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The grumpy thread


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T-mobile? Proper bunch of cunts, make no mistake.I once made the mistake of buying a Virgin phone. Cost me a bloody fortune in missed calls, that did. Although to give them credit, I had a massive argument with the ex-girlfriend on the phone one afternoon, couldn't find a way of topping up the fucking phone so I rang them to kick off. "Can't top up my phone with your fucking network, put it right will ya? I'm in a middle of an argument with me Maud" and the customer service droid put £30 of credit on for free.I still left their steenking network when I got home. Been happy with o2 ever since.

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My old mate "Garry the Bastard" was plagued by Coldseal windows when he lived in a tower block in Nottingham. (He lived on the 3rd floor of 13) After the umpteenth canvassing call, he invited them round, spoke at length about frame styles, made them cups of tea, fed them cakes, the whole thing lasted about 4 or 5 hours.......He was at the point of ordering and signing on the dotted, which he dutifully did, and they asked for a sustantial deposit.........at which point he said "Deposit, why would I need to give you money?" "Well, it's to pay for the windows Sir...." "Pay for them, but you're from the Council aren't you?" "No Sir, we're from Coldseal Windows" At which point he removed his hearing aid, gave it a tap, and stated "Sorry mate, it looks like I've wasted your time, I thought you said Council Windows"......They NEVER called him again! Wonder why?

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Someone on Retro-Rides who asks me on virtually ever car I sell to take some worthless piece of shit in part-exchange at a stupid amount of money. He then expects me to drive hundreds of bastarding miles to him and drive his worthless, MOT-less shit heap back home again. I now don't even bother replying.

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Tesco checkout operatives I am 40 years old so why ask me for id to by alcohol :shock: Get a grip for gods sakes.......

On a related subject, the checkout staff in our local Co-Op all wear big badges saying something like 'under 21? No I.D. no sale'... then some 17 year old bint has to ask an older coleague befor she can scan alcohol through the till... IF YOU ARE NOT OLD ENOUGH TO SELL IT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO ASK FOR I.D....!!!!!! :x:roll::x:roll::x:roll: It fair boils my piss, I tell you...
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Once managed a date from a Waitrose check-out lass who asked my age when buying alcohol. I must have been 30+ & told her, in my best "Leslie Philips" voice: "my dear, young as I may look, I'm sorry to inform you that I'm probably old enough to be your father!" A bit more banter got me her phone number and a date! RESULT!!! AND she was 17. DING DONG!! She told me it's some legal thing about staff aged under 18 selling alcohol. Wouldn't attempt a stroke like that now, though!Andrew353w

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:shock: I really shouldn't have looked at what was taking up half the memory in playback mode. Why the fuck can't my ex be like that when you go to a hotel? Not sure I'd film it, but still. Stroppy bitch.

Lob it on rapidshare when you get a moment ;)
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:shock: I really shouldn't have looked at what was taking up half the memory in playback mode. Why the fuck can't my ex be like that when you go to a hotel? Not sure I'd film it, but still. Stroppy bitch.

Lob it on rapidshare when you get a moment ;)
Had my moment.....erm, she's not that fit. :oops:
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Here's a good grump.


Since when did it become law that bathrooms may not be wider than 2.00m?




I know BOVIS crap box homes have tiny roofs where you couldn't swing a felix domesticus but there are other places. Surely.


Our bathroom is 2.50m x 2.50m, so it is now impossible (illegal?) to buy a piece of bathroom-specific carpet that could (theoretically) cover the whole floor. Yes, I know the bath, bog, airing cupboard take off the gross figure, but you still don't lay carpet diagonally.


I don't want laminate, it's cheap & 'council'. I don't want tiles, vinyl or ceramic, it's arseache if I need to lift the floors again (ripped up & knack'd a load of expensive tiles to get the new plumbing in, and doubtless in 6 weeks she'll demand a new heated towel rail). Just carpet for an easy life....


I suppose it's not the end of the world as some lateral thinking got me some bankrupt stock 'managing director'-spec industrial carpet tiles (really, much better than you are thinking!!!), which were suitably backed and TBH look bloody nice, but surely not everyone would be able to do this.... The world's gone to shit, I tell thee.

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Oh FFs don't get me going on toilet seats. Any one I buy within days is loose & wonky and won't ever sit square to the main body of the bog. I really don't know what to do, tried heath-robinson extra bracing etc to no avail. I could understand if it was sat on by 20 stone biffas, but me (12st), Mrs (size 8 and shrinking) plus little people hardly is enough to cause bog seat wobble.

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The toilet seats that don't stay up are often the result of the bog too close to the wall, usually because the bog did have a marvellous overhead cistern with the chain.How about the seat that just about stays up, then falls without warning clipping the todger. Best play safe, leave it down and don't worry about pissing all over it.

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I hate them seats that don't stay up as well, Went to our friends once, went upstairs for a piss and they had one of them wanky seats, I had to stand on one leg whist holding up the lid with the other foot.I pissed down my trousers instead.

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Hey, we got one of those SOFT CLOSE bog seats, so as long as you aren't going for a gargauntuan haven't-been-for-a-week slash it's no bother (mostly because our six year old has "aiming issues" :evil: ). If I could get it to not move about when I wanna poo then it would be well happy.

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Oh FFs don't get me going on toilet seats. Any one I buy within days is loose & wonky and won't ever sit square to the main body of the bog. I really don't know what to do, tried heath-robinson extra bracing etc to no avail. I could understand if it was sat on by 20 stone biffas, but me (12st), Mrs (size 8 and shrinking) plus little people hardly is enough to cause bog seat wobble.

you need to set the hinges up correctly and threadloc them in place or the always will come loose :wink: I've fitted many a loo seat.....................so trust me on this
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Believe, I have done it exactly right!!! And threadlocked!!!!!I suspect it's the kids standing on the lav & jiggle about bellowing to their friends / grandparents out of the window that causes the problem....

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Righto. First off, swine flu can fuck right off. I've shed nearly a stone and a half in 10 days and spent three days in hospital being treated like typhoid mary. Why they admitted me god only knows cos I got better treatment at home.The other things still bugging me are people saying should of instead of should have and brought instead of bought.So that's it, I still feel like shite and my tolerance for lazy spelling/grammar and other such offences is at an all time low. :wink:

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Righto. So that's it, I still feel like shite and my tolerance for lazy spelling/grammar and other such offences is at an all time low. :wink:

I'll try harder next time Sir............ :(
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Believe, I have done it exactly right!!! And threadlocked!!!!!I suspect it's the kids standing on the lav & jiggle about bellowing to their friends / grandparents out of the window that causes the problem....

Block the window off ?................break thier legs? shoot the Grandparents?..............
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