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The grumpy thread


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As discussed previously (numerous times) the ebay thread has always included non-ebay cars and it is something that just happens on here. Renaming it would just cause more arguments.




Hence it is in the instructions on the first stickied post that asks people to read before posting. From the same thread



Nothing personal to you or any mods,you all fight a battle regardless of what you do.
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The Facebook app.

Yes I know, Facebook is for single cell amoebas. In my defense it's for keeping tabs on two car clubs and whatever shit my work mate Jon tags me in.


15 minute video on YouTube, 0% battery use.


Replying to a post on Facebook, literally 2 minutes, 2% battery gone.


How does that work??


Shite optimisation I'm guessing.


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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Okay...now my web server has decided to lose interest in communicating with the outside world.


Apache is running, the firewall is configured properly, as is port forwarding on the router, but it's not even responding to http requests on the local network.


This is the latest in a string of things the software install on that machine has done to irritate me. Currently it's got CentOS on (recommendation from a few friends), but I reckon I'm just going to toss Debian on it to sort this - reason being that having used it for 11 years, I know my way around it far better.


It's currently cowering in the corner...it will be working before I go to bed. Or else.

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Okay...now my web server has decided to lose interest in communicating with the outside world.


Apache is running, the firewall is configured properly, as is port forwarding on the router, but it's not even responding to http requests on the local network.


This is the latest in a string of things the software install on that machine has done to irritate me. Currently it's got CentOS on (recommendation from a few friends), but I reckon I'm just going to toss Debian on it to sort this - reason being that having used it for 11 years, I know my way around it far better.


It's currently cowering in the corner...it will be working before I go to bed. Or else.


I seem to recall this is not the first time your server decided to have relationship issues with the outside world...


only problem is I cant recall what you did to fix it... (yeah I know thats Real useful.... :mrgreen: )


BTW if its any condolence


one of my Uncles had a stroke a few years ago and he was able to return to work within a month or so


so I would say its not time to flog the Xantia just yet :)

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To the FUCKING THUNDERCUNT in the dark grey BMW who lost control showing off and slammed into another innocent person and my own car today before flooring it away, I hope you wake one morning to your balls being introduced to a fucking belt sander after being dossed in salt.


Drove away thankfully as did the other person but got a knock now from the front end where it was hit, and being a 1994 k11 no fucker will repair it,  Like fuck if i even have the money anyway.

Did you get his registration , 6 points for leaving without giving you his insurance details

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Caught a cold. That'll be with me for the entire weekend now. Fun times.

Wanna swap?

I'll have your cold, you do my shit depressing job?


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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I seem to recall this is not the first time your server decided to have relationship issues with the outside world...


only problem is I cant recall what you did to fix it... (yeah I know thats Real useful.... :mrgreen: )


BTW if its any condolence


one of my Uncles had a stroke a few years ago and he was able to return to work within a month or so


so I would say its not time to flog the Xantia just yet :)

That was the old server I think, which was primarily held together by will power and duct tape. This one actually had things configured "properly" yet has proven somewhat annoying from square one. Just haven't been able to get along with CentOS to be honest. It's just different enough to Debian/Ubuntu/Mint etc that I'm used to that I keep finding myself scratching my head. Sure it makes sense for a larger enterprise installation, but is overkill for my application really.


Let's just stick with what I know.


...though the temptation to have some utterly inappropriate hardware doing it is strong. I did have a web server set up on the old Toshiba portable one day purely for giggles and to prove it could be done. Pretty sure I've got web server software floating around somewhere for the Amiga too...albeit that is currently network-less because the network card randomly died a while back.

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To the cunt driving a Prestons of Potto truck on the M1 near J29 - yeah mate, feel free to rear end me. It's not my fault the traffic queue off at 29 is so long. Perhaps you should look ahead and anticipate what the fuck is happening and move into lane two you dickhead.

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Im back to full time work after having the summer off.


A new colleague has joined us - technically a former colleague - as they were hear a few years ago and have come back.


I share a small office with them [and another]. The problem is that they are very, very fat (got to be at least 25 stone) and they stink. Not b.o., more like a rotting smell. Anyway they also slather themselves in perfume,  which is even more annoying as it makes wheezy. The room honks.


Not sure how to deal with it - jobs too good to leave!!!

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Im back to full time work after having the summer off.


A new colleague has joined us - technically a former colleague - as they were hear a few years ago and have come back.


I share a small office with them [and another]. The problem is that they are very, very fat (got to be at least 25 stone) and they stink. Not b.o., more like a rotting smell. Anyway they also slather themselves in perfume, which is even more annoying as it makes wheezy. The room honks.


Not sure how to deal with it - jobs too good to leave!!!

Eat lots of curries and fart violently and regularly. They'll soon ask for a decent extractor fan in the office!

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That was the old server I think, which was primarily held together by will power and duct tape. This one actually had things configured "properly" yet has proven somewhat annoying from square one. Just haven't been able to get along with CentOS to be honest. It's just different enough to Debian/Ubuntu/Mint etc that I'm used to that I keep finding myself scratching my head. Sure it makes sense for a larger enterprise installation, but is overkill for my application really.


Let's just stick with what I know.


...though the temptation to have some utterly inappropriate hardware doing it is strong. I did have a web server set up on the old Toshiba portable one day purely for giggles and to prove it could be done. Pretty sure I've got web server software floating around somewhere for the Amiga too...albeit that is currently network-less because the network card randomly died a while back.


theres always the Beige PowerMac if you want to a RISC *badum tiss*   :mrgreen: (but if you want to get Debian running on that its going to need at least 96MB of RAM rather then the 32MB it has currently)


if for nothing else just to witness how Debian Chest-bursts its way out of Mac OS :) (you can do it manually from the desktop too dosent have to be mid boot)


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Glad you have some news regarding your husband, I hope that things continue to improve from here on in.


