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The grumpy thread


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now im grumpy


where does London have to erect a statue of an international terrorist and war crimes suspect?



I say old boy, that's a bit strong. His Reaganness was a good friend of the U.K., and the Falklands thing is a red herring. The Yanks helped us out with kit and intel. The Russians watched the Falklands conflict with interest - first proper test of NATO power. Our boys re-took the F.I., on the other side of the Earth, and kicked Galtieri's arse up to his eyeballs. Without American intel we would have lost more of our brave servicemen.


I couldn't give a fuck about what Ronnie did in Central America. The place always was a shithole, and will remain thus. Blame the Spanish and their half-arsed attempt at Empire building

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now im grumpy


where does London have to erect a statue of an international terrorist and war crimes suspect?



I say old boy, that's a bit strong. His Reaganness was a good friend of the U.K.


not in the falklands war, and not when his government was arming the contras, iranians, the iraqis, the afghans and the mujahadeen while allowing the cia to sell heroin and cocaine.


if we must have a statue of a puppet I'd rather it was a fingerbob or muffin the mule

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Hey Ronnie Regan I'm black and I'm pagan, I'm gay and I'm left and I'm free. I'm a non fundamentalist enviromentalist, don't bother me.
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All is not lost - a stihl saw and a visit to EMR would sort it out. Might turn a tidy profit, and judging by his politics such enterprise would be condoned by himself too.

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Guess what? I'm not posting on the VOC Forum again unless people there fuck off and be less shit. The white 480 will be going in the frag sooner than planned, mainly out of spite. Or if I don't calm down I might just set fire to it.



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Guess what? I'm not posting on the VOC Forum again unless people there fuck off and be less shit. The white 480 will be going in the frag sooner than planned, mainly out of spite. Or if I don't calm down I might just set fire to it.



scrap the useless thing and as your last post on VOC show some pics of it being fragged!


More importantly, how is the 305 Carb saga?

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Guess what? I'm not posting on the VOC Forum again unless people there fuck off and be less shit. The white 480 will be going in the frag sooner than planned, mainly out of spite. Or if I don't calm down I might just set fire to it.



scrap the useless thing and as your last post on VOC show some pics of it being fragged!


More importantly, how is the 305 Carb saga?


Going nowhere. Not heard from your mate since Saturday, he can't find the carb and didn't seem keen on having me round to collect it. He can post it to me now, I needed the carb by Saturday at the latest because I wanted to take the 305 to the Retro Show. I'm a bit hacked off with B&M on here who offered me two carbs free, left me a postcode but not a phone number and then disappeared off the face of the earth.


I was seeing a mate in Kebroyd and popped over to his street, but no-one there would talk to me or knew who he was.


Conclusion = tragic.

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Oh, and in addition (to an otherwise amazing Sunday) the bloke from Retro Rides who wanted my Tamiya Mustang didn't call and didn't make any effort to collect it from me.


The only other bloke was someone who wanted it for 'his lad' and didn't want to pay me postage. Come on mate, play the game, the car's already cheap for what it is and you're getting a decent controller, why should I post it for nothing?


That might be going in the frag as well with the white 480 at this rate.

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^ you were at the retro show with a cheap RC car? NOW I'm grumpy too :(



ps, I found the carb manual - it was in the hotrod. Will scan soon, promise....

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Realising I've asked for this but still prefer not to hear any 'told you so' type comments:

Took the Frontender for an MOT this afternoon and left it for them to test. Walked back down a short while back and had that sort of impending sense of doom one sometimes gets.

My 'OMG' radar was spot on: they abandoned the test because the bastard is overheating. Hoping to God it's the thermostat or radiator, hadn't seen any signs of oil in water/water in oil and it seemed to run o.k so it's a fingers crossed job now. They're going to try again tomorrow afternoon and only start it when they have to.


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Was out in the Granada on Friday, and thought the brakes were a bit soft. Seemed familiar from my first one, those weren't up to much either. Today I looked at the reservoir... no fluid. Fortunately it worked enough on Friday to get me home and I haven't used it since.


Then our wives wonder why we have to have all these old cars lying about... Today I've been out in the X and the pickup. Case proved, m'lud.

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Think I have done something to the outside of my foot at football. Been sore on and off for last couple of months but took painkillers and ignored it. Tonight after foot could barely hobble and taking boot off was agony itself. Will have to be at the walk in centre for 7 30 tomorrow morning ...


