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The grumpy thread


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Cant do anything until after work but apparently the wiring is easy to get to. In theory since its not a cable release i should be able to put 12v to it to force it to pop

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My grump today - I belted my knee on the wheelarch of the truck this morning and now my left leg feels like it's on fire and my kneecap is twice the size it should be. I have more work to do as well. OUCH.


Total sympathy there, SOC. Mrs Ramrod suffers with her knees... in fact we both do, as her limited use of them rather restricts the places we can go and things we can do. At the moment she's walking with two sticks, which at 55 years old seems a bit premature to me. We're both hoping it isn't going to be permanent.


So go and get yours looked at, and if you're told to rest it, rest it! :)

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I had a MK5 Escort pinched from outside the house, my wife heard it go so within 5 minutes I was out looking for it and came across 2 policeman waiting with a stolen Transit that had just been dumped a few streets away. Despite all my requests and then demands for information as to where it had come from they wouldn't tell me a thing, I explained that I could save them a job by going there right now and looking for my car which they probably used to get back to around where the Transit had come from but they just didn't get it!


Having said that I currently am involved in a mass complaint against the Police and Local Authority for their failure to deal effectively with Anti-Social behaviour in this area for many years, they seem incapable of using witness statements and CCTV to uphold the law! :roll:

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Fixed the fuel cap problem as theres a lever inside the boot. Probably took me longer to unlock the car, which is just as well seeing as its torrential rain here. Guess that explains why the central locking module had been removed.......

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I'm a bit sick of trying to sell wheels on Retro Rides. I wish people would:


a: Do some basic research before sending stupid PMs (like 'what cars do these wheels fit?')


b: Decide if they actually want said wheels (the classic yes\no dichotomy seems terribly difficult for the majority of them)


c: Stop expecting me to post them out to the back end of beyond for a rusty groat and some pissed on chips.


I think in the future I'll just deal with the people I know and like.



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My grump today - I belted my knee on the wheelarch of the truck this morning and now my left leg feels like it's on fire and my kneecap is twice the size it should be. I have more work to do as well. OUCH.


Total sympathy there, SOC. Mrs Ramrod suffers with her knees... in fact we both do, as her limited use of them rather restricts the places we can go and things we can do. At the moment she's walking with two sticks, which at 55 years old seems a bit premature to me. We're both hoping it isn't going to be permanent.


So go and get yours looked at, and if you're told to rest it, rest it! :)


I'm resting it now, honest! Mrs S has been in a wheelchair since she was in her 20's thanks to bad knees.

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I am getting annoyed with how often this keeps happening, seeing something really rare/interesting whilst out and about, but finding it is under a rather secure car cover. Last time it was Simca 1100, this time it was either a Lancia 2000 or a Flavia Berlina. I got a photo of the mudflap however.

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Driving back from work on Friday night in the Mondiesel with a colleague, came to a halt at a give way behind a battered looking 06-plate Mazda 2. Pulled on handbrake, myself and Roy continue talking and out the corner of my eye I spot reverse lights coming on... :shock: ... wasn't quick enough to hit the horn unfortunately as she'd already hit me.


What happened next was superb though - she fucked off through the junction flat out, narrowly missed a bus and started heading down the main road away from me. Gave chase, finally managed to get her to pull over about half a mile away when she got out and started shouting the odds.


"You better not phone your insurance company, there's no damage to your car! Anyway, it was your fault, it's always the driver behind's fault! Ma husband's a polis, he'll sort you out!"


Took photos, swapped details, should really have phoned the police but I was utterly stunned into silence I just dropped off my colleague, went home and phoned the insurance company. Which is where the grump is.


"The excess on that policy is £200. Oh no, wait, it's £325. And we need it before we'll take the car in. Looks like it'll be 50/50 blame or possibly even your fault, as it's your word against hers and we can't use your passenger as a witness."



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Your fault? So that would be using her word as the sole truth, I presume, against what two other people say? Excellent, good to see logic playing its course in customer services, yet again. Also, if you have a copy of the original policy agreement, it should tell you what the excess is, I believe they cannot make it higher without telling you? Not that I know, I still get the bus, but it surely that must be how it is?

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No CCTV at the junction that I'm aware of, will have a snoop around the area in the morning when I'm heading to work.


My thoughts would've been the same Sam, but apparantly although I've got a witness he can't be used as a witness. Need to see if he could be relocated out of the car just for the period of the accident in order to view it happening.


