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The grumpy thread


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With orange peel the streets were strewn

and pips beyond computing,

on every sholder save my own,

'twas fractured from saluting.


Cats R bastards. Their only saving grace is the ability to purr. Ours irritate the shite out of me. Believe me, you could take a crap in the cat basket, it wouldn't bother them at all, they never bloody use it. Permanantly trying to get into my bed instead. Toilet. habits? Fussy AND disgusting. Won't use the tray if they are shut inside, put them out and they meow at the door until you let them in, and then take a big shit in the tray and stink the house out for a week. Nice sofa? Not for long, I haz claws..... My wife likes cats.


The water pistol trick works tho. Pisses them off no end.


Len - send her to the guys from CSI (on 't telly...) I saw recently they recovered data from a bit of a drive they found in the desert, using an electron microscope to reconstruct the data. It weas brill, it took like 5 seconds, and they had files and shit.....

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I bought one of those external HDD's a supa 1-TB thing. Thought it would be the dog's whatsits.

Unfortunately after moving everything onto it (due to new computer / old computer lurgi issues) the frigging USB port fell to pieces and I had to rip the fugga to bits to get the sata drive out of it to recover all my shit. DOH.

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I know nothing about computers really, My mate's into computers and made this HD, i know it's 500gb and it has a Icybox or something, I've just dragged and clicked all my music and Photos onto it, I'm not sure how you back up a computer onto it though.

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I've just sorted out a multi-site automatic backup solution (with the added benefit of being able to watch my pornography from anywhere in the world) - ironically that's what I needed the "spare" hard drive for that I've just wiped.

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I'm not sure how you back up a computer onto it though.


oh, it's easy, you put it in reverse, look over your left sholder and let the clutch up....

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I know nothing about computers really, My mate's into computers and made this HD, i know it's 500gb and it has a Icybox or something, I've just dragged and clicked all my music and Photos onto it, I'm not sure how you back up a computer onto it though.


That's all I've done! I reason that the operating stuff can be replaced if something critical goes wrong, but my music/photos would be a bigger challenge.

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I did suggest that to her, but she's far too terrified of losing the images. I think this 'recovery expert' has put the fear of death into her, saying that there's only one chance to recover the disk, disturbing it will destroy it, and so on.


Bollocks. It's an airtight sealed box, so taking the cover off will royally screw it but anything else is fine. You can change the circuit board on the bottom because it doesn't expose any "holes" in the casing, it's still sealed. Worst case is it doesn't fix the problem, nothing lost.


Does it spin and clunk when you plug it into a computer? Or totally silent?


They aren't airtight - there is a breathing port fitted with a filter to keep crap out.

There are tons of videos on YouTube with them opened up and running

is not the one I was looking for that has XP booting and running from it until the guy borks it totally by scoring it with a screwdriver (deliberately)
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Tim, zoflora disinfectant is good for keeping the cats from shitiing on your pad. Just water it down in a handspray, and spray wherever they've being going.


Worked in our garden after the fat bint two doors up moved in with a load of cats who never see the inside of her house.

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Yeah they have a breathing hole, but it's filtered so water still won't get in. It's also a higher grade of filter than you'll see anywhere outside a hospital.

You can't run them for more than about 30 seconds with the top off - the gap between the head and the platter is smaller than an airborne dust particle so the first time dust/fluff/a hair/a fingerprint gets on the disk, it rips the head off.

I made some for training our engineers, replaced the lid with clear perspex. Even then most of them die within the day, as soon as you open then up outside a clean room they just go apeshit.

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My car is still fugging b0rked and I need to contemplate doing some work sometime soon.


HBOL - alternator, 2-spanner rating. Should be ok, right?


Chapter A - removal of alternator

* Mark belt position & unspanner alternator

* Remove belt (recommended - remove viscous fan - refer to chapter X


Chapter X - removal of viscous fan

* Undo bits n, o & p

* (Recommended - remove large swathes of power steering gubbins, moar belts etc - refer to chapter Y)


Chapter Y

* recommended - drain down and remove most of cooling system - see chapter Z


Chapter Z

* Hurl the fugging book across the drive. Chuck tools in box. Go indoors and sob uncontrollably at your mechanical ineptitude you fucking imbecile.


