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Rusty Triumphs in Scotland - Now in black & white! - 26/02/25

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I made the mistake of mentioning this venture on Facebook and have gotten some people really quite angry.




I don't do Facebook at all or have an account, what's their problem with the proposed Dollyventure? Sounds fine to me.


Is it trolling by roadsafety-do-gooders? What you propose to do Captn is legal and has back-up support all along the way and also from various Autoshiters along the route, if required. You're insured and max speed is only 50mph.


It's the Nuns & Kittens, Capree.  They're all gonna die.

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It's the Nuns & Kittens, Capree. They're all gonna die.

Wot he said. The car is apparently currently 100% more lethal than it would be in a few months time when it is MOT exempt...
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Is there any chance of a shot of two things on your little Dolly? It would help immensely with my Toledo.


A piccie of the front headlights from a couple of different angles. Also a piccie of the fuse box and wire layout please.



Ken did you get the pictures you needed?


Well the general consensus is that I'm an utter cunt, that I should sell or scrap the car and that with any luck I'll get caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. For doing something that's not illegal... Welcome to 21st century Britain where we all live in fear of breaking rules that don't exist because our draconian police force like easy targets.


Seemingly they've looked over my car personally, presumably using teleportation or telepathy or something, and decided it's clearly not roadworthy, despite the only thing that's any different from when it was last on the road is that the clutch doesn't work and I've fitted a load of new parts.


The whole thing pissed me off so much I deleted it anyway. I can't be arsed being the bad guy all the time. I have simple desires, I want a bit of financial stability, my shit old car parked outside and my girlfriend to not hate me. It seems the best I'll ever manage is 1 out of 3...



Chin up lad. If I can drag a 37 odd year old Combi Camp off Bute and back to Ireland without the axle falling off or wheels disappearing into the scenery, then getting a Dolly down from teuchterland should be a piece of piss.


I sacked off Facebook back in 2011. Maybe if you do that or just trim it back to posting cat videos or summat simple that a general audience gets? Keep your hardcore shiteting activities for a more specialist audience.


I think the very fact you have a girlfriend implies she doesn't completely hate you.

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I use Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends who are overseas, and there are a few groups I'm in which are good around MTBs and motorbikes.


Beyond that it's fucking grim. My advice is to post sparingly. I would have collected the car, and just whacked a picture on Facebook once it was home with little detail on how it got there.


However the most important considerations are that


A) in your opinion the car is road legal


B) its COMPLETELY legal to drive to a pre booked MOT.


C) be confident and tell the naysayers to fuck right off


Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

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Who gives a shit what some FB randoms think? Are they strangers? If so why are they even seeing your posts? Surely you don't need to be told it's ok to ignore FB trolls. Pull yourself together and crack on.

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Who gives a shit what some FB randoms think? Are they strangers? If so why are they even seeing your posts? Surely you don't need to be told it's ok to ignore FB trolls. Pull yourself together and crack on.

Probably worse still if they are supposed friends and family IMO


You should probably just scrap it and buy a new golf on finance m8


Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk


I post this exact line every time someone posts in a similar quandary.  But rest assured - it is entirely accurate.


The police force are not there to interpret the law, only to enforce it.  The law does not explicitly say what MOT station you must visit, so the police may not interpret it as so.


Get it as fit as possible, and crack on.

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I made the mistake of mentioning this venture on Facebook and have gotten some people really quite angry.



Now, I would have made sure of plenty of pics each time you pass a major milestone and you stop to check fluids/tyres,and made sure those fb experts got all of them to view....

Including the mot pass when you get there,just to rub it in a bit more


Just do it! I'm sure that virtually everyone here is rooting for you!  :mrgreen:


Personally, I hate Facebook and all that it stands for, and therefore I only had an account for three days back in 2013 before I deleted it, as people from my past whom I wanted to keep in my past started to contact me.


I recently tried to point out the legal right to drive some distance to a pre-arranged MOT on Honest John.


Fuck me, you’d have thought I’d proposed to take a shit in the hallowed mans hat in front of the local primary school whilst chanting pro-nazi propaganda.


Just do it! I'm sure that virtually everyone here is rooting for you!

This pretty much says it all.


FB trolling is getting out of hand and I don't know what can be done about it. I don't use it at all but my wife does (for positive reasons). From what she's shown me sometimes it's a free-for-all opportunity to try to destroy people just for the sake of being able to do so.


Anything like the Dollyventure is an easy target for group-bullying and poor Captain 70s can then be ridiculed and made out to be some sort of public enemy number-one.

Apparently it's ok to do that.


The freedom to still be able to do the Dollyventure should be supported FFS. I mean, it's only legally driving a small old car 200 miles on (shock-horror) the public-highway.

The PUBLIC-highway, the meaning is (or was) in the name there.


Don't let them wear you down Captn.

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I post this exact line every time someone posts in a similar quandary.  But rest assured - it is entirely accurate.


