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Porsche 924 - the Autoshiteists choice

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While browsing ebay and wondering what I should get instead of the Pug 205 that would be less reliable, use more fuel, probably rust more and cost more to fix I came across the Porsche 924. We all remember these being about 20 years ago, I'm not sure they were ever popular or loved but the 924 was thought of as inferior to even the 944. Shall we get the HATERZ messages out early on?


It's not a real Porsche. It was designed to be a VW, you know.

Yes, I know, but a 125bhp VW coupe with popup headlights would probably be worth a fortune nowadays, even without rust look paint and the contents of the junk shop on the roof. Perhaps because there's no space for a roof rack...?


It's got an engine from a van, snigger.

Nearly, the engine was first used in the Audi 100, then a detuned version was put into the VW LT van. The Porsche version had a new cylinder head with fuel injection, but the Escort RS2000 had an engine from a Transit and I don't see those for £500 any more.


Let's have a look at some other '70s coupes from Audi and VW and see what they're worth nowadays.


5 years ago you couldn't give these away, despite looking like an Aston V8 from the back. Today you're looking at ££££ even for a ropey one



I've chosen the Scirocco Storm because it's a bit more unusual than the other Mk1s and more desirable, but let's be clear about this, it's still a Golf with less room and more likely to rust.



A bit left field here, this is the VW SP2 from Brazil. If you had one in your garage today there'd be people wanting to swap split screen vans for it by the morning.



Even without the OMG LifeOMars, these are quite a cool looking motor, and of course looking like a quattro can't do it any harm.


And we'll throw this one in too. Remember when these were worth buttons?



So all the '70s and early '80s coupes from VW Audi group are doing well. Why not this one?



Early ones had the 2 litre engine, late ones had a Porsche specific 2.5 litre engine which, as you'd expect, is more pricey to fix. They're known as the 924S, there's also a 924 Turbo as a way of spending even more money. Let's concentrate on the 2 litre for the moment because it's most likely to fall into our kind of money. These days 125bhp isn't enough in a Fiesta and it won't win any 0-60 arguments in the pub but they're quite well balanced with the gearbox in the back, I used to watch their racing series and they didn't hang about through the corners.


But there's more. Look at the interior


It's got a revcounter at a funny angle for Christ's sake, what more could you want? How about upholstery that would make a tartan TR7 driver blush?




The steering wheel above isn't original, here's a proper one which is nicer on these than the 944 that has the big rectangular horn pad, ugh.



So, is it time the 924 got recognised as a fine motor car? You can't even get a Capri for this kind of money, but a fine handling, transaxle German sports car with popup headlights too?


I don't know if being a Porsche is doing its image so much harm, or the fact that it was so unloved when it was new. But the truth is that a 1984 Porsche coupe is now worth a lot less than a 1984 Skoda coupe :shock:




Screw the Gulf colours, Martini women (anytime, anyplace, anywhere) is much better


I had 2 924's and liked them both. The first one was red and a little ropey (cracked dash etc) but the second one (burgundy) was a minter that I got cheap as someone told the PO that the engine was fucked. The spark plug nearest the bulkhead was snapped off! Not all that quick, but it's an Porsche, AND it has flippy lights. A big "Thumbs up" to the 924 from this callsign.


(ISTR someone on here has a very fetching 924 Turbo)


I bought one for 600 odd quid with MOT and tax and sold it for 700 a couple of months later. I thought they were a bit slow and it felt a bit 'worn' (seats weren't bolted in properly, problems with earthing point - all faults comparable with a VW of the same era) but it handled really well. I couldn't justify the 20+ mpg for the so-so performance and the fact it felt like a fancy version of a VW (ie. safe and boring). I'd have a 944 in a shot, but I thought the 924 was just too impractical and 'normal' for something that looked like it shouldn't be. There's absolutely no worries on the mechanicals if anyone buys one. I do like them a lot though, I lusted after 924/944 when I was younger, and for all it's 'failings', it's still a really decent car.

I also bought mine on the hottest week in a decade and the electric windows didn't work at all - the lift out roof only let sun in and the big rear screen acted as a magnifying glass - I was literally dripping with sweat on one long run.


The 924 is the only car I've nursed a constant semi over for the last seven years. 2013 WILL be the year I buy one.


Got to be a better proposition than a rotten old Sherpa coupé! :D


My old one - this is the one I bought off PandaSelecta, remember that classic thread were it took months to post photos, and then they were really crap photos - I travelled all the way up to Newcastle to get this:



1981 Porsche 924 Lux by Jibijib, on Flickr


I sold it and bought a Suzuki Whizzkid, the day after the new owner broke down and had to replace the fuel pump (lucky!)


It was then sold to someone else who is doing a pretty good/slow job of restoring it:



IMG_0184 by Jibijib, on Flickr


That promise of 'galvanised body' hid some nasty corrosion issues, as seem above!


