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The grumpy thread


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The only charger \ battery combo I can find on eBay is £70 and the seller can't guarantee it holds a charge because of its age. BALLS.


Looks like I'm stuck with a 1200 mAh battery too because the connectors are different on the ye olde Tamiyas than on their later stuff which also runs a higher voltage. I was hoping to furtively wedge a 1400 mAh stick in there and have done with it, but no can do.

You can prise the battery pack apart and buy a set of individual cells to replace them, then put the original connector back on.


I did this a few times when I was 12, about when the Sand Scorcher was in their current line-up. If you've got a soldering iron and you're not more cack handed than a 12 year old, it's easy.


I replaced the battery cells on my old Braun shaver a few months ago, they're soldered to tabs on the PCB so it's a skill for life :D


One slight problem - I don't have a battery pack that fits, at all. The battery it takes is 6V and all my stuff is 7.2v. If I changed the connectors would it be able to run a 7.2v?

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1. Ads on Photobucket. 'This ad will not affect your download'. So why has the fucking page crashed? Anything to do with the ad going out of sync and knackering up the bandwidth? Argh.



Firefox + Adblock Plus = win




I stopped using Photobucket last year when they turned it into some horrible social networking thing and appealing to thick twats who have never used a computer before. It takes about half a day to upload a photo now, and actually -retrieving- a photo takes well over a week. It used to do the job, but they always like to bloat things up with unnecessary features. Crap.

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When using the self-serve checkouts at Morrissons, why not put your handbag on the floor so that you're not trying to scan and pack with one hand, looking like a complete spakker. It would speed things up no end and prevent queues of tutting Tagora owners.




When using the self serve checkout at Morrissons, rather than trying to scan an object as if your rolling rock hard pastry, just lightly pass the item barcode down over the scanner, once. It actually means that it doesn't take twenty attempts and 5 minutes to scan each item therefore annoying any possible Simca owners waiting in the queue.


Twat on self-serve checkout:


Rather than chat to the Security Guard and Mildred from cold meats, with your back to the checkouts, a simple 180 degree turn and shutting of the gob will mean that you can attend to the four red flashing lights quickly and efficiently and therefore not hold up other busy shoppers who may or may not own a seventies Chrysler.

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Found that there's a big autocross event all but on my doorstep. They don't exactly publicise it - a splodgy sign near the airport tunnels in one direction, that's it.


Can't go because I'm at work.



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The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation. FUCKING WIMBLEDON. I am sick to death of having Sue Leatherface Barking Dog gawping at the camera everytime I forget and flip to 1 or 2. Yes we know Cliff Ricahrd fucked you, but you were a shit tennis player, yet the BBC puts you on as an expert. Auntie takes the piss with this every year, frequently having the SAME match on both 1 & 2, and then hours and hours of highlights. I want 1/26 ot my licence fee back.


Rupert Murdoch, if you're an Autoshiter and are reading this PLEASE PLEASE outbid the BBC for this SHITE, and lob it on Sky Sports 13.





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The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation. FUCKING WIMBLEDON. I am sick to death of having Sue Leatherface Barking Dog gawping at the camera everytime I forget and flip to 1 or 2. Yes we know Cliff Ricahrd fucked you, but you were a shit tennis player, yet the BBC puts you on as an expert. Auntie takes the piss with this every year, frequently having the SAME match on both 1 & 2, and then hours and hours of highlights. I want 1/26 ot my licence fee back.


Rupert Murdoch, if you're an Autoshiter and are reading this PLEASE PLEASE outbid the BBC for this SHITE, and lob it on Sky Sports 13.






^^^^^ that made me LOL :lol:

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One slight problem - I don't have a battery pack that fits, at all. The battery it takes is 6V and all my stuff is 7.2v. If I changed the connectors would it be able to run a 7.2v?

Ah, thought you had a 6V battery pack and connector. Then you can replace the cells inside the battery pack.


You'd still need a 6V charger of course. Can you make the whole lot 7.2V? Is there room for the extra cell?

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All I ask for:

"WLTS my car for anything AS LONG AS IT'S ROADWORTHY*!"


First offer:









(*ie ON THE FUCKING ROAD/NOT A BIRDCAGE WITH WHEELS although it does look fun)

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Who nicked the seats??? You can hire these in Paphos, we had one for half a day last year. They're a bit scary round town, but at least you can see to park! I can't see why anyone would want one in UK though, and I lived by the sea, with dunes even!

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If you are selling a car then the buyers want to see some freaking pictures ffs...


Txt'ing them to all and sundry isn't the answer - especially when your phone doesn't show them, just post the fuggin things with the advert then you don't need to

wonder why no one want to buy the damn thing. :roll:

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Got pulled at an ANPR roadblock today. Down in Oxfordshire, my car was flagged as No Owner, No Insurance, No Rfl. Despite having all three. Once everything checked out and I showed proof of everything to the copper (thank heavens for the smartphone) I was sent on my way. All very odd as I taxed the car online (which does all the above checks).