Thinking practically,Re mortgage/bills etc, it may be worth phoning the relevant companies to advise re the situation?


I have a friend who was able to have his mortgage altered to reduce outgoings when the company were notified of his health issues.


Additionally, if there is any 'income protection' or critical illness cover in place it'd be worth checking that out also.

Also the stroke association will probably have a local liaison officer once he gets home. Wife did it before she got ME and spent her days battling to get people what they were entitled

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theres always the Beige PowerMac if you want to a RISC *badum tiss*   :mrgreen: (but if you want to get Debian running on that its going to need at least 96MB of RAM rather then the 32MB it has currently)


if for nothing else just to witness how Debian Chest-bursts its way out of Mac OS :) (you can do it manually from the desktop too dosent have to be mid boot)

If I was going to muck around with a Risc based solution I'd figure out something to use one of the Acorn machines...The A7000 probably being the easiest to wrangle into doing something like that.  Just using an OS that's been designed to run on a RISC based machine from the ground up seems easier!


...That and it's been far too darned long since I really got my hands dirty with any of those machines.  Nor the Amiga to be honest either...It's mostly been just backing discs up for what feels like forever.

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Also the stroke association will probably have a local liaison officer once he gets home. Wife did it before she got ME and spent her days battling to get people what they were entitled


We will definitely be looking into things like that once he's back in the country.  At this point in time though we've no idea what level of support is going to be needed.  Heck, they've not even confirmed to us for definite that it was actually a stroke yet!

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To the FUCKING THUNDERCUNT in the dark grey BMW who lost control showing off and slammed into another innocent person and my own car today before flooring it away, I hope you wake one morning to your balls being introduced to a fucking belt sander after being dossed in salt.


Drove away thankfully as did the other person but got a knock now from the front end where it was hit, and being a 1994 k11 no fucker will repair it,  Like fuck if i even have the money anyway.



What parts do you need? Where was it hit? Really shit to hear. I'll keep a look out for what ever you need.

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Sometimes on a long drive I award medals, mentally, for outstanding behaviour. By outstanding I obviously mean eye-twitchingly rage-inducingly terrible.


I thought the Lycra Clad Wanker had it nailed early on. Full on racing bike, streamlined helmet etc.... On the FUCKING M40. Now I've seen pedestrians on there before and sometimes it's likely foreign people with no knowledge of the rules of a motorway (no walking, no picnics, no pitching of tents etc) but this guy was mid to late 40s, all the gear, doing the Tour de Fucking Cherwell Valley. He'd triggered about five miles of 50 limit "Report of Pedestrians" too.


But no.


In my head I had to rip it out of his hands, mid acceptance speech, when I found the cause of the A43 tailback.


A Fiat Punto with its hazards on, in lane 2. Must have been done sudden and serious FTP, right? As we squeezed past, cars edging onto the rumble strips to let L2 traffic to straddle the white line, we got a good view of the problem. Chummy boy was FIXING HIS WINDSCREEN WIPERS.


Admittedly it was drizzling but that road has laybys every couple of miles, and a massive flat grassed area next to lane 1. This bellend much preferred the idea of simply stopping in the right hand lane, popping his hazards of invincibility on and fettling his car right there. Oh, and it was under an overbridge.... I'm almost convinced he did it there to keep dry.


Presumably if time allows tonorrow he'll be found replacing a headlight bulb with his car parked diagonally across the M6.

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I flashed a lady in some sort of people carrier thing to come into my lane on a dual carriageway today. She pulled in to the lane, then stopped. Just right in my fucking lane, fifty yards from the green traffic lights.

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A Fiat Punto with its hazards on, in lane 2. Must have been done sudden and serious FTP, right? As we squeezed past, cars edging onto the rumble strips to let L2 traffic to straddle the white line, we got a good view of the problem. Chummy boy was FIXING HIS WINDSCREEN WIPERS.


Admittedly it was drizzling but that road has laybys every couple of miles, and a massive flat grassed area next to lane 1. This bellend much preferred the idea of simply stopping in the right hand lane, popping his hazards of invincibility on and fettling his car right there. Oh, and it was under an overbridge.... I'm almost convinced he did it there to keep dry.


Presumably if time allows tonorrow he'll be found replacing a headlight bulb with his car parked diagonally across the M6.



Fucking hell!


Not quite as bad, but the other week I was driving the Talbot back home from Rotherham, M1 southbound on a Sunday afternoon. There was 30 limit "OBSTRUCTION" signs up. Usually there's nothing, but this time there was a Peugeot 308 parked in lane 1 and the driver was stood behind a toddler who was having a piss up against the barrier. They were on the danger side of the barrier.


This happened almost directly under the sign indicating J29a was 1/2 a mile away.

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2hrs stuck on the M23! Apologies to all those behind me when the van decided running at idle was a perfect opportunity to practise James Bond style smoke screens that would have made an ex mini cab diesel 305 jealous.

I'm hoping by tomorrow it will have healed itself.

At least with the CB I could confirm that the traffic jam stretched several miles :(

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Darwin’s theories in action.......


They can't have one of his awards though as they've manged to breed already.



There really shoud be an IQ test for breeding.

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Im back to full time work after having the summer off.


A new colleague has joined us - technically a former colleague - as they were hear a few years ago and have come back.


I share a small office with them [and another]. The problem is that they are very, very fat (got to be at least 25 stone) and they stink. Not b.o., more like a rotting smell. Anyway they also slather themselves in perfume,  which is even more annoying as it makes wheezy. The room honks.


Not sure how to deal with it - jobs too good to leave!!!

Difficult one , can you think of any songs with the line " sweaty arse crack " start singing it then they might get the subliminal message without you having to confront them

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