I'll need to recheck the policy, theres all sorts of bizarre odds and sods in it because the car is effectively leased. Just as well it wasn't the Proton as I fear it'd probably have been quite sore on the car. Rather than just sore on my neck. Oooh my neck... *



*© Ambulance Chasers Unlimited 2011, all rights reserved. Including mine, to be one. Ohhh yes.

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A whippy claim means you relinquish you rights to ever whinge about your insurance costs ever again...

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I don't whinge about them, I know I'm a liability on the roads... professional bus driver don't you know! :lol:


Seriously though, I'm 24 and I've been driving since I was 17 and I'm still paying a scary amount on insurance for everything except the buses, oddly. Also already been victim of an ambulance chasing taxi driver so trying not to end up like that snivelling c...

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Sorry to hear that, cms...never underestimate the power of human stupidity!



In fact, do not involve them at all unless you have to. Claim against the bint's policy and take it from there. Your passenger isn't a witness? And who says that? An illiterate twat who works for someone whose industry stands to benefit by a 50-50 claim as that's two future premiums loaded, that's who! Write in and ask for the recording, ask them to confirm it in writing, and see how quickly they change their tune.


They're just fobbing you off...Shower of shit they are!

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Whippy claims work differently up in the land of Porridge. The England / Wales situation is a bloody disaster. My job involves dealing with this kind of thing all the time, although I don't work for ambulance chasers...


However, if you contact their insurance (Speak to them, that's how they do things internally) mention that all you want is any damage to your car fixed and that "at the moment" you don't appear to have any injuries, but that the stress of having someone hit your car is beginning to mount up as time goes on and this is unresolved. You don't want to have to take time off work as a professional driver to deal with it, you just want it sorted quickly. You also work unsociable hours and your car is needed to get to and from work in the middle of the night. You may have to hire a car if it's going to grind on..


More often than not they'll read this as "Fix my car or I'll screw you for all I can get!". If it's not Direct Liars they'll more often than not cough up if you agree not to sue for loss of earnings.

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Whippy claims work differently up in the land of Porridge. The England / Wales situation is a bloody disaster.


So a postal address north of the border will reduce premiums?

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The excess on that policy is £200. Oh no, wait, it's £325. And we need it before we'll take the car in. Looks like it'll be 50/50 blame or possibly even your fault, as it's your word against hers and we can't use your passenger as a witness


Without an independent witness you probably will be stuffed unfortunately. Had a similar thing 3 years ago when a tosser driving a 4wd thing and towing a horse box cut across me (straightlined) a roundabout and hit the front of my mondeo. He didn't even know he had done it until I chased him a mile up the road flashing my lights and tooting the horn.


He just put that I hit him while trying to overtake coming off the roundabout in his report and without independent witnesses who can say which driver is lying? Not only that, despite dropping the claim (couldn;t be arsed with going to court over a £50 bumper repair) my insurer still put my premium up as I had been involved in an accident...even with protected ncd! They didn;t get my business the following year.

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My mate had a young chav reverse into the front of his car at a junction. At the time they exchanged details and all seemed normal. My friend contacted his insurance company but then had a massive delay as the other party decided to not contact his or acknowledge their calls and letters. Eventually when they got hold of the young chav he claimed my friend drove into him! Despite this the court ruled in the chavs favour as it was said it was unlikely he reversed into him!

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Whippy claims work differently up in the land of Porridge. The England / Wales situation is a bloody disaster.


So a postal address north of the border will reduce premiums?


Not always, but compared to say, L, M or B postcodes it'll more often than not save you a fair few quid.


They're still talking about bringing in German style "Minimum collision speeds" for whiplash injuries here, if they do then it might just bring things down a tiny bit. Unfortunately, insewerance companies have now realised that people will pay £800 a year so they're unlikely to drop too much here.


Lawyers here are already screaming "Prove it" at anything that stops easy whippy claims.


It's a disgrace, the insurance companies are still losing money because they're paying out more in claims and backhanders than they're getting in premiums, yet they themselves set the tariff for vehicles hired to replace damaged ones and they pay one hell of a lot more per day than the man off the street would pay walking into Avis or Hertz. For example, to hire a taxi plated Ford Galaxy it'll work out at over £200 per day because that's the rate they set. £1400+ a week. You can hire a bloody Porsche for that, yet the ins. companies happily leave drivers in hired vehicles for months on end whilst they argue about minor details like £20 fog lamp covers. I've seen lots of £20000+ bills for hired cabs to replace cars worth £1200.

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Whiplash claims which aren't linked to provable injuries (dislocated neck, etc.) should be completely disregarded by all parties. It is something which can be completely fabricated and as such, the people who actually have it will have to miss out due to the whims of the lying majority.


