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Shite in Miniature II

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Nice and warm in my workshop now, so I'm going to start doing a few more reprints.

Starting with this Ford to add to my reverse rake rear window collection.


Drilled out the rivets..


5 minute bath in caustic soda..


Leaves you with this..


Rattle can primer and that'll do for today :)



Can anyone please recommend their preferred fine detail paint brushes?


Can anyone please recommend their preferred fine detail paint brushes?

Art shop or model shop for brushes.

For fine detail I sometimes use a cocktail stick, cheap and plentiful.

Struggling now though,eyesight isn't what it used to be :(


A rummage in the shed after a mid afternoon dart dredged these up:post-26064-0-86460100-1554665984_thumb.jpg

You're right DC, the bonnet doesn't open very far.


I don't remember why two silver speed stripes on the Alpine seemed a good idea but I imagine I could have told you in about 1991 Nothing meths can't sort out.


Then this. I don't ever remember not having this Mercedes (c. 1982-3) but I never knew I still had the box until today.


Can't remember where this came from but pretty sure I've had it since the late eighties.



I've been in the bad habit lately of starting stuff and not finishing it, so today I dug out the stuff that was nearest completion and actually did some work on them.



The MG 1100 had bad paint, some grit had got into the first paint I did on it, so I redid that.  The interior will likely go black and I've got the driver and dog to fully detail.  Exterior still needs the trim detailing.  It looks a lot more finished than it is.  The Jag needed a bit extra paint and is very close to finished now, just detailing on the outside and the engine once the paint has cured enough to allow assembly, probably leave the interior as is on this one.  The custom Caddilac station wagon needs the dogs detailing properly and the axles thinning a bit so they sit in the chassis properly, it's otherwise finished.






Taxi isn't far off done.  The interior is staying in the original grey plastic.  I need to detail the exterior and make up my mind about giving it a black vinyl roof since I'm not entirely sure I like it in plain silver.  The Porsche was in a pretty bad way when I got it, it's now looking okay, the racing stripe helps take your attention away from the less great bits of it, detailing to go and a good amount of polishing to make the glass as best as it can be and it's done.





Catering trailer needs a lot of interior detailing, a bit of exterior detailing, and not much else.  The Commer van was a very broken ice cream van that I'd previously done a different custom approach on that I wasn't entirely happy with, I've now redone that and will be making it a panel van to match the catering trailer.  I'm probably going to print off some matching stickers or decals for these and fit the Commer with a tow bar, they look about right together.  Commer still needs lots of bodywork yet.







bmw 325i- you're not trying hard enuff with bonnet



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Today's charidee shop £2 bag....


That Skoda is on my want list...


I'm going to be sticking an order in with www.model-supplies.co.uk to replace the missing parts on a few of the cars.  These two I wanted to throw some paint on because they've been sat in undercoat for ages, it might motivate me to actually put an order in for the few bits I need that are missing.



I managed to complete some today, with varying degrees of success.  First up, this Mk10 Jag.  I have no idea why the bonnet ended up a different colour to the rest of the car, it was painted with the same paints at the same time.  Glass is damaged too.  Never mind, it's an improvement on how it was.  I was pretty lazy with the engine, just Molotow chrome pen and a Nuln Oil wash.






After my third attempt to get the paint right on this one I just drew a line under it and glued it together.  Sometimes, they just fight you, and for some reason this one just seemed incredibly prone to weird paint issues and me messing up the fine detailing.  It'll do, it looks better than it did.





Finally finished the Cadillac dog wagon.  It turned out pretty nicely considering it's build from 3 different models that were never meant to be together in the first place.  I like this one, it's a nice variation on the ambulance casting now.  The Husky wheels work really well as an approximation of the proper full wheel trims, the chrome pen worked wonders on them.





Decided to leave the roof on the silver taxi silver, rather than black vinyl.  My detailing isn't the best on this one, I was really having trouble with paints for some reason.  It's not as bad as the MG and it'll certainly do nicely for display.







Maybe a little harsh on yourself there Vulg, for what it's worth I think they look great. Looking forward to seeing how the Victor turns out in particular. Any progress on your kits?


I've not made any meaningful progress on the kits.  The T-Bird has been a bit of a masking tape nightmare to be honest, not the fault of the kit or the paint but the masking tape.  I'm trying out different types to try and find one that actually works.


What do you use for the chrome bits? I assume some sort of pen rather than a brush and paint. If so where does one purchase such a thing. Bearing in mind the only model restoration stuff I've got is old rattlecans from the shed and a couple of new ones from a Poundshop.

I did buy some meths and soaked a Husky camper- which promptly disintegrated, maybe I left it for too long( 2 weeks!).

My first project is a pair of Matchbox 109 Safari Landrovers- won't need much chrome, but would like a grille and lights.


for chrome you want the Molotow Liquid Chrome pen, available on eBay from a variety of vendors in a variety of sizes.  Worth every penny too.


I'd be interested in trying one of those pens. For the last 25+ years I've been using Bare Metal Foil, which requires a steady hand but is very effective when there's a crisp edge to trim it to.


Nice work there Vulg. You ever thought about doing the civvy Austin FL2, basically a petrol FX4 without the roof sign?


You can see why this one was cheap, traditional Jag rear suspension failure! Do I dare take it apart? First Norev to have opening windows apparently...





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Yes I did, yes I had to snap the grille off to do it, yes it can be glued...




Good work, and yes very brave!    Pity they didn't use those windows on a warped Austin A35- would have been factory spec.


I don't think I've ruined it. I thought, it's never going to be particularly interesting to anyone with that broken suspension, so worth a go, and could break for parts if I had to. But I don't think that will be necessary.


No, you absolutely haven't ruined it - at least now, with the suspension repaired, it'll be a nice model to display.

With the tales of abject fragility floating around concerning these models, I'm not sure I would have dared risk it lest I ended up with a desk covered in Rhodialite powder... but definitely worth a punt, and looks like it's paid off. Nice one.


Felly:  I did briefly consider doing just that, in a nice metallic blue.  Too much work this time around, maybe next time.


Painted the body and bits on Monday, this evening it was time for the roof.

I'm always nervous removing the masking..


Mainly because I'm crap at it..


Nothing a bit of white spirit can't sort.

A bit of detailing and a coat of laqure at the weekend and it'll be done :)


Looks good to me, I'm crap at masking too! The Plymouth I fucked up the paint on a couple of weeks ago is stripped and awaiting a fresh start for exactly that reason


I find the blue masking tape better than the generic stuff, it gives a sharper edge and is much kinder on fresh paint, I'm yet to have it peel any paint off accidentally, unlike regular beige tape.

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A while ago I mentioned about a project in memory of a dear friend, and fellow shiter John 'OldFord' MacGregor, well I have been sent photos of the complete model, and I am chuffed. Once I have the model, it is going to be auctioned off in aid of St Elizabeth's Hospice in Ipswich, who cared for John as he slipped away. I know this would ut a smile on his face.










I shall be posting on here when the auction will be, I have blessings from John's sister who now owns the real Cardinal red Cortina, and even his old Sierra has come 'home', to Ipswich after an ECR member bought it.


Nice going, that Cortina. Great to know that OldFord's steeds are in good hands, and a worthwhile cause will benefit. Excellent!

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