(I may not have actually read chapter Z)

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My car is still fugging b0rked and I need to contemplate doing some work sometime soon.


HBOL - alternator, 2-spanner rating. Should be ok, right?


Chapter A - removal of alternator

* Mark belt position & unspanner alternator

* Remove belt (recommended - remove viscous fan - refer to chapter X


Chapter X - removal of viscous fan

* Undo bits n, o & p

* (Recommended - remove large swathes of power steering gubbins, moar belts etc - refer to chapter Y)


Chapter Y

* recommended - drain down and remove most of cooling system - see chapter Z


Chapter Z

* Hurl the fugging book across the drive. Chuck tools in box. Go indoors and sob uncontrollably at your mechanical ineptitude you fucking imbecile.


(I may not have actually read chapter Z)


Solution - flog the Galaxy, buy Allegro :D

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*Not galaxy related.


(You can't even get a fricking book of lies for one of those! I need to change some fuses on that, but fuck knows where they hide them)

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Yeah I got tricked into the HBOL "this bit is easy - oh by the way you'll need a degree in mechanical engineering, and a fully equipped workshop for the prerequisites" shit too.

I've stopped buying Haynes manuals, I just google it all now.

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Shitty BBC shows about Italian detectives in which the Italians speak with Yorkshire accents and only about 30 seconds of it was filmed in Italy.


I can't believe my license fee went on this shit.


Well, i'm watching it and I dont speak italian so i am prepared to look past the odd Yorkshire accent. I think its a pretty decent programme so chew on that! though not a patch on Wallander (swedish language version) of course.

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Yeah I got tricked into the HBOL "this bit is easy - oh by the way you'll need a degree in mechanical engineering, and a fully equipped workshop for the prerequisites" shit too.

I've stopped buying Haynes manuals, I just google it all now.


I bought two Haynes manuals today. Both written by Mr J.H.Haynes. I find these ones quite good. :wink:

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Yeah they have a breathing hole, but it's filtered so water still won't get in. It's also a higher grade of filter than you'll see anywhere outside a hospital.

You can't run them for more than about 30 seconds with the top off - the gap between the head and the platter is smaller than an airborne dust particle so the first time dust/fluff/a hair/a fingerprint gets on the disk, it rips the head off.

I made some for training our engineers, replaced the lid with clear perspex. Even then most of them die within the day, as soon as you open then up outside a clean room they just go apeshit.


Any amount of them running for ages, on of them for three years -

was one of those I saw a while back. I had always understood that taking the top of was the end for them with o way back.
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The clutch has finally packed up on the Discovery.Doubtful Paddocks will be open tomorrow as it's a bank holiday.By the sound of it the fingers on the cover plate have either broken or lost their springiness.I replaced the fork a couple of years ago with a genuine LR part so I hope that isn't borked again.

Two tonnes of Land Rover is not the best of vehicles to drive three miles without a clutch but it's now home and the only other legal car I have is four miles away and not on a bus route.I was hoping the clutch would last a couple more days so I could use my mate's dry,draft free shed.Three trolley jacks on the drive it is then.I R not happy.

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One method is to buy, borrow or steal an identical drive and swap the circuit board. I did this a few times for customers who'd lost things like baby and wedding photos, before we were doing it officially. It gave me a warm glow. It needs to be identical though....


Bit of a gamble that. It certainly can work and we used to do it for customers quite regularly.


Unfortunately a number of manufacturers started writing information to the front end of the drive which pairs the mechanics to the actual controller card the drive was shipped with. Substituting a card from an identical model (even one with the exact same firmware revision) can potentially scupper any chances of subsequent data recovery - even if the original problem was electronic and the mechanics and platters were intact.