In any case, I'm told that in the vast majority of cases the doctor's advice is to take paracetamol for a few days and continue your life as normal - you can actually hurt your neck more by resting it. In that case, the total outlay for a claim should be a packet of paracetamol - not the few grand which seems to be dished out as default.

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I was hauling the petrol tank out the SD1 yesterday, which obviously involved a lot of rolling around on the ground. I stood up quickly but I hadn't notice the back door was open or I was lieing under it so got a full force SD1 judo chop to my back with the bottom of the door when I tried to stand up. It hurt, I swore. I think there's going to be a lot more swearing before it stops hurting.

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Your "accident" took place at one location, and your photos will be from another. Push the fact that she left the scene of the accident!

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I lost 14 months of my life to a whiplash injury I never got to claim for. Due to Fife polis mostly. Still makes my blood boil 11 years later, and my neck still plays up too.

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Your "accident" took place at one location, and your photos will be from another. Push the fact that she left the scene of the accident!




Buses round my way are all rigged up with cc'tv. Maybe they have some dangerous driving footage?


If all else fails do you have bitches addr etc. Leave it a couple of months and then stick loads of freeads etc up for desirable corsa, golf etc at special knocked down price "call after 11pm cos I work shifts init"


or post a cat turd in a jiffy bag once a week until you die / get bored of it.


people like this boil my piss and I have found that revenge is best served cool. I know of a couple of time wasting, thieving, abusive arsewipes who are on the receiving end of some light hearted tom foolery.. :twisted:

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re: reversing bitch


if her husbands a politzi - ring the station and ask to speak to the duty inspector, then tell him about the accident and the threats she uttered, she left the scene, her name and address, you think (in hindsight) she may have been pished, and then wait for her to be stopped on every conceivable occassion.


cat turds in envelopes are a sure-fire way to go to jail

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The same thing happened to me once, I was working for a motor factors at the time and was helping out by doing a delivery in one of the Citroen C15 vans, I pulled into a business park whilst following this really tatty F reg Mk3 Cavalier, as i turned the next corner the car suddenly stopped, the reverse light came one and the car just ploughed straight backwards into the front of me!.


I got out of the car and this local Turkish kebab shop owner got of of the car and started yelling at me telling me it was my fault!, Mean while i had radiator coolant running down the street as his tow bar went through the front bumper and through the rad.


Lucky as it was a works van i told him to speak to my manager and told him to fuck off, Even some guys at a garage opposite where it happened (It was there kebab he was delivering) saw him back into me.


I got back to work to find this twat had already rang my boss and started swearing at him down the phone saying it was my fault!.


I never did find out what happened at it was left to my works insurance to work out and no one ever spoke to me about it.

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re: reversing bitch


if her husbands a politzi - ring the station and ask to speak to the duty inspector, then tell him about the accident and the threats she uttered, she left the scene, her name and address, you think (in hindsight) she may have been pished, and then wait for her to be stopped on every conceivable occassion.


cat turds in envelopes are a sure-fire way to go to jail



+1. Chances are her husband isn't a cop. If he is, he's in the shit.

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Last September an old git opened his door into the side of my car as I was passing his - I was doing about 15 mph at the time. The miserable old sod refused to accept responsibility and cutting a v long story short, lawyers got involved and it went to court. It all got settled in my favour a couple of months ago. End of. Er, not quite. I've had 3 companies so far ring me up imploring me to allow them to pursue a claim for "a four figure sum" for injuries - whiplash etc. Despite explaining to them that it's not appropriate in this case, they still persist - "no cost at all to you sir". GRRR Bloody predators. :evil:

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if her husbands a politzi - ring the station ..............


What you think she was telling the truth then? :D


cat turds in envelopes are a sure-fire way to go to jail




^^^ that is no admission of guilt BTW I have never ever posted a cat turd to anyone, I did leave a burning brown paper bag on a door step once but then I was 10 at the time probably...


More recently my neighbour spent a summer slinging dog turds over our fence because of a spat she had with my other neighbour - go figure! Politzi couldn't have been less arsed if they tried. After spending all summer trying to reason with the foul mouthed cow I gave up and used a catapult to fire the bastards back at the side of her house. Obvious where they came from but Politzi never came knocking on my door. funnily enough turd slinging stopped shortly after but I did - quite literally - have a shit load of fun.


Anyway we had a street party when the mouth breather moved out, new neighbour was plagued with debt collection agencies for years after though :roll:

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This story has just reminded me of this video i saw the other day, You need to log into youtube to see due to some age restriction crap but it's a bit of an eye opener.


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