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Ebay Tat Volume 2 - Sadly deceased.


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It's NOT a Metro and it's NOT a Rover 100. It's a 'clecters car of the futcher'.

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The poor guy can't spell - his f/b and other auction's as bad. As for the photos :?

I think there's something wrong with his keyboard.


Feedback left for others http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&ftab=FeedbackLeftForOthers&userid=darren20050&iid=-1&de=off&items=25&mPg=10&page=1

oa one ebayerrrrrrrrrrrrrr

supper deal

oa one ebayerrrrrrrrrrrrrr


That doesn't look quite right

exlent deel

ah, that's better

aexslent biyer

hmm, maybe that's right

brilen ebay pront paiyer


and so on, and so forth :D

I dunno what that means, but thanks anyway!

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loking art teh poitos, dunt et lok liek a Trolbat Sambar covertbel frim thes angel thu?




Luuks mure lyke a beeg pram t mee

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Thats lovely. There was a garage with one of these (as a funeral car) parked in for about 15 years till the late owners will was sorted out. Walked past it most days. Took it up to an auction at Malvern iirc. About 4k on the clock. And a MkIV Zodiac....


Never really appreciated the lines until later on, spent most of the time moaning about crappy SU's and HydroSp***ic displacers :-)

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Excellent Torsten!


Who mutch for cash m8, Let mee no. Cough, I mean... If you do indeed wish to accept payment outside of Ebay I will be willing to discuss the matter via Private Messaging. Please feel free to reply. Kind Regards.

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Of course! I have another rescue Maxi coming soon so it needs to go!


Would your next one happen to be a Green or a Red one by any chance?!



Possibly red, aren't you going green?

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