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The grumpy thread


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Multi billion pound companies that are too tight to make UK-specific TV ads, but instead use piss poor dubbed one size fits all 'euro' ones.


Yes, I'm looking at you Fiat...

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Multi billion pound companies that are too tight to make UK-specific TV ads, but instead use piss poor dubbed one size fits all 'euro' ones.


Yes, I'm looking at you Fiat...


I really hate a lack of effort to localise that stuff too, like when they bosch-up interior images showing LHD. Is Image > Rotate Canvas > Flip Canvas Horizontal too much to ask ?

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BBC Silverstone GP coverage. Grated I don't really like F1 so I'm likely cynical but the blatant timewasting and BBC plugging has pissed me off. Three twats on a bicycle, twating about in the TopGear car and "Watch TG tonigt to see the resut" plug, twat in an ice-ceam van and twats twating about on jetskis or something FFS.


Also I really hate the word "twat".

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Just come back from the paper shop (procrastination and avoidance techniques to delay starting on the Fronty) and The News Of The Screws sold out early doors. So what's all this about The Great British Public boycotting Murdoch's seedy organ? The newsagent said as it was the last one, it was a souvenir :roll::roll::twisted:

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Just come back from the paper shop (procrastination and avoidance techniques to delay starting on the Fronty) and The News Of The Screws sold out early doors. So what's all this about The Great British Public boycotting Murdoch's seedy organ? The newsagent said as it was the last one, it was a souvenir :roll::roll::twisted:


Yeah it was a special collectors edition. They only printed 5 million or so. :roll:

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Yeah it was a special collectors edition. They only printed 5 million or so. :roll:


And they will all be on Ebay from next week :roll:

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Yeah it was a special collectors edition. They only printed 5 million or so. :roll:


I bought one so I could put it in the bottom of the cat litter tray.

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^^ As far as I'm concerned, the demise of that pointless, pathetic , chav-rag should be in the 'What makes you grin' thread.


It certainly would be if they manage to take utter shit like 'OK' magazine and any other 'celebrity' load of old bollocks with it.

Anyone who bought a paper because they wanted to know which tosspot that gormless slag Jordan was shagging/which drug Kerry Katona is/isn't taking doesn't deserve to have eyes.

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Show-offy feckin cyclists!


The roads round my way (West Cumbria) are about adequate for most of the day, but when it's start or finish time at Sellafield (a few times a day, as there's shift changes as well), there's too much traffic about for an hour or so. What is absolutely not needed when the roads are so busy is some moron dressed as a Power Ranger weaving about on a bike, red faced, at the side of the (country) road, in and out of traffic. Particularly when there is a (presumably expensive) tarmaced cycle track running parallel to the road, about 5 yards to the left, which they studiously ignore - in order that their boss can go past them in his Audi and notice how 'dynamic' and 'youthful' they are.


If I was their boss I would see them as 'stupid' and 'suicidal'. The other month one of these mouth breathers was knocked off their bike on the road and landed ON the (empty) cycle track to their left, badly injured. And still they don't learn.




I'm not against cycling per se, but those who use the road instead of that cycle track really piss me off.


They all seem to wear yellow tops as well, as if they're leading the Tour de France.



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Oh no! It's the police!


Oh, wait, it's not, it's some idiot that has dressed his security business van up to pretend he's one. Why do people do this?




Also check out the (awful) Thunderbird.

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That excelerate security van seems to be some sort of cyber mission control van that they hire out to the real police or anyone who wants to have a van full of electronics at a big event. See http://www.excelerate.info/en/CompanyProfile for depressing details. In many ways it's worse than someone with DOG UNIT on the side of their LDV Convoy in yellow electrical tape lettering, these guys have satellite broadband in their van and they're going to save us from terrorists with broadband, wifi and their own van-powered GSM network.

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Show-offy feckin cyclists!


The roads round my way (West Cumbria) are about adequate for most of the day, but when it's start or finish time at Sellafield (a few times a day, as there's shift changes as well), there's too much traffic about for an hour or so. What is absolutely not needed when the roads are so busy is some moron dressed as a Power Ranger weaving about on a bike, red faced, at the side of the (country) road, in and out of traffic. Particularly when there is a (presumably expensive) tarmaced cycle track running parallel to the road, about 5 yards to the left, which they studiously ignore - in order that their boss can go past them in his Audi and notice how 'dynamic' and 'youthful' they are.


If I was their boss I would see them as 'stupid' and 'suicidal'. The other month one of these mouth breathers was knocked off their bike on the road and landed ON the (empty) cycle track to their left, badly injured. And still they don't learn.




I'm not against cycling per se, but those who use the road instead of that cycle track really piss me off.


They all seem to wear yellow tops as well, as if they're leading the Tour de France.




I use the road. Partly because there isn't a cycle track where I live, but mostly because if there was, you could pretty much guarantee it would be covered in dog shit and broken glass, possibly with the odd discarded fridge thrown in for good measure. And I'm usually going faster than 18mph or so, which is of course the DfT guideline speed over which you should be using the road. Finally, it's not illegal to use the road, and if your blood pressure is raised significantly by being held up for a few minutes, you should maybe be thinking about getting a bike yourself. I mean, what's the rush? Did you forget to set the video for "Sex and the City" or something? :wink:

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What cyclists often don't realise is that the difference between 18mph and 30mph could be me being fired because I've spent all night drinking heavily and I'm already banking on nothing being in my way. Nowt personal fellas, just move out of the way and I'll continue on my un-merry way. Obliged!

