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I may need a tidy ,early Renault 5 bodyshell..

nigel bickle

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Been a bit hectic recently,so was more than a little suprised to receive a call from a good mate asking if my old Gordini turbo was registered FVW 800Y.Stolen out of my garage -whilst I was on hols, over 10 years ago -nary a sight nor sound since.Now on Ebay. About 5 miles from here.Obviously I've involved the rozzers, formally, so hopeful of getting it back - one day.Sadly the bodyshel looks terminal, but the running gear -seemingly unused- was recently rebuilt -when it vanished.So please keep your eyes peeled for a nice, cheap early 5 shell that I can switch stuff into...eventually. Even better if its black!

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Arr, I saw Tom's link and thought it was the one that Nigel had been talking about you see.It's quite rusty isn't it!, Would the police still be interested in following this up given the state of the car?.

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Can't you just phone him , make an offer (one he'll accept) tell him to deliver and you'll pay cash then have the rozzers sat outside your house waiting for him?That way you'll have your car back and free delivery.

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Got all those cars shifted DW-thanks. It was hell Started a clearout /reshuffle slowly - I'll never finish them all; & being older/fatter I need to be realistic on the 'little' ones!Thats def my old car-recgonise it anywhere. It doesnt look as if anyone's done ANYTHING with it since it was knicked- right down to my Merc sticker in the rear window(67 250se-since sold)Looks bloody rough though-doesnt it?Interestingly-when formally reported to the ol'bill yesterday -they couldnt find ANY record of the car at all (even on the chassis number-which seems identical to a Ford!).Without the V5, service history etc they'd not have believed me.Seems, despite being properly reported stolen, DVLA has just wiped the record. Apparently they do that after 10 years. Madness.

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Without the V5, service history etc they'd not have believed me.Seems, despite being properly reported stolen, DVLA has just wiped the record. Apparently they do that after 10 years. Madness.

Does this mean it would have to be re-registered? Cant be right. Hardly seems fair.
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Hirst, your services are required as a script writer for the forthcoming soap opera/sit-com Bickle County.Hope you get it back and sorted NB. Assuming the current seller bought it in good faith I feel a bit for him as he may loose out. Seems ridiculous that the DVLA would loose it from their files though otherwise surely it may have resurfaced sooner?

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Looks like the current seller is just a casual house/garage clearance kind of bod to me....taking photos of a car on the back of a low loader is hardly car enthusiast material.

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Agree RG. I'llprobreimburse'genuine expenses'Paul -I dont remember that one at all. I'll get over & catch up soon.Updates-as & when .

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Looks like the current seller is just a casual house/garage clearance kind of bod to me....taking photos of a car on the back of a low loader is hardly car enthusiast material.

That or he's a scrap/recovery man and scored the car very cheaply off someone.
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Im really confused - why pinch a car then let it rot? Why not ring it, or strip it for bits.Odd.

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Im really confused - why pinch a car then let it rot? Why not ring it, or strip it for bits.Odd.

Probably been resold a time or two as a project with none of the subsequent 'owners' actually getting around to doing anything with it and it gradually deteriorating over time perhaps?
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Probably been resold a time or two as a project with none of the subsequent 'owners' actually getting around to doing anything with it and it gradually deteriorating over time perhaps?

Or someone who was not a very good criminal stole it and did not know what to do with it once they had got it so just kept it hidden away.Good that it turned up though (although would be nicer if it was in better condition). Hope it is traced back to the person who stole it in the first place.
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No I never claim on insurance -it would push the premiums up too high.The Saab that was taken with it did indeed come home 18 months later when the new 'owner' tried to get a V5c for it.Rozzers confirmed today that DVLA keep stolen cars 'marked' for 3 years-take them off the system completely after 10 years lack of any activity.No -there is NO archive. DVLA cannot tell them ANYTHING about the car. So I've more proof of its existence than any of the authorities.Even the Police didnt know & still find it difficult to believe that.Lucky I've still got the old V5,service history etc etc then...

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Been a bit hectic recently,so was more than a little suprised to receive a call from a good mate asking if my old Gordini turbo was registered FVW 800Y.Stolen out of my garage -whilst I was on hols, over 10 years ago -nary a sight nor sound since.Now on Ebay. About 5 miles from here.Obviously I've involved the rozzers, formally, so hopeful of getting it back - one day.Sadly the bodyshel looks terminal, but the running gear -seemingly unused- was recently rebuilt -when it vanished.So please keep your eyes peeled for a nice, cheap early 5 shell that I can switch stuff into...eventually. Even better if its black!

Hi my husband is the gentleman that is selling the renault gordini on the ebay site it was brought many years ago through the county sherrif ceased through bad debt. my husband has receipts for the vehicle and will be willing to give them to the police although they should have this vehicle on their records
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Anyone notice a pattern emerging?


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Does seem to be lots of 'confusion' going on between items siezed in lieu of payment and items taken without consent...

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It is going to be interesting to see how this pans out, how does it work though? E.G if a bailiff comes into your house to seize goods because your flatmate owes some money, and the bailiff takes your laptop, can you get it back or do you have to sue the flatmate?

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l would also like to add from previous email that information on the registration of the said renault must still be with dVLA as it says on the site that the vehicle had 6 previous owners, ?????. All we can say is this vehicle was brought with honesty we have emailed the guy who said the car is his and as yet we are still awaiting a reply

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