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The influence of others


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In the wanted/offered thread i mentioned that a lad i work with is selling his Ovlov.


Talking to day he said he is selling to buy a hatch or estate because of his dog.


I normally buy a car that i want that suits me not driven but others


So what about you lot,do you buy for yourself or do dogs,cats,children influence your chod?

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I buy cars for myself. Everyone pretty much knows I'm a Rover 800 nut and probably always will be.


I know that many people buy cars according to thier circumstance/budget but I do sometimes think people feel the need to make up excuses about changing cars. Very few people will ever admit they just fancy a change. And I guess the buyers market/family circumstance does somewhat influenced this with wanting a specific reason as to why a car is being sold.

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I also buy cars for myself; having made a vow at the age of 16 to never get married or have children makes this a lot easier for me. I imagine that most of my future cars will be estates of some type, as they are so very useful :)

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Same, I buy for myself, but the next acquisition really has to be a station wagon, as they're so much more useful to me.


Sometimes though the pressure of circumstances dictate my choice; I bought the Allegro as apparently nobody else wanted it and the weighbridge loomed, plus I know and like the cars. 

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I suppose I am pretty selfish but Mrs Rocker doesn't complain about her 190E (well only in the damp-ignition-cutting-out-at-roundabout sense).   The rest of our family do not comprehend that an item can be made in the last century and still be of any use.   Suggestions that we buy something newer usually results in an outbreak of Tourettes.    I have never  wanted  a sports car so most of ours are dull saloons.   Is what I like....

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No: if it's very economical, can fit a bike in the bike and isn't a VW then it's (probably) good with me.

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I bought the Tacuma (and before it the Blazer) because MrsR has specific needs.  The Tacuma meets these rather well.  The Volvo is for me simply because I like them, although it replaced the Cherry, which I also liked, in a different way.  I can, do, have done and will continue to, buy cars just "for me" and/or "for a change" or even just "because I've never had one of those."  Sometimes that last idea works very well, sometimes it doesn't.  Usually it goes better than buying another of something I had before, surprisingly.

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I buy whatever floats my boat at that particular time, and to hell with what everyone else thinks.


If it was up to my family id have some 3 year old base spec golf. Tits to that.

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I see something I like and then work amd on wench to convince her she wants it too.


She does same with house related stuff.


We both know this never discuss it.......works well.

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You don't need an estate, you need a push bike with a basket for that little fella!


Gr9 for E.T. Recreation purposes



(Memphis with MrsR in better times)

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SWMBO said, re: next car purchase [2007], "I'm not buying auld shite, likely to be a heep...".


We slotted into a space, at Morrisons, behind a bright red SAVVY >>> never evva seen one  :shock: .



She said "ah, lovelly".... dealer was offering £1k 'run wachuu brung' MOTd trade in guarantee.... 12 days MOT left on Suzuki Swift.



rest is history  :-P









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I only buy cars when they come up cheap, can't seem to resist a bargain, even if I don't need one.

I bought the 340, 18 and polo, for £600 all in.


The Cortina was sought out though.

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I have 3 kids and a Ford Galaxy. You work it out.

I have 3 kids a mother in law and a wife with a Citroen C8.


I on the other hand am (theoretically) free to buy whatever the fuck I like so long as we have at least 1 car that seats 7 and tows 1800kgs. In practice I have to wait until the Micrashed is dead before the management will legitimately let me spend a few quid. I am disappointed on the lack of snow this year to let me pilot the micra into a ditch. :wacko:

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Me,Mrs and the dog. Also occasionally the mother in law. 51 plate 3 door fiesta. Struggled about over Christmas with cargo and whatnot but car was cheap and mot not due till October. If it fails mot it will be bridged or broken as they are ten a penny.definatly not having a small 3 door again. I personally do most of my tooling around on a 16 year old Honda cub with huge top box and windscreen to keep my knackers dry. Fuel economy and parts are next to nothing and she never falters. Saying that she as started kicking out a bit of smoke on deacceleration and using oil so valve seals,rings,piston and barrel will be next. Parts are about 60 quid for everything

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I have a large Japanese estate car that is boring, reliable and capable of hard work. To counteract any way in that this may be seen as a reflection of myself, I do my utmost to be interesting, unreliable and lazy.

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I'm also influenced by work colleagues 'fancy' modern/German/expensive cars. I sit there looking at them thinking 'fuck that, I need something shit that stands out a bit'. Like a shit 306 or a Corsa 1.0. 

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