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Vulgalour Arts - Commissions OPEN and a Vauxhall Tigra Prints and Original

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One of the nicest and classiest hearses I ever saw was a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow hearse, so I'll suggest that!


@Ghosty:  Just one, please, you'll have to pick which one of those you want to run with.  Cheers, caught your edit :)


@everyone-else:  some of these suggestions have had me at risk of spraying my pc with tea.


I could indeed.  Either as a separate commission (£40 inc. delivery) or take your luck on the Suggestion rounds.  Though if you're suggesting it for this round and I pick it you'll end up with a hearse.

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I've never spotted this thread before, you've got a great talent Vulgalour. When spare cash is at hand I'll commission a pic or two. Until then I'll have to make do with my xmas pressie from Skattrd which has pride of place in the smallest room.





The one that kicked the thread off!  Great to see that on a wall :D  There's a massive slice of satisfaction knowing people like my stuff that much they'll put it where it can be seen.


This week the Metropolitan and Minor pictures were bought by a chap in the States.  He's going to put them in his garage with his Metropolitan and Minor.  Of course I've asked for a picture of that!

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Love the P4 Vulg, I do admire your artistic skills.


I can't draw a straight line with a ruler.


There's a massive slice of satisfaction knowing people like my stuff that much they'll put it where it can be seen.


The sketch you did for me of my dog gets positive comments whenever anyone sees it, it takes pride of place on a table by my sofas. For those who haven't seen itpost-4828-0-02402600-1443210412_thumb.jpg
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Hey Frank, I'm going to go with the first one there because HOLYCRAPMYEYES with that second one.


I'm going to close this early!  I have 13 suggestions (seems an appropriate number) and I want to draw all of them.  The Ariel Atom is the most challenging, it has MASSIVE appeal but I can't wrap my head around how to do it.  Might go and look at some scaffolding for inspiration.


Well then, be prepared for a SPOOKY October *cliché seasonal soundbites*





01 - Mk1 Ford Capri hot rod in purple

02 - Smart Fortwo

03 - Vauxhall Viva HC

04 - MG F

05 - Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

06 - Triumph Stag

07 - Ariel Atom

08 - Mk3 Ford Zephyr 6 in silver

09 - Morris Ital

10 - Nissan Micra K11 1.3 Twister model

11 - Accord Aerodeck

12 - Reliant Rialto

13 - Austin/Rover Montego


Some brilliant suggestions! I'd love to see the Atom, Smart and MGF.


@PBK:  One of the sketches underway is one of those vehicles, but I shan't tell you which one.


Mocking up reference from photographs is a stage I don't normally have to do with this sort of work, but needs must when the vehicles don't exist.  Photoshop is great for this, saves me bags of time in getting proportions, designs and scale something like before committing to paper.  Two sketches are now started, I just have to make final decision on what the other two are going to be.  I do plan to make each choice as different as it can be from every other, there's a very wide selection of hearse styles out there.

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Hearse Selection One is completed and will appear tomorrow (Friday) evening when I do my weekly art update.


I've made selections Two and Three which I'm happy with but haven't yet decided what selection Four should be, I may end up doing more than just four hearses, we shall see how much time October gives me.


You really should try artists markers, while your artwork is spot on and it's getting better with every one you do, I think the colour just feels washed out because of the medium you use. They're expensive for good ones, but they transform anything from good to amazing.

I get criticised everyday in work and it's what makes me better. :)


The Copic marker purchase begins next week, I've been putting money aside for it.  It costs several hundred quid every time I want to expand my art supplies but considerably less to maintain them.  I'd love to go out and buy the super bumper deluxe art kit of really nice markers and paints and pencils and a decent desk and a room all of my own to work in.  Not quite that successful yet, but I'm getting there, has been a good year so far.


The biggest reason for not going the posh marker route beyond the obvious expense is my own confidence.  Working in just ink takes a great deal of confidence in your own ability to understand what the colours and shapes are going to do, something I don't feel I have enough of yet though I'm well within my comfort zone with pencils and watercolour now.


Markers do scan amazingly well and really makes the artwork look a lot better.  I'm finding that much of my paint, watercolour and pencil work is getting washed out at the scanning stage and takes a fair bit of adjusting to bring back to looking anything like as vibrant as the original.  Besides which, I'm not a huge fan of saturated colouring and never have been so I've avoided markers for a long time as a result.


Dude, that P4 is probably amongst my "Top 5 Fings Wot You've Drorn"


The closest I ever got to art was painting ba**ers.....three colours, in diagonal thirds. Purple at front, black in the middle, blue at the back. In Dulux natch.

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Outlaw:  I enjoyed working on it.  The side of it doesn't look so streaky in person, I'm not sure what that's about with the scanner.


Copic markers are £2.80 each and I picked up ten today.  Usually there's around 70 in a set to get the full range of colours I make use of which is about £200, I could buy a car for that!


Let's hope it helps improve things, it'll take me a while to get all the ones I need for just the basic set but at least I've replenished my greys and some blues and pinks which I seem to use the most.

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