I thought this was just data recovery outfits trying to frighten folk off having a go themselves, but I have seen it happen on a number of drives over the past few years. One of which was mine. Was it backed up? Was it bollocks.

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My dad turned up today with yet another laptop my 14 year old sister had managed to bust. The 3rd in 9 months, if I remember right.



This one lasted 6 weeks before she managed to snap all 3 USB ports off, one by one over the by (i assume) dropping it with the 3g dongle in. The hard drive is full of bad sectors (I assume due to her dropping it) and it's generally fucked out. £400 worth of laptop lasted 6 weeks. The last two died of similar injuries (One dropped while on charge, landed on the plug and snapped the corner off the motherboard, and the other she dropped and bust the screen, but by this time the keyboard was missing a dozen keys and she broke the charger by resting some hair straighteners on it, which melted through the case)

Her mum keeps buying her new ones because she claims she needs it for school work, but when looking for anything to transfer over I couldn't find a single document that was modified since the laptop was new. Add/remove programs shows that microsoft word and the like have never been opened. I got nosy and found she's never even once searched for anything on google/bing/yahoo apart from searching for "limewire" and "mesenger plus" (her spelling) the first day she got it. After that, there are no other websites in the history other than facebook.


I've had this to bits and it's got a keyboard full of cola so only half the keys work, the screen is scratched all over, the cd tray is snapped and all 3 of the USB ports are bent and cracked.


I "should" fix this one for her by soldering some new USB ports on (I can't get hold of the proper ones so the replacements will stick out and be even more fragile) but it won't last more than a few days but it just seems pointless. it'll be broken completely beyond repair in a few weeks.

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Mike, you'll need to revise that downwards in price. I got a very similar one to that (also a Tosh) but with an X2 64 and 2 GB RAM for £120 in Nov.




Good luck though - you never know with eBay!

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I fear you could be right, I have a work mate who's offered me £200 for it but won't have the cash until next week so if it doesn't met it's reserve then it's no great loss.

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Speaking of laptops, my other half has an FSC Amilo Pro (the one with the metal lower case), which she absolutely refuses to part with. It's only the charging socket that's broken, along with a couple of tiny surface mount capacitors, and a tiny tranformer. All that because it got dragged over onto the floor. Annoyingly, all the bits are on a corner of the motherboard, not a sub-board (which would have been the way I'd have designed it).

Thing is, it's turning out to be near enough impossible to fix. Any time I find a broken Amilo Pro on t'bay, it's either not worth the gamble, or broken the same way. It's quite grump inducing, when I come to think of it.

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The only car I spent 'proper' money on is my Girlfriends Aygo I got for her 2 months ago. A one elderly owner '56' plate Sport 5 door, 15k miles with full Toyota history stamped up till 3 weeks before I bought it, aircon alloys etc. I happily gave 4k for it, especially due to its 'out the box' condition.


Yesterday found someone has keyed down the drivers door, fucking deep too :roll::x:cry:

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Two tonnes of Land Rover is not the best of vehicles to drive three miles without a clutch

It's one of the finest; I took my 109 V8 from St Albans to Luton (through Luton traffic) with a knackered clutch slave cylinder. Loads of torque and synchro on all the gears means you can go almost anywhere in 2nd gear and it slips nicely through the other gears.


I guess you know this but just in case....


- Make sure your battery is fully charged before you start.

- Going up the gears, pull it into neutral, lift off the throttle and up into the next gear. You've got to hang onto the gear lever a bit and it'll slot in when the revs are right.

- Going down the gears, pull it into neutral, blip the throttle and slide it into gear. As before, push on the lever and it'll slot in when the revs are right. If you have to rev it like a Saxo driver, you were going too fast. Change down to 2nd when you're at about 1500rpm or less in 3rd etc.

- If you have to stop, knock it into neutral and coast to a halt, then switch the engine off. Put it into first gear, gently squeeze the accelerator and turn the key; you'll be going down the road in first gear before you know it.

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