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I'm a keen bicycle person myself, and as with anything with wheels, I've raced them, BMX and racing bikes, did Belfast to Dublin. What gets on my tits is these lycra-clad dickheads who wobble about when you try to overtake in your car. Fair enough they might not hear my Rover or Jag, but you cannot fail to hear my Motad-equipped Suzuki. The advantage of a motorbike in these situations is that you can smack cyclists on the head.

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Oh dear


Thick twats.


everyone should be bunging best offers 10p on this buggr, keep the sella to busy to light his next tab


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEWS-WORLD-THANK- ... 27bc871694


i might put my copy on the bay under the title "free to a good home" :lol:


for a final edition it was a fuckin rip-off i would have been better keeping my £1

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Oh dear


Thick twats.


everyone should be bunging best offers 10p on this buggr, keep the sella to busy to light his next tab


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEWS-WORLD-THANK- ... 27bc871694


i might put my copy on the bay under the title "free to a good home" :lol:


for a final edition it was a fuckin rip-off i would have been better keeping my £1

I wouldn't insult an cat's arse by placing it under its litter tray!

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Fucking bikes are a load of old fucking wank. R W Thompson hang your head in shame, the pneumatic tyre is a shite invention, designed purely to fail.


I'm going to bed now and not coming out. Got called out by work from 1am-5am this morning, up about half 9 anyway cos I'd been planning a nice ride on the Monsal Trail, got to Bakewell but hadn't taken any money and needed to pay to park, so ended up touring round Bakewell in awful traffic (it's always bad) for an hour or so to get money, bought some kendal mint cake to get change, then tracked back through all the traffic again and ended up starting ride about 12. Had to leave the path to go round a group of idiot duke of edinburgh hikers who were 5 abreast and taking up the whole thing (despite dinging my newly installed bell), 100 yards later back wheel went all slidey, and a few yards after that I realised it was going down. Stopped, tried pumping it up, then tried special aerosol can with magic goo in which is supposed to "repair and re-inflate" punctured bike tyres. It didn't do that, but it did separate the valve from the tube, so at least I knew where I stood and it saved me the bother of trying to pump it up again. Walked it back (somehow it was nearly 6 miles back but 5 going out?). Ate Kendal Mint Cake in the car. Queued home.


Things I learned:


1. Road wheels are for roads

2. Cycle shoes are NOT made for walking 5 miles whilst pushing your bike

3. People you overtook going the other way are not sympathetic as they pass you pushing your bike back the other way.

4. Those aerosol quick-fix bike tyre fixing cans from decathlon don't work.

Edit: These: http://www.decathlon.co.uk/EN/sealant-17248997/ :evil:


Ah well.

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1. Up selling in supermarkets \ the post office \ WHSmiths. Either management want some more money for their Christmas piss up or it's getting more overt and aggressive. I bet the poor sods behind the counters are targeted on it as well, and if they don't push the impulse crap on people mercilessly they fail their one of their KPIs. Personally I'd have thought this sort of tactic loses more customers than it gains - because people know if they go in for a drink \ paper \ scale Spongebob model they're just going to get mithered - but hey, 49/50 people saying 'no' or 'fuck off' probably looks great on some wanky Excel spreadsheet with animated GIFs.


2. Parking at the local Co - Op. There is parking adjacent. There is parking down the road. But no, fuck it, bump your enormous (*insert unfortunate penis joke or name of pointless German \ Korean SUV here*) up on the kerb instead so that dearest Tarquin can get to the sweets counter 10 seconds quicker. Never mind that it makes getting out of the actual car park horrendously difficult, or that it blocks cars getting in and out, who cares! You're better than everyone else and that's all that matters. I felt sorry for the drivers of the vehicles that actually need to bump up on the kerb to do their job - i.e. the Post Office van and the stock delivery because there's no other access road available to load \ unload. How the truck driver refrained from lamping that mouthy twat in the X5 who had to park in the car park with a face like a smacked arse I've no idea. He fucking got a move on when he tried to park in front of the lorry anyway and got a blast of the horn.


3. Money problems due to the unfortunate shit that will probably occur tomorrow.

3a: Pedantic little wankers taking delight in a tiny mistake you made in your listing.http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=pfsw&action=display&thread=107714 See the last reply before mine.


4. Stuff not selling. Bollocks.

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Hey Toned, if you really want to grump about Bakewell try going for a drink there one day. Never known anywhere like it, what a bunch of miserable swines the landlords are round there.


Back to cyclists for once I'm going to defend the lycra mechants: locally there's a walk/cycleway that's really nice. Take the dog for a walk (on his lead I might add) there frequently and the Spandex Spanglers always ring their bells well in advance so we can move out of the way in plenty of time.

Joe Bloggs and his fat sweaty wife in their tracksuits almost always fail to do this then get all irate because you don't have eyes in the back of your head.

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