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The grumpy thread


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Just come downstairs after putting baby sporty to bed to find little miss toddler sporty dunking my phone in a large glass of orange cordial. Fucking thing's got a built in battery, so I can't de-power it, and have just has to listen as it sizzled itself to an uninsured, 15-months-of-contract-left, wet and sticky end.


FUCKING GREAT. As if I'm not skint enough, I'll have to go out and buy something to replace it tomorrow.

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As well as ports and phone networks, Mr Li Ka Shing also owns the electricity network that supplies London, East Anglia and the South East. And the gas supply to the North East. And Cambridge Water.


He has our country by the balls. Fortunately he seems a decent chap, so shouldn't squeeze!


Now back to pics of donkeys and midgets and wrestling :wink:

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Now back to pics of donkeys and midgets and wrestling


I remember when it was all pictures of Talbots, Datsuns, Rovers and Wartburgs around here....



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Now back to pics of donkeys and midgets and wrestling


I remember when it was all pictures of Talbots, Datsuns, Rovers and Wartburgs around here....











Edit. Lankytim has me beat!

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i went to local market this morning and spotted a lovely lathe, complete with tools and 3-phase convertor, i checked it over and agreed a price.

Went to the ATM about 500 yards away and when i returned with the cash someone was loading it in a van, having offered more money than me :evil:


Bet they paid more than the price you can get one new out of the box.

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Now back to pics of donkeys and midgets and wrestling


I remember when it was all pictures of Talbots, Datsuns, Rovers and Wartburgs around here....




Apologies on that score.

I exited Aldi behind two elderly ladies, one in a wheelchair, who made straight for the car beside mine.

Had they not been there I would have taken a photo to post here of their rather tatty grey XR4i but dare not upset them - they might have thought I was lining up to nick it.


See loads of interesting tat but always too slow to get pictures.

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Back O/T for a moment.


Went to look at a Ford KAned earlier with long test and a bit of tax for a few hundred quid. The poor girl selling it had wasted a grand on repairs including a new waterpump and HG. I honestly couldn't believe that it actually started at all, it was running badly on it's three remaining cylinders and blew all its coolant out of the expansion tank within 5 minutes. Told her to take it back to whoever charged her to fix it and demand a refund ASAP.

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I love that Landcrab / Donkey pic.


Shit, this is the wrong thread to be happy in.


Is that a GAZ 69?


Also, did you take that photograph?

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Is that a GAZ 69?


Also, did you take that photograph?


No, I think it's an ARO of some sort, and yes I took that photo. The bloke with the straggly hair is my tame Czech spannerman.


To bring it very slightly on topic it's in an area that had massive floods in Czech last September. Most of the village was underwater, the river banks in the area were all breached, and the Gaz was submerged in it.


This is a typical view of what anywhere near the river looks like.




A couple of weeks before I arrived all the buildings in this square were properly flooded.






. I know a fair few people out there who lost everything in their houses. The chap with the ARO, his house was flooded completely, upstairs and downstairs and he lives half way up the side of the valley. The ARO was parked by his kitchen window and was completely submerged.


Kinda makes taking a while choosing a car, or posting too many pictures in a post seem a bit lame, dunnit?

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Kinda makes taking a while choosing a car, or posting too many pictures in a post seem a bit lame, dunnit?


Yep. Also makes you wonder how British people would cope with something like that. I'd bet they wouldn't have the town square scrubbed up and looking like nothing happened and shops opening for business again after a few weeks... then again, there are few places here that look that nice and clean to begin with!

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Guest Leonard Hatred
Kinda makes taking a while choosing a car, or posting too many pictures in a post seem a bit lame, dunnit?


Car indecision and needless photo quoting is still worse.

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Low and behold "Ali" from Luton never turned up today to look at the Bora, I wouldn't mind so much if he just text me to say he wasn't coming, I did text him and he replied that he was waiting for his brother and would be around soon, back at 11.30 this morning. :roll:


Annoyingly it's cost me more money, The fuel pump had started to make a strange noise when you first started the car so I've bought a second hand pump of ebay for £50 (£270 new!) and got my dad to take the car to the garage quickly this morning to fit it thinking this bloke was coming today, I could have just fitted it myself saving another £20-30 odd quid in labour fees.


I have never had a car that been so hard to sell, I've had plenty of phone calls and texts but no-ones been to see it, They get put of when they find out it's due a cambelt but the cars cheap enough to allow for the belt, christ, I only want £2000 for it!

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Guest Leonard Hatred

Is it worth having the cambelt done just to make it more saleable?

Unfortunately saying it needs a cambelt soon rather than saying nothing at all is off-putting to a lot of people.

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I'd be willing to bet he sent a few text messages to various car sellers offering them a price before he'd seen their car. Whoever responded to the lowest price he'd offered would be the first he went to see.


In my experience the ones who offer a price before seeing the car are the most likely to be fucking timewasting idiots and they're also far more likely to try and chip you down even more when they get there. My theory is that they think if you'll come down by 'X' amount before they've even seen the car that you'll come down even more when they turn up with cash in their hand.

Bang it in Autotrader and if anyone does make an offer or ask what the lowest you'll take is simply ask them to turn up in person and discuss it when they've seen how nice the car is. This will route out a good 85% of the timewasters as the majority of these 'how much for cash' type people won't actually turn up at all.


Failing that if you sell the car send a text back to that moron and tell him he can have it for £1250 if he turns up withing 24 hours. Then turn your phone off and when he replies say you let it go for £800 because he didn't get back to you.

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I think it's the cambelt that slowing things up, It was last done that i know off back at 60000 miles, it's now done 125000 miles, I can get a belt kit for £70 plus another £80 labour to fit it (That's not inculding the water pump) but if i was to do that I'd be wanting £2250 for it and then I'll still keep getting knocked on that so i could end up even more out of pocket.

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Kinda makes taking a while choosing a car, or posting too many pictures in a post seem a bit lame, dunnit?


Car indecision and needless photo quoting is still worse.




I'm not sure what's worse actually, the fact that embedded photos get quoted or the fact that you and Bol won't bloody stop going on about it.

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So far Billy I've had lots of text and phone call offers of £1800 but no-ones made the effort of coming round to see it (Apart from that one guy who bought it then got killed).


My next port of action will be autotrader but that's £33 to list for two weeks, I've already spend £30 listing it on ebay for 2 months, This weekend is a free listing weekend so I'm a bit tempted to stick on the bay as a auction but with a reserve of £2000, Trouble is you just know I'll get messed around again.

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Not sure what it is with the punters round your way Trig, but if you were selling that car in the North West it would have been long gone. True, it would probably have ended up plying the minicab circuit up and down the A57, but a sale's a sale at the end of the day.

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Guest Leonard Hatred
Kinda makes taking a while choosing a car, or posting too many pictures in a post seem a bit lame, dunnit?


Car indecision and needless photo quoting is still worse.


I'm not sure what's worse actually, the fact that embedded photos get quoted or the fact that you and Bol won't bloody stop going on about it.


What about people going on about me going on about it?



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So far Jon everyone who has made contact has come from 'up north, I've had Ireland, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Manchester and Luton, It might explain why no-ones turned up yet though.

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