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Base Model Hearses

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Another reason why Chysler 180 Diesel made a great hearse, it woke the dead and smoked like the crem.



Dignified.  I hope I get something that obnoxious.




Peugeotastic down sauth 'merica. Love the 505, well 505 pick up conversion I guess....

I don't think there was ever a 505 pick up, that looks as if it's based on a saloon.


Last funeral I attended used one of those new Mecedehearses, sounded like a four cylinder Diesel. Most undignified, and not at all amusing (unlike the above Chrysler 180. D.)


Hearse must be an ideal application for electric; slow, short journeys where silence and smoothness is essential.


LeafHearse anyone?





I wouldn't be seen dead in one of those

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I wouldn't be seen dead in one of those


I'm here all week*, tell your friends...



*God willing


Last funeral I attended used one of those new Mecedehearses, sounded like a four cylinder Diesel. Most undignified, and not at all amusing (unlike the above Chrysler 180. D.)


Hearse must be an ideal application for electric; slow, short journeys where silence and smoothness is essential.


LeafHearse anyone?


attachicon.gifPicture 1.png


When I bought my last hearse the FD said it was 30 miles to the nearest crem and he much prefered the older hearses as they were double decked and he could take 2 at a time swapping the boxes over in the woods before retuning to the crem. Couldn't do that with a Nissan leaf

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At my sisters funeral the hearse and 2 limos were new-ish (private plates) current model Merc E-classes. But instead of the Mercedes 3 pointed star badge on the tailgate it was a "B" with a tail on it. And the tax disc holder said "Binz - the excellence continues"


I googled Binz and apparently they are Merc approved conversions so they come with factory manufacturer warranty same as a brand new Merc private car.


Prior to that we used the same funeral directors for my Nana and grans funerals in 04 and 06 and it was Volvos, late 90s ones maybe 960s or something.


A bloody pious hearse.




Edit, I've just looked back and seen Junkman has posted one, this one is a little bit more cack


^ Sadly, I see some* laps of Emmen or Warneton in that Pontiac's future...


I know it's slightly off topic,but I have never ever seen a BMW hearse. Has anyone?


I would love a hearse, just never had the cash & space at the same time. A couple of mates have them, one lad I know has a Mk2 Granny, a '77 Cadilac and a '52 Dodge, all cracking cars.


There was a '59 Impala hearse with a supercharger doing the rounds a few years ago, carved almost entirely from filler prior to the engine upgrades apparently. Interesting that the Merc ones are warrantied, but that's progress I suppose.


I nearly bought a '59 Caddy hears (Milner?) a few years ago, the car itself was cheap as chips (sub $2k) but a word with the hearse register over there confirmed that all the bits it needed were made of unobtanium, which was why no-one from the register had steamed into it. Still, 59 Caddy hearse...


I know it's slightly off topic,but I have never ever seen a BMW hearse. Has anyone?


Can't recall seeing myself.  But then, that's probably a good thing, right?


Wouldn't be easy find a base model BMW of that size anyhow, but look at this Baroque Angel one!



And another of its day




A 240 for good measure, with a Psomethingorother in the background.



A trouble with post digging is the lost links


So here is some Volvo gorgeousness, A 245(?) badged as a 244.  Still not base L but near enough?






Earlier 245


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Could you imagine taking your last ride in a Dodge Magnum?



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That would be improved* by a twin rear axle instead of that funny rear arch treatment.

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If anything happens to Mo it's helpful to know that they offer a nationwide service.  ;)

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I wonder if they ever did an Austin Atlantic hearse?  That would be impressive.  I can't find any proof of such a vehicle existing.


This was almost there


Looked great


w_90_rcc.jpg 12_05_14_11.jpg w_90_pc.jpg

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Ford Consul


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