Stupid boy...

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£30??? consider it sold then! Do you live anywhere near xbollox? failing that, I'm not a total cheapskate and well prepared to pay for postage.

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I've Just posted on Ovalchat,:

Not wishing to appear like an old fart, but shouldn't this be kept, and not raced? It's rare, and will be fairly easy to restore - and at £800 it's a lot of dough for something which will probably last two laps......just thinking aloud here.....

Let's see what response that gets....

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To be fair Bob it seems a few on there are interested in restoring it. It'd be a massive shame if that got raced.

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£30??? consider it sold then! Do you live anywhere near xbollox? failing that, I'm not a total cheapskate and well prepared to pay for postage.


I live fairly near Bol yeah. I can get it to him - are you bringing his Mazzer down? You can take eeeet on the way back.

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Cool. Either I'm bringing it to him, or I'm collecting it and storing until he comes to get it.

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Why are modern front wheel drive cars so overladden with traction control gizmos? I totally get that in an M3, 911 or even a wee MX-5 you might need traction control to keep the rear end in check in slippery conditions but does a 115bhp 1.6 Focus really need traction control? For that matter does my 170bhp A6 need it? My A6 is hopeless around corners even though it's the *sporty s-line with massive tyres.

I was driving down to my Dads the other day on a decent country road with no traffic so I thought I'd turn it off to see what happens. The car was totally different, less under steer, no bogging down when trying to accelerate out of corners and some actual feel through the steering wheel. In all about 110% better than with traction control switched on but all the time it's flashing a big stupid warning at me as if counting down to the car exploding.

I was watching 5th gear the other day and on the new focus you can't turn the traction contol off. Can someone explain the advantage of it to me in a FWD car other than making it impossible to pull away quickly from a roundabout in the wet? There's was a gazillion fwd escorts and cavaliers with just as much power that managed it for years with out exploding.



* rock hard ride

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If the car is heavy, it takes more traction to make it accelerate or change direction. Cars are now much heavier than when Cavaliers roamed the earth, they need much more help.


You may have noticed that safety is a key feature of cars today, traction control is a safety feature, I’m not buying a car without that safety feature, the car had better have the safety feature. Even if it makes the handling (a safety feature) worse.

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As with a lot of things on modern cars it just seems to have gone too far. Too heavy, to many computers, to many gadgets that go wrong. I understand why they're there for the 99% of the general public that doesn't really give a frig if it handles and just care that it looks purdy and they've got a 21 speaker stereo but it annoys me that under all that stuff is actually a good handling car that's quite hard to get at. Maybe I just don't like being told what to do even by my car, that's why I always pay my council tax 3 days late, which is enough to annoy them but not enough that they'll make me pay it all at once. I'm off to sit in my tinfoil hat for a while.

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My C4 is a foul modern car that weighs 1270kg with an empty tank. It hath no electronic safety features other than ABS. As we have found, this is a useful extra when twats in overladen 405 Estates pull out in front of you on the A14. Even the power steering is hydraulic as opposed to super light electric motor EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEURRRRRPPPPP.

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I was watching 5th gear the other day and on the new focus you can't turn the traction contol off.


Not a surprise. The ESP can't be switched off in a lot of cars. Where there is an off button, it merely dulls the system's sensitivity, still cutting in if it decides it's needed. Some cars can completely disable the system with a combination of button or pedal presses, although it still turns itself back on next time the car is started. The off buttons have already started disappearing. I would be surprised if any cars have an ESP off button in five years.


ESP will be mandatory on all new cars sold in the EU (and Australia) from November this year.

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ESP will be mandatory on all new cars sold in the EU (and Australia) from November this year.


I don't understand why FWD cars need ESP. They all have massive tyres and run negative scrub radius. If you have ABS you can't even get the fucking things out of shape by braking sharply into a bend.


The only thing I'd make mandatory safety wise is ABS. Then again if you have a younger generation subsequently getting into older cars, you'll have carnage on the road because they'll have learn to stamp on the pedal if you need to stop quickly, and will know fuck all about middle pedal modulation.


My first three cars didn't have ABS, and my fourth current daily does. It has definitely made me a lazier driver in my modern, but driving my older stuff in absence quickly sharpens me back up.

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