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Abelw44's XJ8 Sov 4.0


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Apologies chaps, haven't been able to get to a computer to update the list, and Tapatalk doesn't seem to like doing it..


Yes, the car is just outside Oxford, near Woodstock. Can collect from local train stations if necessary


Will update ticket list ASAP


Sent from my TA-1024 using Tapatalk

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Yes, the car is just outside Oxford, near Woodstock. Can collect from local train stations if necessary



Sent from my TA-1024 using Tapatalk

Just don't miss the last bus to Woodstock, it didn't work out very well in Inspector Morse if I remember correctly

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This is one raffle that I won't be entering as I already have an XJ8.

I do however encourage you all to buy tickets as without shadow of a doubt, they are quite superb motor cars.

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Right then,


Apologies for the absurdly long time it's taken me to update this list, but I have only just got to a computer to do it!


I think we're all up to date now, but do shout if I've missed you out and I'll add you on!


In the mean time, buy more tickets, tell your friends to buy tickets, tell members of the general public to buy tickets - anyone!


You know you want it, imagine the feeling of swanning about in your £13.50 XJ8! Wafting down to the pub for a pint, sitting in a sumptuous leather seat whilst the steam billows out and you wait for the RAC man, claiming to have "left your wallet in the Jaaaaaaag" while out for dinner - all these unmissable experiences for a meagre 13 and a half squids! Come on folks, one foot in front of the other, your body'll follow - they call it walkin! If you don't see value 'ere today, you've not come up 'ere shoppin' and so on and so forth...


Get buying those tickets please!




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Think I’ve dropped off the list. Bang me in for a random please.


Consider yourself fully randoms - apologies for missing you, not sure how I managed that!




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Come on then chaps and chapesses, roll up, roll up, let's get this barge shifted onwards!


She's sat here doing nothing, looking sad, needs a new owner to cherish her and waft along in her.


Just think how much the school run, the morning commute and nipping to the shops will all be improved by doing them in a V8 Jaaaag...


Get yourselves some tickets people!





Sent from my TA-1024 using Tapatalk

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I can certainly recommend Jag ownership. My life has significantly improved since becoming a custodian of such a fine marque. The social scale of which one can be perceived varies greatly from parking outside a B&M where you will be seen as a council estate millionaire to parking outside a stately home where you would be taken for being minted, eccentric and slightly mad.

Surrounded by leather and wood makes for a driving environment that is everything that is detached from the stresses of the road.

£13.50 for stress relief and an alter ego. Bargain!

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Would the collective AS assembly think harshly of me if I won and bought Chrome arches to cover the rusty wing?


(Is that knife sharpening I can hear?)


What if I rubbed them down and painted them body colour?


Matt black?


NATO green?

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