The police force are not there to interpret the law, only to enforce it.  The law does not explicitly say what MOT station you must visit, so the police may not interpret it as so.


Get it as fit as possible, and crack on.


 Bang on. As long as there's nothing obviously amiss with the car I don't see a problem.....but it's worth bearing in mind, if you are pulled, and before you get all 'high and mighty I know the law' if the car is a shitter with obvious con & use offences then while they don't have the power to interpret the law, they have the discretion whether or not to apply it and prosecute....


It's all still going ahead, I've blown too much money on the venture to back down now! I was in a properly foul mood yesterday, on top of the Dolononsense I got home from work at half past midnight and found I had no milk and as such no tea. Major grump. 

I think mostly I'm paranoid that the car won't make it or the MOT station will find something horrible, as this venture is stretching the limits of my overdraft and I'm nothing if not a pessimist! Currently contacting NPower to work out why £120 they refunded me months ago never appeared in my account...


The car is stands is in largely the same condition it was in when put away in storage:


Steering is fine, light, no play, 

Brakes all work on the pedal, handbrake does naff all. Going to clean up the adjusters on the drums before the trip.

The car rolls and nothing is seized, it can easily be pushed by a couple of people.

The car runs and idles from a jerry can, the tank needs reconnecting and filled with fresh fuel but none of the lines are blocked.

I've not checked the tyres but even if they are near the limit I'll borrow the 1850's wheels which are wearing winter tyres with about 300 miles on them.

Electrics were all working fine previously, any problems will be cured by cleaning contacts. I'll have spare bulbs and fuses.

Exhaust blows slightly on the downpipe/manifold join. Not much I can do about this as one of the studs has snapped, going to paste it up. Most of the exhaust hangers have already been replaced and it's not loose.

There is a big hole behind one of the rear wheels due to the car's previous wheelarch bodgery, not a structural area and I used to tape over it so it's getting fibreglassed and Hammerited to cover the sharp edges.

One of the rear corner bumpers is missing. I'll either bolt that back on if I can or tape over the bolt hole and end of the rear bumper.


Things I can't do but I suspect may be a problem:


Rear suspension is soft and bouncy. It's like an old Cadillac. GR8 4 COMFORT.

Rubber gaters, dust covers and the like. Not sure, haven't looked, repo rubber is crap.

The rear of the N/S sill might need a tickle with a MIG. The other side had the same treatment before I bought the car but I think the N/S just got a smear of filler to tidy it up a bit. It's never been a problem before but is now cracked and ugly. I might sand it back and fiberglass it just for it to look presentable.

Other than that it's just pissy things like headlight alignment and wiper blades etc.

Emissions. No idea, burns quite a bit of oil but it has done for years...


Overall I'm hoping that if it makes it it'll not need much for a cleanish sheet...


In happier news the Citroen Xsara on the other side of the street that's been SORN'd for a million years has mysteriously vanished and free'd up another parking space...


I think the very fact you have a girlfriend implies she doesn't completely hate you.

Not yet, but I'm working on it. ;) Even invited her on the trip but she's got an Alice Cooper concert on the Sunday night and I can't guarantee we'll be back in time!


I read the topic on FB group and being the administrator of the group in which you posted it I feel embarrassed that you needed to delete it (but totally understood why). I really do dislike Facebook, nice to see a forum like this still encouraging the saving of old rusty cars, I will watch this instead for updates from the Captain. 


I read the topic on FB group and being the administrator of the group in which you posted it I feel embarrassed that you needed to delete it (but totally understood why). I really do dislike Facebook, nice to see a forum like this still encouraging the saving of old rusty cars, I will watch this instead for updates from the Captain. 

Cheers, chap! It's a shame as there were quite a few messages of support but the cries of the nay-sayers rang louder! 


The handy news is that I've sourced my £120 of NPower money, they'd mailed the cheques to the wrong address which was for the account they'd accidentally set up wrongly in the first place. Genius. Fingers crossed that's now actually sorted, it's been going on since bloody February! 

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I don't think shock absorbers are tested for function any more, just for leaking.

That's my understanding too


Our old A4 went through a test (if not multiple) with collapsed rear dampers.


If you need any of the daft little bits (door handles as a random example) just let me know, always happy to help out if I have anything here you can use.

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My 1850 went through an MOT with the steering column holding the subframe straight but it probably shouldn't have ;)


This the garage I use up near the 1300. Probably safer to drive to Anniesland!


Oh that interior shot of the 1850 brought back memories...1982 just left school, and my Uncle had just brought a brand new ford escort -and offered me his Dolly 1850HL , In BRG, I may add...i asked how much..he replied, give me what you think the radio is worth..so £15 and it was mine..


due to insurance costs tho I had to pass it on to someone else (nice profit too) who promptly turned it into a banana by hitting a tree at 70+ Mph 

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