No disc in the window, which the copper wasn't bothered about in the slightest.

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I know i shouldn't be moaning but by christ is it hot today!, I'm in the garden trying to repair the wing on my Kadett whilst cleaning the Golf and i can feel my skin literally burning away. Not fun!

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Guest Len H
I know i shouldn't be moaning but by christ is it hot today!, I'm in the garden trying to repair the wing on my Kadett whilst cleaning the Golf and i can feel my skin literally burning away. Not fun!


Any thread about that, or pictures?

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You want to see burned flesh?? :shock:


I can't win with the temperature. My office has just had the AC serviced so now it's blowing ice-cold, but then three inches out of the door into the warehouse it hit 36 degrees. It was yucky.

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Trigger: it won't last, mate, sorry. Unlike here, where it's been too hot to step outside between 10.30am and 6.30 pm for the last three weeks! And, er, yeah, our summer normally lasts into October....


Not wishing to make anyone jealous like, or being ungrateful for what we have etc, I mean one of the reasons we moved was the weather....


(I was in the pool two hours ago, that's 8pm.....)

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We don't have that problem here in Northern Ireland. We know the summer has arrived here when the rain is slightly less cold.

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'Yeah, I'll DEFINATELY have it, consider it sold. Can't get there 'til next week, hold it for me I will give you full asking price'. {Mention a deposit as I'm holding fuck all on a promise} 'Oh yeah, I'll call you at 6.00pm to get your bank details and we'll go from there'. It's now 9.56pm and I've turned my phone off.


As had been said before I'm glad I don't have to sell things, it must be incredibly annoying if you were relying on money to pay a bill or eat.

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F***ING CORN ON THE COBS, why does it take 1/2 hour of attacking your jaws with a bastard swiss army knife after eating one, before all your teeth sit properly again, WHAT A JOKE

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F***ING CORN ON THE COBS, why does it take 1/2 hour of attacking your jaws with a bastard swiss army knife after eating one, before all your teeth sit properly again, WHAT A JOKE

You need to clear a line of corn out with your knife or fork first, then you can go round it a line of corn at a time, breaking them off at the base with your teeth without the outer seed coat of the kernel getting in between them - no problems!

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Hot weather - sent a mate a message earlier, he's in Mallorca or Majorca or somewhere that sounds a bit like a hellhole full of screaming british kids. Anyway, he's gone all that way and paid all that money and it's two degrees hotter in Lincoln than it is there. Hahahah!

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I think this Golf window is proving to be one of the worse jobs I've ever done, what a freakin PITA!, The first regulator i ordered of ebay turned up today, that doesn't fit :roll: , It was of a 3dr GTi which i thought would be the same but seems to lift higher and drop lower then the old one so i would end up smashing the glass on the A post...


I've just rang up VW, a new motor (mine has burned out) costs £267.12! and to make things worse i can't find one anywhere on da web, Fuck sticks!


So if anyone can find me a O/S/F electric window regulator or even just a motor for a 1994 Golf Cabriolet for sensible money then I'll owe you a beer!

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Can you make some sort of ghetto hybrid winder from the two that you've got? I imagine the travel on the mechanism is limited by the mech itself rather than the motor, so can you get the healthy motor off your GTi one and somehow get it to do the biz on your cabrio winder mechanism? I have no idea what a golf window mech looks like so this idea may be a non-starter. How about boshing up a couple of nice clear pics of the two mechanisms?

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so can you get the healthy motor off your GTi one and somehow get it to do the biz on your cabrio winder mechanism?


I did think about this, but the bobbin that the wire travels round on the motor is bigger on the GTi one then the Cabrio one meaning the motors wouldn't just swap over, I've had a bit more of a play and now it seems the glass stops in the right position meaning it misses the A post but still the bracket the glass bolts into hits the base of the door.


I've been on some website called breakeryard.com where you enter the parts you need and a scrappy will email you back if they got them, One has got back with a price of £25, I can't believe that this is right but if it is i might just order another, I'll have another play once it stops raining and I've finished painting the Kadett.

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I did think about this, but the bobbin that the wire travels round on the motor is bigger on the GTi one then the Cabrio one meaning the motors wouldn't just swap over, I've had a bit more of a play and now it seems the glass stops in the right position meaning it misses the A post but still the bracket the glass bolts into hits the base of the door.


I've been on some website called breakeryard.com where you enter the parts you need and a scrappy will email you back if they got them, One has got back with a price of £25, I can't believe that this is right but if it is i might just order another, I'll have another play once it stops raining and I've finished painting the Kadett.


If you reckon the only problem is the glass touching the bottom of the door, is there anything that can be done to limit the travel on it? It must have some sort of stop on the mechanism, if you can adjust that or add your own maybe you'll be back in buiness?


Alternatively for a more shite solution, stick a piece of 2 x 4 in the bottom of the door and just let it 'touch down' onto that instead. Drill through the bottom of the door frame and hold the 2 x 4 in place with a couple of nice big woodscrews, to stop any rattles when shutting the door and preserve that legendary VW build quality.

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