That upholstery is doing funny things to my eyes... :shock:


I had a passenger ride in a stripped-out 924 at Marham the other month. Was completely boggo apart from the lack of trim, and it went surprisingly well, and managed corners a lot better than my Legacy. The gearbox shrieked like a banshee, but then the poor thing had done 220,000 miles. I'd roll in one.


Don't they share a lot of VW parts as well? Deffo an alternative to the flippin Sherpa coupe & cabrio, as there are zillions of them on the road.


I've had a 944 and quite enjoyed it, but if I had another cheap Porsche it'd be a 924 S with the 2.5 engine.

I found the 2.5 quite nice and torquey, and got about 30 to the gallon on a run. In the 924 it should be quite good as it doesn't have the lardy body of the 944.


They're usually 3k for a A1 car (and will never sell) or completely shagged bodywork, interior falling to bits and gremlins for around 500 quid. The boot is about 6 inches deep and the rear seats are just there for decoration.


944's on those Fuch wheels look good whatever condition they're in:




About 18 months ago a B reg 924 came up for sale a few miles down the road from me, I drove past it every day on my way to and from work and started to sell myself the idea of making it my own as you do,

Phoned the owner, it all seemed straight, car was in straight, unmolested condition, really quite liked it, checked my insurance (fortunately) and it was bloody astronomical, something like 200 more than I was paying for my 2.0 Avensis at the time.

Just out of interest I put a similar 924 through confused.com today and pretty much the same thing again, £348 instead of £198 for my Saab, is it just me that Porsche have something against or what? I'm 41, clean licence etc etc can usually get a reasonable quote on anything.


I think classic insurance is the only way to go on one of these, last time I had a car on a classic policy I had the choice of unlimited mileage.


After seeing the picture of the white one with Martini stripes, this has made it onto my ebay watch list :?



Interior looks quite sober



Thanks for the write up, Gareth, good one.

You've gone and added another car to my 'list'.











There's one of these about ten doors away from me that I've never, ever seen in motion. I quite fancy one, but along with dozens of other examples I know it'll never happen.


I'm just not very good at Autoshite.


I'd quite fancy one but I'd sooner save my money for the slightly more expensive 944 which is better looking IMHO, I remember there was this red 924 being for sale in a local pub car park about 8 years now, It was only up for £400 yet but must have took 6 months too shift, It didn't even look that bad.

  • 5 months later...
It's got an engine from a van, snigger.

Nearly, the engine was first used in the Audi 100, then a detuned version was put into the VW LT van. The Porsche version had a new cylinder head with fuel injection, but the Escort RS2000 had an engine from a Transit and I don't see those for £500 any more.


Was speaking with a mate last week about the Lotus Eclat he had when someone else said "that tweaked Bedford CF engine was a right dog", van engines in cars is a fine tradition :D


Anyway, after Minimad bought my BX, I bought this which is being delivered from Telford on Thursday.









And it's got the ORSUM interior, called Pasha pattern, in brown



It seems that white, running 924s with that interior come up every couple of months, this one came up half an hour after my BX was collected so it's just a shame it's not exactly running. It might run, but the MoT has just expired so I'll see what horrors are inside when it arrived. I can't wait, but at the same time I'm a bit nervous having bought it without seeing it first.


That one looks nice, and I really think they're generally well looked after unless they're left on the driveway for years.


The one I had in previous photos that was getting restored. The fella couldn't remove a bolt out of the rear subframe, so on top of other things, scrapped it. :(


Nice, always liked the 924 and I love that interior. 8)


Well done that man !

Random fact > I have 924 or 944 Recaro front seats in the USSR Battle Tank, and they are super comfy !

lots of lovely pictures....


Get the gory details on here when you get it, one of these is defiantly on my bucket list! Wonder if the mrs would swap her meriva for one... :?:


Looks nice. True Autoshite interior. You can get 928s with brown interiors too, though not quite so gaudy.

You can get 928s with brown interiors too, though not quite so gaudy.


Oh I don't know.....






Any woman would be putty in your hands, drive under flickering street lights at night and you could induce some kind of hallucinogenic episode. That's when you make your move


I nearly bought one for MrsDSdriver about five/ten years ago. Friend was asking 4 bags and as he was a friend I thought he wouldn't be striping me. However, when the deal was nearly done I realised he wasn't including the personal plate and that 1 to 1 and a half would have been more realistic for a badly resprayed example.

You can get 928s with brown interiors too, though not quite so gaudy.


Oh I don't know.....




I had a 1982 X 928S Auto in Mocha (dark brown) with that fine interior. I bought it in 1990 for something like 5 or 6 grand. Proper weapon that was, just built like a tank and Uber quick. I was about 22 at the time and the insurance from Adrienne Flux was about 400 quid. A quarter. :shock::D


would the 5 cylinder Audi engine fit?

how about the 2.5TDI from the 100/early A6?



Looks tidy as you like that, I can only dream of such a tidy interior! Good luck with the running issue, I am sure it will be something simple!

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