents if you look at it too hard. Yet I can jump up and down on the rear wings and not cause a dent...


Here are a few pictures of shite related action in the north east featuring snow, makeshift radiator muffs, breakdowns and myself:


10945676_10206023755892161_4011828512650 20141103_161416.jpg 20140930_192451_LLS.jpg DSCN1224%20Copy.jpg

P2186244_1024x768.jpg that70sfeeling.jpg

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Welcome to you from a fellow Loiner in exile. (I'm in Suffolk btw). Re engines, you could always fit a Pugrat diesel 1.9 from an ex Postman Twat MGB van* for ultimate shiteness. WCPGW? :)


*LDV Pilot

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Echo all the above comments, fantastic post and thread (and threads in that last shot).   I have always liked these Triumphs - must possess one before its too late.   You wont find this kind of thing on owners club forums....Top marks too for dressing like my last Form Master - and I left school in 1974!

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Love it, this forum was created for posts like this.

W1cked Dolomites. They are great lookers and class interiors and yours look and sound just like the Dolomites you used to see when they were still reasonably common and in real banger territory. My nan ran a turd brown 1300, PGY 841R, for years. She then upgraded to a Maestro camper van. I miss the Dolomite but the whole nose cone bit and all four arches were glassfibre and filler. 

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Doloshite prices are deffo' on the up. I reckon I could sell the 1850 on at the same price I bought it for despite it being a bit more knackered!


The 1850 was originally a north London car, explaining why the gearbox whines like a bitch, and I have masses of receipts from many of it's numerous previous owners. Passenger side floor is a bit of a patchwork quilt, rear screen surround is holed (covered with gaffer tape) and the bulkhead has a hole or two but the underside is all solid and the arches are pretty damn good aside from surface corrosion.


I'm happy with the condition it's in, if it was nicer I'd feel shit for exposing it to the harshness of the Scottish coastline. As long as I can keep on top of the rust and maintain it in roadworthy condition I'll be happy. It just looks so right in slightly scruffy daily driver mode, it's like it fell forwards in time from 1982:





The 1300 is more original, less welding and seems to have one giffer owner for most of it's life before going through a several owners in a short amount of time after 2001. I'd quite like to improve the condition of that one if possible, but that's a challenge.


I know what I want it to be one day though, it involves Lucas Square 8s, a Mk4 Spitty spec engine and an O/D gearbox... Photoshop of cosmetic changes here:


As for myself and my dress sense... Well, second hand clothes are cheap (more money for cars) and I like lurid colour schemes. I even rocked a porn star moustache for a while for the proper 1970s Dolomite-ist look...



It also makes women cringe, so another bonus. No girlfriend = more money for cars being allowed to own shite.

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Only page 2 and we've already got several 2016 calendar shots sorted. 



The one by the beach is a clear winner.

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